5 research outputs found

    IoT Smart Device for e-Learning Content Sharing on Hybrid Cloud Environment

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    Centralized e-Learning technology has dominated the learning ecosystem that brings a lot of potential usage on media rich learning materials. However, the centralized architecture has their own constraint to support large number of users for accessing large size of learning contents. On the other hand, Content Delivery Network (CDN) solution which relies on distributed architecture provides an alternative solution to eliminate  bottleneck  access.  Although  CDN  is   an  effective solution, the implementation of technology is expensive and has less impact for student who lives in limited or non-existence internet access in geographical area. In this paper, we introduce an IoT smart device to provide e-Learning access for content sharing on hybrid cloud environment with distributed peer-to- peer communication solution for data synchronization and updates. The IoT smart device acts as an intermediate device between user and cloud services, and provides content sharing solution without fully depending on the cloud server

    Impact of Cloud Computing in E-Learning: A Study

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    Objectives: Increase in the demand of e-learning initiate the need of cloud based e-learning. Review of all cloud based e-learning systems is provided which can be used to develop better e-learning systems. Method/Analysis: E-learning is less steep and easy way to study and discover but still due to need of lot of IT capabilities and infrastructure it is still not so famous in India, with the exploit of cloud computing it can be made more accessible and constructive. A wide survey has been carrying out with more than sixty papers. Each paper was studied in detail and their shortcomings were analysed to give a better idea what to do in future. Findings: It was pragmatic that e-learning solutions are several but cloud based solutions have many shortcomings like sanctuary, contents, services etc. which needs to be addressed. Improvement: While a lot of papers have been studied but still additional papers can be consider and a system can be created in future based on the interpretation of the systems

    Network-based autonomous and cooperative learning : self-organised learning environments in a junior high school in China

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    PhD ThesisResearch in the field of Self Organised Learning Environments (SOLEs) has investigated a wide range of aspects of this approach to learning and teaching, including its application in vocational education and training, and the implications for educational strategies, metacognition, and child development. However, there has been relatively little research into how SOLEs can be used to improve learning outcomes within a traditional and exam-oriented teaching environment in China, and for a range of school subjects. This study seeks to address this gap by investigating how a SOLE can be integrated into the curricula for history and maths in a Chinese junior high school. The study was conducted in Xining, a North-western Chinese city with limited educational resources and management systems. The study involved a class in the Eighth-grade with 58 students as the SOLE group, and another two classes which were taught by same history and maths teachers as a control group. Twenty history and twenty maths SOLE classes were conducted over nine months in two semesters. Data was gathered from students and students’ guardians using questionnaires, and from students and teachers by means of semi-structured interviews, after-class diary forms, and homework assessments. Other data included classroom observation notes, and the results of three examinations. Results suggest that most students enjoyed developing their knowledge of history in the SOLEs, and made progress in history scores. In addition, students enjoyed doing geometrical tasks much more than algebraic tasks in the SOLEs, but they were not able to improve their maths scores in the exams after using the SOLE in comparison with the non-SOLE classes. In order to make effective use of the Internet-based learning environments, participants in this SOLE study had to take on new roles, and the results suggest that both teachers and students adapted well to this requirement. There was also evidence that students can learn effectively with teacher support in a task-oriented interaction in a SOLE. The effectiveness of this approach varied between history and maths classes. This was partly linked to the existence of, iv and the ability to locate, suitable online resources, though it may also have been linked to the greater dependence on scaffolding for particular subjects. These findings suggest the need for further research in larger scale studies over a broader range of school subjects, and in other educational contexts

    Factors impeding the usage of elearning at a telecommunication organization in South Africa: bridging the gap with cloud services

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    With the enormous competition in the industry, organizations must frequently find better ways to embrace organizational learning. This research study advocates eLearning to be one of the best methods for organizational learning, and this is the study’s main area of interest. This research explored a case at a telecommunication organization named ComTek (pseudonym). The research study addressed a problem of eLearning low usage rate, which resulted in ComTek not meeting their set learning targets during the time of the study. The usage rate was measured using the number of enrolled assessments. The study uses qualitative methods to propose a conceptual framework to understand the causes of low eLearning usage. This conceptual framework illustrated the use of the activity theory elements to understand the problem of eLearning low usage, paired with the use of cloud computing services to access eLearning, and the use of content delivery techniques to help understand eLearning low usage. This conceptual framework took advantage of cloud services like Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). This research study focused on the periods from 2016 to 2017 for collecting data and creating an understanding of the research setting, while other data was derived from historical documents about the phenomenon studied. During this period, there was inadequate literature about cloud computing and other aspects to consider within the domain of telecommunication organizations. The literature study, therefore, comprised of literature from different domains. During the study, ComTek used eLearning with the aid of learning management systems (LMS) to manage learning and leverage employee skills. During the period of the study compared to other years, about 50% of assessments had a usage rate of below 80%, a standard target established by ComTek as a benchmark, placing compliance and training at a low rate. Of the 50% of assessments, some were just above 40% in usage rate, were of a high stake, and were in the categories of compliance and training iv assessments. While this was the case, this study did not consider the technical implementation of the application systems involved, and did not create any form of intervention, but focused on understanding the activities that were involved in the learning environment. This research study used a paradigm that was constructive and interpretive in nature, using qualitative methods with the belief that there were multiple realities in understanding the situation at ComTek and possible solutions to it. To unpack the multiple realities, an exploratory case study was conducted as a research approach. In this study, the researcher used multiple data collection methods, including open-ended questionnaires and unstructured interviews.School of Computin

    Entornos personales de Aprendizaje Móvil (mPLE) en la Educación Superior

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    [ES]A nivel universitario, los entornos personales de aprendizaje surgen como una alternativa para solventar las deficiencias de las plataformas de aprendizaje institucionales, al ser espacios educativos centrados en el estudiante y potenciados por las tecnologías de la información y comunicación, y que facilitan el aprendizaje informal. Sin embargo la mayoría de investigaciones publicadas se basan únicamente en el uso de ordenadores sin tomar en cuenta los contextos móviles ampliamente usados a nivel mundial. En este sentido, el objetivo del presente trabajo de investigación es diseñar, implementar y evaluar la integración de Entornos Personales de Aprendizaje Móviles (mPLE) en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje en la carrera de Ingeniería en Sistemas y Computación de la Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo (Ecuador), con el fin de mejorar el nivel y la experiencia de aprendizaje en los estudiantes. Desde el punto de vista metodológico corresponde a un modelo de investigación mixto, donde se integra el enfoque cuantitativo y cualitativo para el tratamiento de la información. Así, en la parte cuantitativa se utilizan cuestionarios previamente validados, que se han aplicado a estudiantes de manera presencial y online, cuyos resultados han permitido comprobar las hipótesis de investigación planteadas. En la parte cualitativa se trabajó por medio de entrevistas realizadas en grupos focales para conocer las expectativas de los estudiantes acerca de la incorporación de los mPLE en su aprendizaje, así como las ventajas y desventajas de estas innovaciones. Los resultados muestran diferencias significativas en cuanto a los niveles del aprendizaje alcanzado entre quienes trabajaron con estos nuevos entornos educativos y quienes no lo hicieron, así como también sobre las percepciones de aprendizaje en términos de autonomía, flexibilidad, interacción y movilidad. En conclusión el diseño e implementación de los mPLE en el colectivo universitario estudiado incide positivamente tanto en sus niveles de aprendizaje como en las experiencias de aprendizaje percibidas