23 research outputs found

    E-Learning, ensino superior e inovação: análise longitudinal dos processos de adopção de LMS na Universidade de Lisboa

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    O presente artigo descreve, sob uma perspectiva longitudinal o processo de adoção de plataformas learning management system no contexto do ensino superior português: tomando como exemplo o processo de implementação e de disseminação de tais sistemas na Universidade de Lisboa entre os anos lectivos de 2008/09 e 2012/13. Dados dos relatórios do sistema associados a cada uma das diferentes áreas científicas - organizadoras das 11 faculdades e institutos- bem como à globalidade da Universidade são apresentados e discutidos. A teoria de difusão da informação de Rogers (2003) é mobilizada como quadro teórico explicativo das diferentes etapas e ritmos encontrados no processo em estudo.Through a longitudinal perspective, this article describes the process of the adoption of a learning management system in the context of the Portuguese higher education. It takes as an example the process of implementation and dissemination of such systems at the University of Lisbon between the academic years of 2008/09 and 2012/13. Data from LMS reports of the different scientific areas- associated with 11 colleges and institutes- as well as to the whole university are presented and discussed. Rogers theory of innovations diffusion is mobilized as a theoretical framework for explaining the different steps and paces found in the process under study.Universidade Aberta; Pavilhão do Conhecimento; LEA

    The Intention to Use e-Learning in Corporations

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    The introduction of e-learning has allowed companies to re-engineer the process in which training is conducted, whilst realising the benefits that e-learning has to offer. It is important to identify and understand the driving forces behind users’ behavioural intention to use ICT and e-learning in order to improve the chances of success of these projects. The purpose of this paper is to explore the intention to use e-learning in a corporate context. A case study approach with a survey strategy was used and the case was a South African software development company that has identified e-learning as part of its management strategy. A theoretical model of the intention to use e-learning is proposed and is used to guide the research. The results showed that the respondents have positive intentions to use e-learning and positive computer self-efficacy whereas they rated their computer anxiety negatively. From these results and the theoretical model it can be deduced that respondents will have positive intentions to use e-learning. Possible limitations of this study are that it only investigates one company and it does not investigate the relationship between the three constructs and the intention to use

    Technology Adoption in Education-Based Business Services

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    The objectives of this study are two folds. Firstly is to identify the advantages and disadvantages factors of electronic learning’s adoption. Secondly is to measure the influence of innovation adoption components toward users’ attitude in using electronic learning. A mixed method of study was carried out in response to the research’s objectives. The qualitative approach was conducted by means of interviewing 25 participants of users to identify e-learning advantages and disadvantages. The quantitative approach was used to test the hypotheses. A questionnaire was distributed to 313 e-learning system users. The results show that the three advantages and disadvantages of e-learning adoption factors were formed. SEM-Smart PLS was used to test the hypothetical relationships. The results indicate that three dimensions of innovation diffusion significantly influenced the attitude toward e-learning, while two dimensions were not significant. The findings suggest that education-based business services should use the advantages factors and influential dimensions to promote their teaching-learning services delivery and eliminate weaknesses and insignificant dimensions

    The influence of online distance learning and digital skills on digital literacy among university students post Covid-19.

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    Online distance learning policies were formulated and implemented among some Malaysian universities long ago, but their value emerged since COVID- 19. Emanating from the diffusion of innovation theory, this study examined the perception of higher education students on the influence and relationship between six independent variables (compatibility, observability, relative advantage, complexity, trialability, and digital skills) and one dependent variable (digital literacy). A total of 524 respondents were sampled, comprising students from six public and private Malaysian universities. The findings from the correlation analysis show a significant positive relationship between the six independent variables and the dependent variable. Meanwhile, in the regression analysis, three of the independent variables (observability, trialability, and digital skill) have a significant and positive effect on digital literacy. This study placed the diffusion of innovation in a specific context that supports designing online distance learning and digital literacy policies

    Preliminary model for computer based assessment acceptance in developing countries

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    In information systems study, computerized testing has evolved into what it is today as a result of the technological advancements. It has been a preferred form of assessment in some educational establishment since assessment process is considered to be fair, faster and reliable. However, a number of studies have provided evidence supporting a direct relationship between computer anxiety and computer utilization. The computer anxiety research clearly shows that a highly computer apprehensive individual will be at a great disadvantage compared to his/her peers. Quite a lot of technology acceptance studies in the field of education have been carried out, but a majority of them have been on the use of e-learning. Most of these studies used TAM as the base model and extended it with other constructs. Only very few studies used TAM without extending it. In comparison with e-assessment acceptance, just little research work has been done; the majority of the work has been done by Terzis and Economides. However, till date it is quite incomprehensible if the potential advantages of CBAs have been fully implemented due to many factors affecting its acceptance. The researchers investigate this by using a systematic literature review to explore these factors, and establish suitable technology acceptance model that would minimize fear associated with computer usage. This study is expected to help the education decision makers towards implementing a solid CBA system for secondary school students. Therefore this research is a research in progress review paper which is designed to understand the issues relating to CBA acceptance and implementation issues

    A review of two decades of research on the application of multicriteria decision making techniques to evaluate e-learning’s effectiveness

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    Multicriteria decision-making (MCDM) techniques have been widely adopted to evaluate the effectiveness of e-learning. However, the literature review has not kept pace with the rapid accumulation of knowledge in this field. This study systematically reviews the MCDM techniques applied in e-learning issues. In total, we reviewed 77 published studies selected from the Web of Science and Scopus databases. We classified the selected studies by the publication year, the authors’ nationality, and the type of MCDM techniques examined. We further discovered that the majority of previous studies adopted Information System Success Model (D&M model) which was proposed by Delone and McLean in 1992. Due to limited features that were provided by the e-learning system back in the mid-2000, the original D&M model might not consider some significant factors such as students’ characteristics, instructors’ characteristics, user interface and learning community. The goals of this systematic literature review are to understand if the original D&M model is addressed in modern e-learning and to determine if new factors have emerged to evaluate e-learning’s effectiveness but not captured by the original D&M model. This review contributes three new theoretical perspectives. First, reclassification of the D&M model is conducted to include learners’ characteristics, instructors’ characteristics, user interface, and learning community. Second, this study discovers that there is a need to perform reclassification of overlapping subfactors. Third, this review also identifies that the dependencies among the factors in the D&M model are inadequately examined in previous studies. Researchers can utilize the findings of this study as a foundation to formulate their research frameworks, and practitioners can integrate the significant factors identified in this study into their decision-making processes when developing e-learning at their institutions

    The impact of coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) on education: the role of virtual and remote laboratories in education

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    To avoid the spread of the COVID-19 crisis, many countries worldwide have temporarily shut down their academic organizations. National and international closures affect over 91% of the education community of the world. E-learning is the only effective manner for educational institutions to coordinate the learning process during the global lockdown and quarantine period. Many educational institutions have instructed their students through remote learning technologies to face the effect of local closures and promote the continuity of the education process. This study examines the expected benefits of e-learning during the COVID-19 pandemic by providing a new model to investigate this issue using a survey collected from the students at Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University. Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) was employed on 179 useable responses. This study applied Push-Pull-Mooring theory and examined how push, pull, and mooring variables impact learners to switch to virtual and remote educational laboratories. The Protection Motivation theory was employed to explain how the potential health risk and environmental threat can influence the expected benefits from e-learning services. The findings revealed that the push factor (environmental threat) is significantly related to perceived benefits. The pull factors (e-learning motivation, perceived information sharing, and social distancing) significantly impact learners' benefits. The mooring factor, namely perceived security, significantly impacts learners’ benefits

    Determining the dynamic co-diffusion of four e-services using country-level panel data

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    Motivated by the slow diffusion of e-services in many countries in the world, and Rogers’ call for researching related innovation as a cluster, this study investigates the co-diffusion among e-services. To our knowledge this study is the first to examine the co-diffusion effects among e-services. It extends prior studies from the e-services diffusion literature, and the technology co-diffusion literature by examining co-diffusion among four e-services; e-banking, e-shopping, e-government, and e-learning. It also examined the co-diffusion mediation effects, moderation effects, and country-level factors’ effects. Using panel data of 28 European countries, and applying dynamic GMM econometric technique, this study’s findings were supporting the suggested hypotheses. The findings are discussed, and the conclusions, significant theoretical and practical implications of the findings, limitations, and recommendations for future research are presented

    A study of the enablers and challenges in the implementation of e-learning policies in technical education, vocational and entrepreneurship training colleges in Zambia

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    This study investigated the enablers and challenges in the implementation of e-Learning policies in public technical education, vocational and entrepreneurship training (TEVET) institutions under the Ministry responsible for Vocational Education and Training in Zambia. The aim of this study was to explore how implementation of e-Learning policies in a developing context could be enhanced so as to lead to improved access to TEVET. The study was guided by the following research questions: what knowledge do managers and lecturers have of e-Learning; what are the key enablers and challenges in implementing e-Learning policy; what criteria do individuals/institutions use to make the decision to adopt or reject e-Learning innovations and how are decisions made in the implementation of e-Learning in the TEVET sector. The study used the Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) theory to answer the main research question in the study. The theory was used to gain insights into TVET implementers and policy makers motivations and actions. The study was qualitative with seven (7) individuals interviewed. In the study, interviews of TEVET managers and lecturers were conducted to provide the data required to answer the research questions

    Predicting the Probability for Adopting an Audience Response System in Higher Education

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    Instructional technologies can be effective tools to foster student engagement, but university faculty may be reluctant to integrate innovative and evidence-based modern learning technologies into instruction. It is important to identify the factors that influence faculty adoption of instructional technologies in the teaching and learning process. Based on Rogers\u27 diffusion of innovation theory, this quantitative, nonexperimental, one-shot cross-sectional survey determined what attributes of innovation (relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability, and observability) predict the probability of faculty adopting the audience response system (ARS) into instruction. The sample for the study consisted of 201 faculty who have current teaching appointments at a university in the southeastern United States. Binary logistic regression analysis was used to determine the attributes of innovation that predict the probability of faculty adopting the ARS into instruction. The data indicated that the attributes of compatibility and trialability significantly predicted faculty adoption of ARS into instruction. Based on the results of the study, a professional development project that includes 3 full days of training and experiential learning was designed to assist faculty in adopting ARS into instruction. Because the current study only included the faculty at a single local university, future studies are recommended to explore a more holistic view of the problem from different institutions and from other stakeholders who may contribute to the process of instructional technology adoption. The project not only contributes to solving the local problem in ARS adoption, but it is also instrumental in promoting positive social change by fostering evidence-based teaching strategies and innovations that maximize student learning