295,372 research outputs found

    An empirical study on the e-learning acceptance among the Finnish labor

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    Background and objectives: Utilization of e-learning environments and applications in business context has increased rapidly. International organizations, as well as local companies, allocate more resources to personnel development by using e-learning trainings. e-learning provides cost effective training possibilities and therefore it gives a good opportunity for employees to gain knowledge regardless of place and time. e-learning business is predicted to grow approximately eight percent annually during next few years. In addition, worth of global e-learning business will reach total value of 50 billion US dollars. This creates business possibilities both for the organization with training needs and the system providers. Drive for this research was originated from the need to identify those factors that has an effect towards e-learning attitudes and acceptance of Finnish labor. Aim of this study was to provide structural model, based on the existing theories, which helps to evaluate the impact of employees' background and system environment towards user acceptance. Methodology and data collection: Research data was collected by using Webropol survey software and survey was sent via email to 406 recipients. Survey yielded overall 115 responses, which were used to test created hypotheses. Hypotheses were based on existing theories but also fitted to the e-learning context. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to evaluate measurement model, which was followed by final path model. After constructs, validity, reliability and model fit were evaluated (SPSS Amos 22) final model was tested with suggested thresholds and good fit values. It can be concluded, that validity and reliability meet the suggested satisfactory rate. Results: The results of this research indicates that perceived usefulness, in terms of e-learning participation, is one of the most important factors when attitudes toward system usage is under evaluation. System usability (perceived ease of use) has also strong influence on the employee feeling of increasing job output. Previous theories suggest that usage background plays an important role in technology acceptance. In addition, role of perceived usefulness and system usability depends on the level of voluntariness. One identified limitation of this study was the lack of voluntariness distribution. Great majority of respondents answered that their e-learning participation was and will be voluntary

    Strategic I/O Psychology and the Role of Utility Analysis Models

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    In the 1990’s, the significance of human capital in organizations has been increasing,and measurement issues in human resource management have achieved significant prominence. Yet, I/O psychology research on utility analysis and measurement has actually declined. In this chapter we propose a decision-based framework to review developments in utility analysis research since 1991, and show that through lens of this framework there are many fertile avenues for research. We then show that both I/O psychology and strategic HRM research and practice can be enhanced by greater collaboration and integration, particularly regarding the link between human capital and organizational success. We present an integrative framework as the basis for that integration, and illustrate its implications for future research

    What role does corporate governance play in the intention to use cloud computing technology?

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    This paper aims to investigate the factors which promote the adoption of cloud-based technology. It strives for a better understanding of the impact of corporate governance on the adoption of this technology. This study concentrated on executives in companies where the use of cloud computing may give a competitive advantage. The main contribution of this work is to propose a model for the influence of corporate governance and other factors that determine the adoption of this technology. A questionnaire was prepared after taking into consideration the reviewed literature. The sample consisted of 164 technology companies from Southern Spain that already use the new economic models for digital solutions. The methodology used to analyze the structural model was the Structural Equation Model (SEM). The results of the survey showed the influence of Corporate Governance and the procedures and practices of the organization on the adoption of cloud computing and the associated business model. This study aims to point out the importance of corporate support and Knowledge Management for the correct and successful adoption of this technology and to show the effects on the new business model of billing for the use of available resources. View Full-Tex

    Fuzzification of quantitative data to predict tumour size of colorectal cancer

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    Regression analysis has become more popular among researchers as a standard tool in analyzing data. This paper used fuzzy linear regression model (FLRM) to predict tumour size of colorectal cancer (CRC) data in Malaysia. 180 patients with colorectal cancer received treatment in hospital were recorded by nurses and doctors. Based on the patient records, a triangular fuzzy data will be built toward the size of the tumour. Mean square error (MSE) and root mean square error (RMSE) will be measured as a part of the process for predicting the size of the tumour. The degree of fitting adjusted is set between 0 and 1 in order to find the least error. It was found that the combination of FLRM model with fuzzy data provided a better prediction compared to the FLRM model alone. Hence, this study concluded that the tumour size is directly proportional to several factors such as gender, ethnic, icd 10, TNM staging, diabetes mellitus, Crohn’s disease

    Applicant Attraction Strategies: An Organizational Perspective

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    Developing labor shortages are expected to increase the importance of applicant attraction into the next century. Unfonunately, previous research has provided little in the way of unified theory or operational guidelines for organizations confronted with attraction difficulties. In part, this is because much research has been framed from the applicant\u27s, rather than the organization\u27s, perspective. In addition, attraction-related theories and research are scattered across a variety of literatures, and often identified primarily with topics other than attraction per se (e.g., wage, motivation, or discrimination theories). The present paper draws on multiple literatures to develop a model of applicant attraction from the organization\u27s perspective. In it, we (1) outline three general strategies for enhancing applicant attraction, (2) propose broad categories of contingency factors expected to affect the choice (and potential effectiveness) of alternative strategies, (3) suggest probable interrelationships among the strategies, (4) link applicant attraction strategies to other human resource practices, (5) outline various dimensions of attraction outcomes (e.g. qualitative and quantitative, attitudinal and behavioral, temporal), and (6) discuss implications for future attraction research

    The influence of the environmental factors on the adoption of the International Accounting System IAS/IFRS : case of Iraq

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    Purpose: This research aims to study the impact of local environmental factors on the adoption of International Accounting system in Iraq. So the main objective of the research can be the evaluation of the role of local environmental factors in selecting the best method to adopt International Accounting Standards (IAS), and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Design/methodology/approach: The researchers prepared a questionnaire contains 28 paragraphs which were coded and divided into 7 parts showing the independent variables of the study (the environmental factors) and the dependent variable (the adoption of IAS/IFRS) Findings: The results of the research show that the local environment factors can effect on the choice of the country to adopt the best method of IAS/IFRS adoption, and the statistical analysis results show that there is a very good level of agreement for the participants about the effect of local environment factors on the adoption of IAS/IFRS. Practical implications: The research offers insights to the need to activate national standards and principles that are appropriate to the local environment in order to adapt with the requirements of IAS/IFRS adoption. Originality/value: The research presents significant pragmatic evidence in terms of its meticulous approach towards checking the robustness of results.peer-reviewe

    Rethinking utility analysis: a strategic focus

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    Utility analysis is a technique which allows for the estimation of the financial impact of human resource (HR) interventions. While utility analysis methods have been available for decades, their application is still not widespread. Some argue that this is because managers do not understand the techniques and suggest that allowing managers to participate in the analysis would increase understanding and, as a results, use and acceptance of utility analysis. The current work posits that translating the value of HR interventions into financial terms may not be necessary. It may be more useful to determine the direct impact of HR programs on employee behaviors and attitudes. The impact of these changes on the bottom line may then be determined. Building upon the recently proposed multi-attribute utility analysis and the strategic perspective offered by the Balanced Scorecard, this paper presents a strategic utility analysis method. Strategic utility analysis requires that multiple outcomes, not only financial, be considered in order to determine the utility of a given HR intervention. It further stipulates that these outcomes should come directly from the company's business strategy. The strategy should imply certain organizational capabilities and strategic utility analysis should measure the contribution of HR interventions towards building these specific capabilities