41,606 research outputs found


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    This paper presents an evaluation indicators system of e-readiness for the service enterprise, which is based on the model of e-business value creation process. This indicators system encompasses four levels corresponding to four dimensions of e-business value creation process. These four levels are: strategy, resources, capability, and performance that are causally related from e-business value creation process perspective. Based on a survey of 124 Chinese service enterprises, the evaluation indicators system is used to assess the effectiveness of e-readiness and to prove the rationality of the indicators system. Study results reveal that the indicators system can evaluate e-readiness of the service enterprise dynamically according to the value creation process. These findings are helpful for managers to diagnose and forecast problems, and subsequently implement e-business effectively and efficiently

    Innovative Asia: Advancing the Knowledge-Based Economy - Highlights of the Forthcoming ADB Study Report

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    [Excerpt] The development of knowledge-based economies (KBEs) is both an imperative and an opportunity for developing Asia. It is an imperative to sustain high rates of growth in the future and an opportunity whereby emerging economies can draw from beneficial trending developments that may allow them to move faster to advance in global value chains and in position in world markets. Over the last quarter of a century, driven mostly by cheap labor, developing countries in Asia have seen unprecedented growth rates and contributions to the global economy. Sustaining Asia’s growth trajectory, however, requires developing economies to seek different approaches to economic growth and progress, especially if they aspire to move from the middle-income to the high-income level. KBE is an important platform that can enable them to sustain growth and even accelerate it. It is time for Asia to consolidate and accelerate its pace of growth. Asia is positioned in a unique moment in history with many advantages that can serve as a boost: to name a couple, an expanding middle of the pyramid—Asia is likely to hold 50% of the global middle class and 40% of the global consumer market by 2020; and the growing importance of intra-regional trade within Asia, increasing from 54% in 2001 to 58% in 2011. Many developing economies are well placed to assimilate frontier technologies into their manufacturing environment

    Measuring the level of lean readiness of the Hong Kong's manufacturing industry

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    Increasingly competitive business environments have forced manufacturing organisations to continuously seek improvements in their production processes as an alternative to achieve operational excellence. Lean manufacturing principles and techniques based on the elimination waste have been widely used by manufacturing organisations around the world to drive such improvements. The purpose of this paper is to present an empirical study that evaluates the readiness level of the Hong Kong’s manufacturing industry to provide a foundation for the successful implementation and/or sustainment of lean practices. To conduct this study, the paper adapts an assessment framework developed by Al-Najem et al. [16]. Thus, the lean readiness assessment is based on six quality practices (i.e. planning & control; processes; human resources; customer relations; supplier relations; and top management & leadership) related to lean manufacturing. One research question and three hypotheses were formulated and tested using a combination of inferential statics (i.e. Levene’s test and t-test) and descriptive statistics. Data were collected through a survey questionnaire responded by 9 manufacturing organisations with operations in Hong Kong. The findings suggest that the Hong Kong’s manufacturing organisations surveyed do not currently have a well-developed foundation to implement or sustain lean manufacturing. In particular, these organisations present important opportunities to further develop some quality practices such as processes, planning & control, customer relations, supplier relations, human resources, and top management & leadership. The improvement of these quality practices will ensure, according to Al-Najem et al.’s [16] framework, a more effective implementation and sustainment of lean manufacturing in their operations

    Korean SMEs in the Wake of the Financial Crisis: Strategies, Constraints and Performance in a Global Economy

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    South Korea was one of the most adversely affected economies from the Asian financial and economic crisis of 1997. This paper focuses upon the contribution that the SME sector in this country is making towards the recovery of the economy, and, in particular, focuses upon their contribution in a knowledge-based society. In this paper we present an overview of the contribution and significance of SMEs to the economy. We follow this with a discussion of the impact of the Asian financial crisis on the SME sector. Next, we look at the involvement of SMEs in the global economy, focusing on the globalisation readiness of Korea's SMEs. Based on a recent study of nearly 1,800 SMEs in Korea, we look at the existing impediments in globalising operations, along with areas government should support in assisting SMEs to become globalisation ready. Finally, we present the prospects for Korea's SMEs in the 21st century and the emphasis on venture enterprises as a way to promote the technological competitiveness of SMEs.South Korea, Asian financial crisis, SME sector, economic recovery

    A meta-analysis of relationships between organizational characteristics and IT innovation adoption in organizations

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    This is the post-print version of the final paper published in Information & Management. The published article is available from the link below. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. Copyright @ 2012 Elsevier B.V.Adoption of IT in organizations is influenced by a wide range of factors in technology, organization, environment, and individuals. Researchers have identified several factors that either facilitate or hinder innovation adoption. Studies have produced inconsistent and contradictory outcomes. We performed a meta-analysis of ten organizational factors to determine their relative impact and strength. We aggregated their findings to determine the magnitude and direction of the relationship between organizational factors and IT innovation adoption. We found organizational readiness to be the most significant attribute and also found a moderately significant relationship between IT adoption and IS department size. Our study found weak significance of IS infrastructure, top management support, IT expertise, resources, and organizational size on IT adoption of technology while formalization, centralization, and product champion were found to be insignificant attributes. We also examined stage of innovation, type of innovation, type of organization, and size of organization as moderator conditions affecting the relationship between the organizational variables and IT adoption

    The Estonian Economy Current Status of Competitiveness and Future Outlooks. Estonia in Focus.

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    What are the actual Estonian economic outlooks? By what does Estonia differ from rich and successful countries? These topics are dealt with in the report written by researchers from the University of Tartu. This report has been commissioned by the Estonian Development Fund from the University of Tartu based on the contract for services from 28 June 2007 and completed by Tartu University Faculty of Economics and Business Administration on 29.11.2007.Estonia

    Results readiness in social protection and labor operations : technical guidance notes for labor markets task teams

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    Labor allocation to its most efficient use, promoting employment and human capital investment as well as functioning labor markets can contribute to long?term economic growth, poverty reduction and to help workers manage their risks. A labor market policy framework includes both regulations and programs. However, the optimal framework is not standard and universal but varies country by country depending on the level of economic and financial development, culture and other structural characteristics. Labor market projects are equally concentrated in Latin America and the Caribbean and Eastern Europe and Central Asia regions and one is China. Interestingly, the number of projects having'improving labor market'as the primary component has increased over time. All project development objectives in the cohort of projects reviewed focus on promoting higher employment and increasing economic opportunities as the main objective especially via training programs. About half of the projects also seek to reach specific vulnerable groups by improving targeting mechanisms and to improve the quality of social assistance services by reducing the cost of job search through access to enhanced employment services and by improving employability.Safety Nets and Transfers,Labor Markets,Labor Policies,Housing&Human Habitats,Poverty Monitoring&Analysis

    The Impact of Investment in IT on Economic Performance: Implications for Developing Countries

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    This paper reviews quantitative and qualitative evidence on the impact of IT on economic performance in developed and developing countries. Two strands of this literature are considered: the IT-productivity connection and the effects of IT on labor composition and the work environment. Policy implications for developing countries are considered.
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