4,246 research outputs found

    E-Learning Adoption Inside Jordanian Organizations from Change Management Perspective

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    The objective of this research is to build a complete e-Learning adoption model which can be used to increase the acceptance of e-learning inside Jordanian organizations. This objective is achieved through the analysis of the e-learning adoption process in two different Jordanian case studies

    Learning Organizations and Their Role in Achieving Organizational Excellence in the Palestinian Universities

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    The research aims to identify the learning organizations and their role in achieving organizational excellence in the Palestinian universities in Gaza Strip. The researchers used descriptive analytical approach and used the questionnaire as a tool for information gathering. The questionnaires were distributed to senior management in the Palestinian universities. The study population reached (344) employees in senior management is dispersed over (3) Palestinian universities. A stratified random sample of (182) workers from the Palestinian universities was selected and the recovery rate was (69.2%). Statistical analysis (SPSS) program was used for analysis and processing the data. The research found the following results: there is a fair degree of approval on "cognitive dimension", there is a high approval about the importance of "organizational dimension", there is moderately consent of the importance of "Community dimension", there is a large degree of consent about the importance of axis of the "leadership excellence", there is a large degree of consent about the importance of axis of the "service-excellence", there is a fair degree approval about the importance of the axis of "cognitive excellence", and there is a moderately consent of the importance of "Organizational Excellence". The research found a group of recommendations including: the need to develop appropriate strategies for the University, employ modern technology in information systems, in addition to provide appropriate environment that achieve learning organizations, develop technological infrastructure, adopt universities for knowledge management in the academic and administrative departments because knowledge is the core of the work of these departments, create technological incubators in universities to adopt excellence academic research projects, and protected them, support them, and market them. Establishing of centers of excellence for scientific research in the university.The need for cooperation and coordination between local, Arab and international universities for the exchange of knowledge, information, and participation programs and training courses, as it provides an opportunity to develop the capabilities and skills of personnel and expertise

    Trends of Palestinian Higher Educational Institutions in Gaza Strip as Learning Organizations

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    The research aims to identify the trends of Palestinian higher educational institutions in Gaza Strip as learning organizations from the perspective of senior management in the Palestinian universities in Gaza Strip. The researchers used descriptive analytical approach and used the questionnaire as a tool for information gathering. The questionnaires were distributed to senior management in the Palestinian universities. The study population reached (344) employees in senior management is dispersed over (3) Palestinian universities. A stratified random sample of (182) employees from the Palestinian universities was selected and the recovery rate was (69.2%). Statistical analysis (SPSS) program was used for analysis and processing the data. The study found the following results: There is an agreement about: the importance of the focus of "organizational structure" with an average approval, the importance of "technological infrastructure" axis with high approval, and the importance of "strategic" with an average approval. The results concluded that the study sample agree on the importance of "organizational dimension" highly. The results showed that the sample believe that the "strategic leadership" level in the universities got medium-approval. There is a fair level agreement about the axis of interest "teams / committees". There is an agreement about the importance of the "human dimension" moderately. The results showed that the sample is highly agreed about the importance of focus of the "knowledge management", and the focus of the "continuing education". They agreed weakly to somewhat about the importance of the focus of "scientific research", moderately agree about the importance of the center of "institutional culture", agree moderately on the importance of "cognitive dimension". The results showed that the sample largely agree on the importance of the focus of "strategic partnerships and alliances". They agree highly on the axis "keep up with the labor market" and on the focus of the importance of "technology incubators". The results showed that the sample moderately agree about the importance of the theme on "consulting and training", the importance of the focus of "social responsibility", and the focus of the "Community dimension". The study found a group of recommendations including: there is a need to provide suitable environment that achieve learning organizations. There is a need to develop the technological infrastructure (hardware, software, networks, databases, and human skills) because of the great advantages that they offer. The universities need to adopt knowledge management in the academic and administrative departments because knowledge is the core of the work of these departments. The establishment of technology incubators in universities to adopt outstanding university research projects, to protect, to supports, and to market them; furthermore, to develop the capabilities and skills of employees in the field of information technology


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    This paper aims to study the organizational excellence and the extent of its clarity in the Palestinian universities from the perspective of students. Researchers have used the descriptive and analytical approach and used the questionnaire for data collection and distributed to students in universities. The researchers used a sample stratified random method by the university. The total number of students was (381) and (235) were distributed to identify the study population. (166) questionnaires were recovered with rate of (96.3%). We used statistical analysis (SPSS) program for data entry, processing and analysis. The study reached the following conclusions: that (62.8%) of the study population believe that the availability of "faculty staff" somewhat weak, showed that the number of Academic staff is appropriate to the number of students. The results confirmed that (66.4%) of the study population believe that the suitability "admission policies" is average, showed that the admission policies declared for the students, it is also transparent, the university administration provides orientation programs for newley admitted students. The results showed that (55.4%) of the study population believe that the "Student support" is low in the universities, and (52.8%) of the study population believe that "student activities" in the universities is low. The study found a set of recommendations, including: the establishment of university centers for gifted and talented students, follow their growth and their creations after graduating from college and while working in the sectors of production, and provide college library modern references in all disciplines

    The Dynamics of Management Accounting Change in the Jordanian Customs Organization as Influenced by NPM Reforms: Institutional Pressures

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    Main Purpose: This study aims to explain the processes of management accounting change in the Jordanian Customs Organization (JCO) as well as in the Jordanian public sector within its socio-economic contexts, as influenced by NPM ideas and institutional pressures. It focuses on the regulative way in which new budgeting systems together with the managing-for-results approach were implemented throughout three levels of institutional analysis: political and economic level, organizational field level and organizational level. It also highlights the interaction process between these three levels from one side, and between management accounting and organizational change from another side. Design/methodology/approach: The study presents the results of an interpretive case-study (JCO) in the public sector. It adopts six steps of qualitative research design and uses triangulation of data collection methods including interviews, observations, and documents and archival records. It is also inspired by a contextual framework (Pettigrew 1987), since it has a holistic view that comprises different perspectives. Particularly, it draws on theoretical integration by synthesizing three recent approaches, respectively: Dillard et al’s (2004) framework inspired NIS for external processes and pressures; Burns and Scapens' (2000) framework inspired OIE for internal processes of change; and Hardy's (1996) framework inspired power and politics mobilization. Key Findings: The study recognizes that management accounting change was carried out in the 'from-top-to-bottom' level of institutional analysis, which confirms the 'path-dependent' and evolutionary nature of the change. It confirms the evidence that other factors, beyond economic factors, may also play an influential role in the implementation of management accounting change. It also concludes that there was a radical change of management accounting systems in the JCO case-study, which was not only a decorative innovation in management accounting but was also represented in the working practices. The study also confirms that management accounting is not a static phenomenon but one that changes over time to reflect new systems and practices. Management accounting change is a part of organizational change; hence management accounting rules and routines are part and parcel of organizational rules and routines. Research implications: The study has important implications for the ways in which change dynamics can emerge, diffuse and be implemented at three levels of institutional analysis. It provides a new contextual framework to study these dynamics based on an intensive and holistic view of an interpretive case-study in accordance with qualitative research-based 'Convincingness Criteria'. It also explains the interaction between the 'external' origins and 'internal' accounts, which identified that management accounting is both shaped by, and shaping, wider socio-economic and political processes. This broad sensitivity to the nature of management accounting has important implications for the ways of studying management accounting change. For example, changes in the political and economic level, particularly with respect to the introduction of the National Agenda, have resulted in changes in structures and systems at the organizational level, particularly regarding budgeting systems. Originality/value: The study contributes to both MA literature and institutional theory by providing further understanding and 'thick explanation' of the dynamics of management accounting change in the Jordanian public sector: i.e. explaining the implications of the contextual framework for studying management accounting change; overcoming some of the limitations of NIS and OIE; and clarifying the necessity for bridge-building between the institutional theories to expand their level of analysis

    Social Media Marketing during COVID-19: Behaviors of Jordanian Users

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    Social media marketing is an important concept and influences the behavior of individuals and the change of their habits, based on evidence and marketing campaigns that target people to raise awareness and improve the course of their behavior for the better. This study aims to demonstrate the impact of social media marketing on the behavior of Jordanian citizens in light of the events of the spread of the Corona virus, and that by relying on a study and comparison of previous scientific studies that showed that social media marketing helps in modifying behaviors through the extent of the advantage of marketing campaigns, and in light of the spread of this epidemic some habits need to be modified by the Jordanian citizen. the study recommends decision-makers in Jordan must employ social media marketing in all its dimensions to influence the behavior of the Jordanian citizen to adhere to the new instructions that limit It is dangerous to spread this deadly disease and dispense with some traditional behaviors that contradict the recommendations of the World Health Organization regarding the behavior of individuals with each other. Thus, by keeping in view the study findings, the researchers recommended more studies addressing the use of Social Media marketing to spread Health crisis awareness to increase healthy behavior and mitigate its effects

    The Role of Adequate Computer Information System Resources used at the Library Organizations in Enhancing Motivation to Learn among Accounting Students in the Jordanian Universities

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    The present study sought to identify the adequacy level of computer information system resources used at library organizations in the Jordanian university and exploring the part they take in enhancing motivation to learn among students. Further, the study intends to identify variant roles of the adequate computer information system resources used at library organization in enhancing motivation to learn among students by gender and proprietorship of a university. Questionnaire was primarily used as data collection instrument, and processed using the Statistical Program for Social Sciences (SPSS). Sample (N=1911) was randomly selected representing 30% of population. Major results included that: Adequate computer information system resources available at campus libraries enhance motivation to learn, curiosity to research, and increase loyalty to the library among students. Poorly skilled personnel working in the field of computer information systems at the Jordanian libraries. Low adequacy level of computer information system resources available in campus libraries at the Jordanian universities and there is a need for development and improvement of the service delivered. Lag of library administrators at the Jordanian university in troubleshooting faults and interruptions occurring to computer information system resources. Libraries under study lack networking facility or online communications with students Keywords: Adequacy of Computer Information System Resources, Enhancing Motivation to Learn, Informational and Libraries organizations

    Impacting Innovativeness: The Role of Interpersonal Influences and Cultural Dimensions on Consumer Innovativeness

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    The purpose of this study is to study the innovativeness of professionals within a cultural context vis-à-vis the effects of susceptibility to interpersonal influences. Organizations and businesses seek to have a highly innovative workforce and an innovative culture because research has shown that employee innovativeness is a crucial ingredient for staying competitive and sustain market position. On the other hand, susceptibility to interpersonal influences is a characteristic which can impact an individual’s beliefs of the accepted behaviors, thinking, products and operations and thus could impact their readiness to accept innovative initiatives. Interpersonal influences have been studied in the context of consumer behavior and refer to the tendency for individuals to accept information from others as credible evidence. This research studies the link between susceptibility to interpersonal influences and innovativeness. The study also hypothesized a moderating impact of cultural dimensions on this relationship. The current research builds on a previous study conducted in Turkey and replicates it in the Jordanian context. We found a positive effect of susceptibility to interpersonal influences on consumer innovativeness and found positive effects of the masculinity cultural dimension on this relationship. These findings are important for businesses and indicate that they should encourage and support group influences and affiliations in the workforce in order to increase the innovativeness of their culture. Interpersonal dynamics, affiliations, and cliques may have advantages for some organizational tasks and may also promote innovativeness optimally. The study was conducted with data from 116 professional respondents in Jordan whose innovativeness was assessed in the context of their attitudes towards new products
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