4 research outputs found

    Studi Validitas Dan Realibilitas Faktor Sukses Implementasi E-government Berdasarkan Pendekatan Kappa

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    Since Inpres No.3 of 2003 about policies and strategies for e-Government development, the Government institution was required to be able to take advantage of the progress of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in order to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, transparency and accountability of government. The process of transformation towards e-Government was an effort to develop electronic-based government so as to optimize the utilization of ICT in general. Unfortunately, the e-Government developed merely indicate compliance with this policy, because without the quality. Various surveys had shown that Indonesia was still far behind in terms of adoption of e-Government (UNDESA, 2012). This plus the fact that most of the e-Government projects in developing countries, including Indonesia, where the failure rate of failure to achieve up to 85% while the success rate was only 15% (Heeks, 2003). However, there is no doubt there are some areas that successfully implement e-government initiatives. In this study, the authors aimed want to explore what factors determine the success of the implementation of e-Government. The study is descriptive in which the method used is a literature study related to success factors of e-Government implementation. From the results of the validation test based on expert opinion, obtained 15 success factors that must be accommodated to ensure the successful implementation of e-Government. Inter-rater reliability had also been tested with Cohen's Kappa and the approach showed satisfactory results

    Sosio-Technical Factors of E-Government Implementation

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    The failure of e-Government in a number of sector units happened because the implementation of e-Government is not easy. The old paradigm assume that e-Government is simply by installing a computer makes the implementation of e-Government failure. In fact, the success of e-Government is influenced by various factors called Critical Success Factors (CSFs). This study aims to map CSFs that influenced implementation of e-Government into two term of both technology and non-technology factors. The results showed a 67 CSFs of e-Government implementation identified was successfully mapped into seven dimensions ITPOSMO (Information, Technology, Process, Objective, Staffing & Skill, Management and Other Resource)

    Modelo conceptual integrado de e-gobierno para mejorar la prestación de e-servicios en las municipalidades de la provincia de Tungurahua - Ecuador

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    Desarrolla un modelo conceptual integrado de influencia de factores en los niveles de desarrollo de e-gobierno, y que, mediante la determinación de los factores críticos permita mejorar la presencia y prestación de e-servicios en los municipios. El tipo de investigación aplicado en el presente trabajo es relacional, descriptiva y con un punto de vista cuantitativo. El diseño del estudio es no experimental, en virtud de que se analizan datos, logrados mediante la encuesta. Con aplicación del análisis multivariante y la técnica de componentes principales se determinó que todos los factores propuestos poseen las características de esfericidad necesarias para indicar que las variables están relacionadas entre sí. Además, la prueba de KMO con un 95% de confianza, permitió verificar que 27 de un total de 55 relaciones fueron válidas. Los resultados posibilitaron determinar qué factores son los más influyentes en cada nivel de desarrollo de e-gobierno, lo cual permitió validar el modelo integrado final de influencia de factores. Este modelo fue implementado en 5 municipios aplicando el método de estudio de casos, cuyos resultados muestran que, al contar con un modelo integrado se logra mejorar el índice de desarrollo de e-gobierno, parámetro útil para la toma acertada de decisiones de la alta dirección. Se concluye que al integrar modelos de e-gobierno y factores críticos, se logra mejorar la prestación de e-servicios mediante la implementación de los mismos, logrando mejorar el desarrollo de e-gobierno en forma global y por etapas de desarrollo.Tesi

    E-government iImplementation and adoption: the case study of Botswana Government

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    ABSTRACT The advancements in the ICT and internet technologies challenge governments to engage in the electronic transformation of public services and information provision to citizens. The capability to reach citizens in the physical world via e-government platform and render a citizen-centric public sector has increasingly become vital. Thus, spending more resources to promote and ensure that all members of society are included in the entire spectrum of information society and more actively access government online is a critical aspect in establishing a successful e-government project. Every e-government programme requires a clear idea of the proposed benefits to citizens, the challenges to overcome and the level of institutional reform that has to take place for e- government to be a success in a given context. E-government strategy is fundamental to transforming and modernising the public sector through identification of key influential elements or strategy factors and ways of interacting with citizens. It is therefore apparent that governments must first understand variables that influence citizens’ adoption of e-government in order to take them into account when developing and delivering services online. Botswana has recently embarked on e-government implementation initiatives that started with the e-readiness assessment conducted in 2004, followed by enactment of the National ICT policy of 2007 and the approval of the e-government strategy approved in 2012 for dedicated implementation in the 2014 financial year. Significant developments have taken place around national and international connectivity including initiatives that offer connectivity to citizens such as the I- partnership, community run Nteletsa projects, post office run tele-centres and Sesigo projects that have been deployed on a wider Botswana. In spite of these remarkable initiatives there is no change management strategy in place and evidence to suggest that citizens cluster groups, government employees, key influential citizens’ stakeholders and other local government administrative governing structures at district levels have been appropriately informed, consulted, engaged and participated in the design, development and implementation initiatives. This position has contributed largely to low e-readiness indices for Botswana, low PC, Internet and broadband penetration levels, which do not commensurate with levels of connectivity initiatives already in place and operational. The strategy development, which is the viability business plan for the entire project has been initiated and concluded without the appropriate input of citizens, employees and local government structures at the districts. Considering that that e-government is new and narrowly researched in Botswana. There is non existing research on both the impact of strategy factors to e-government implementation success and citizens’ involvement and participation in the e-government design and implementation through to adoption and continual use. This study therefore explores and investigates empirically the key e-government strategy influential success elements and the how citizens’ involvement and participation in e-government development can be secured, supported and facilitated towards adoption and continual future use. This culminates in the proposal of both theoretically supported and empirically validated e-government strategy framework and citizen centric conceptual model. The study is crucial as it aims understand how can influences upon success in e-government project be better understood and citizens’ stakeholder adoption of e-government enhanced to facilitate successful development of e-government in Botswana and is also timely as it comes at the time when Botswana has not yet implemented her e-government strategy, hence factors identified are critical to both strategy re-alignment and design of the citizens’ involvement and participation change management strategy to support both implementation and citizens’ adoption of e-government in Botswana. The study utilises the mixed methods research, employing both qualitative and quantitative methods to address the research question and triangulated data collection approaches used to select survey sample for two questionnaire sets carried on opinion holders within government and non government structures and ordinary citizens, use of observations on operating tele-centres, interviews with key e-government strategic stakeholders and document analysis which included e-government policies and related documentations as well as extensive review of e-government published literature including applied implementation and citizens adoption experiences of developing and developed countries. In the analysis of data the multiple regression analysis has been utilised and multivariate analysis performed to ensure linearity, normality and collinearity. The linear regression has been used to test the hypothesis through the Analysis of variance (ANOVA) technique. Keywords E-government, strategy critical success factors, key influential elements, citizen centric conceptual model, strategy framework, Botswana.Botswana International University of Science and Technology (BIUST)Botswana Embass