47 research outputs found

    Evaluating e-commerce trust using fuzzy logic [article]

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    Trust is widely recognized as an essential factor for the continual development of business to customer electronic commerce (B2C EC). Many trust models have been developed, however, most are subjective and do not take into account the vagueness and ambiguity of EC trust and the customers’ intuitions and experience when conducting online transactions. In this article, we develop a fuzzy trust model using fuzzy reasoning to evaluate EC trust. This trust model is based on the information customers expect to find on an EC Website and is shown to increase customers trust towards online merchants. We argue that fuzzy logic is suitable for trust evaluation as it takes into account the uncertainties within e-commerce data and like human relationships; it is often expressed by linguistics terms rather then numerical values. The evaluation of the proposed model will be illustrated using two case studies and a comparison with two evaluation models was conducted to emphasise the importance of usin fuzzy logic

    Online revenue model adoption in the media sector: in-depth results from an exploratory study in the Netherlands

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    Especially for companies in the media sector such as publishers, the Internet has created new strategic and commercial opportunities. However, many companies in the media sector are struggling with how to adapt their business and revenue model for doing profitable business online. This exploratory study goes into the success factors and the level of adoption of online revenue models by media sector companies. We use Chaffey (2002) in determining online revenue models in which we included Osterwalder’s (2001) four ‘pillars’ of business models. These four pillars cover the twelve critical success factors for e-businesses as identified by Sung (2004). This theoretical framework was used for in-depth interviews with 20 senior managers within the media sector in the Netherlands. From this, it appeared that advertising is the most used online revenue model, with targeting advertising, lead generation and a combination of content and customer profiles as most promising. Ease of use is distinguished by all senior managers as success factor. Still, in order to be successful, all factors should be applied, and this appears not to be the case. Organizations in the media sector need to invest in technical and organizational expertise by hiring the right employees with the right knowledge. Emphasis on target advertising and lead generation are most promising. A combination of content and customer profiles is a focus-point for the near future

    A model of trust applied to the management ofinformation technology

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    This work presents a model of trust as it relates to the management of informationtechnology (IT). We comment on the definition of trust as applied to contemporarybusiness environments, and discuss the associated risks due to the complexity of modernglobalized relationships. This work focuses on IT management, emphasizing the necessityof aligning organizational strategies with a company’s activities as recent studies haveconcluded that organizations that exhibit “business-focused” IT management are subjectto less risk. In this context, our proposed model enables the evaluation of trust as itrelates to IT management, by means of metrics that are related to business factors. Afield application of this model demonstrates the relevance of measuring trust as a meansto mitigate business risks related to IT management

    E-Commerce Model based on Fuzzy Based Certain Trust Model

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    Trustworthiness especially for service oriented system is very important topic now a day in IT field of the whole world. There are many successful E-commerce organizations presently run in the whole world, but E-commerce has not reached its full potential. The main reason behind this is lack of Trust of people in e-commerce. Again, proper models are still absent for calculating trust of different e-commerce organizations. Most of the present trust models are subjective and have failed to account vagueness and ambiguity of different domain. In this paper we have proposed a new fuzzy logic based Certain Trust model which considers these ambiguity and vagueness of different domain. Fuzzy Based Certain Trust Model depends on some certain values given by experts and developers can be applied in a system like cloud computing, internet, website, e-commerce, etc. to ensure trustworthiness of these platforms. In this paper we show, although fuzzy works with uncertainties, proposed model works with some certain values. Some experimental results and validation of the model with linguistics terms are shown at the last part of the paper