4,850,833 research outputs found

    Differentiable equivalence of fractional linear maps

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    A Moebius system is an ergodic fibred system (B,T)(B,T) (see \citer5) defined on an interval B=[a,b]B=[a,b] with partition (J_k),k\in I,#I\geq 2 such that Tx=ck+dkxak+bkxTx=\frac{c_k+d_kx}{a_k+b_kx}, x∈Jkx\in J_k and T∣JkT|_{J_k} is a bijective map from JkJ_k onto BB. It is well known that for #I=2 the invariant density can be written in the form h(x)=∫B∗dy(1+xy)2h(x)=\int_{B^*}\frac{dy}{(1+xy)^2} where B∗B^* is a suitable interval. This result does not hold for #I\geq 3. However, in this paper for #I=3 two classes of interval maps are determined which allow the extension of the before mentioned result.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/074921706000000257 in the IMS Lecture Notes--Monograph Series (http://www.imstat.org/publications/lecnotes.htm) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Financial Report, 2004

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    Financial Report, 2003

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    Dynamic Global Games of Regime Change: Learning, Multiplicity and Timing of Attacks

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    Global games of regime change–coordination games of incomplete information in which a status quo is abandoned once a sufficiently large fraction of agents attacks it–have been used to study crises phenomena such as currency attacks, bank runs, debt crises, and political change. We extend the static benchmark examined in the literature by allowing agents to take actions in many periods and to learn about the underlying fundamentals over time. We first provide a simple recursive algorithm for the characterization of monotone equilibria. We then show how the interaction of the knowledge that the regime survived past attacks with the arrival of information over time, or with changes in fundamentals, leads to interesting equilibrium properties. First, multiplicity may obtain under the same conditions on exogenous information that guarantee uniqueness in the static benchmark. Second, fundamentals may predict the eventual regime outcome but not the timing or the number of attacks. Finally, equilibrium dynamics can alternate between phases of tranquillity–where no attack is possible–and phases of distress–where a large attack can occur–even without changes in fundamentals.Global games, coordination, multiple equilibria, information dynamics, crises.

    Urban Dynamics an Impression of Surabaya's Sociolinguistic Setting

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    This paper examines the sociolinguistic situation in the city of Surabaya, bypresenting an impression of various phenomena unique to Indonesia's secondlargest city. A surprisingly little amount of linguistic research has heretofore beencarried out on this subject, whereas it transpires from this study that enoughintriguing and unique things can be found in this Southeast Asian metropolis,both among its Javanese majority as well as its Madurese and Chinese inhabitants.Due to the lack of earlier relevant publications, this research is largely based onthe results of several fieldwork trips, which included the pleasant activities ofwatching television, interviewing people and making excursions in and aroundSurabaya to experience how languages are used in daily life. Additionally,concepts such as “language mixing”, “slang” and “attitudes towards language”are involved and considered very significant in disentangling the role andfunction of language in an urban setting

    Human Center of Gravity Dynamics a New Parameter of Motor Development Functions

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    A study of a new parameter of human growth and development was conducted. The percentage of the height of body gravity center to the stature in supine position was measured in males and females during the period of pre-puberty (l995), young and adult puberties (1995 and 1997) and male adults (1995). The parameters measured were weight, stature and the height of the gravity center. Data were calculated in obtaining arithmetic means, standard deviations of all parameters and the percentage of gravity point height to stature. The percentages of male and female means, as well as standard deviations, were compared statistically. It was shown that in the pre-puberty group the location of the gravity center to stature was the same in percentage in males compared to females, whereas in the adult group (1987, 1995) a higher percentage was found in males. Among males (1995) differences were found in the percentages, which might have been caused by differences of body typology; the mesomorphic type showed the highest percentage, the endomorphic type showed the lowest, whereas the ectomorphic type it was in between

    Myosin II filament dynamics in actin networks revealed with interferometric scattering microscopy

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    The plasma membrane and the underlying cytoskeletal cortex constitute active platforms for a variety of cellular processes. Recent work has shown that the remodeling acto-myosin network modifies local membrane organization, but the molecular details are only partly understood due to difficulties with experimentally accessing the relevant time and length scales. Here, we use interferometric scattering (iSCAT) microscopy to investigate a minimal acto-myosin network linked to a supported lipid bilayer membrane. Using the magnitude of the interferometric contrast, which is proportional to molecular mass, and fast acquisition rates, we detect, and image individual membrane attached actin filaments diffusing within the acto-myosin network and follow individual myosin II filament dynamics. We quantify myosin II filament dwell times and processivity as functions of ATP concentration, providing experimental evidence for the predicted ensemble behavior of myosin head domains. Our results show how decreasing ATP concentrations lead to both increasing dwell times of individual myosin II filaments and a global change from a remodeling to a contractile state of the acto-myosin network

    Dynamics of fast pattern formation in porous silicon by laser interference

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    Patterns are fabricated on 290 nm thick nanostructured porous silicon layers by phase-mask laser interference using single pulses of an excimer laser (193 nm, 20 ns pulse duration). The dynamics of pattern formation is studied by measuring in real time the intensity of the diffraction orders 0 and 1 at 633 nm. The results show that a transient pattern is formed upon melting at intensity maxima sites within a time 1-”s) upon melting induced by homogeneous beam exposure and related to the different scenario for releasing the heat from hot regions. The diffraction efficiency of the pattern is finally controlled by a combination of laser fluence and initial thickness of the nanostructured porous silicon layer and the present results open perspectives on heat release management upon laser exposure as well as have potential for alternative routes for switching applications.Postprint (published version
