8 research outputs found

    Understanding Collaborative Value Co-creation from Stakeholder Perspective: A Literature Review

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    Value Co-creation (VCC) has succeeded to grasp the attractiveness as a research stream from the scholars and practitioners due to its significant role in achieving competitive advantages. From the introductory period of VCC, the concept has been studied under the light of numerous contexts. However, lack of research papers can be noticed within the stakeholder’s perspectives, more specifically, managing stakeholder’s expectational complexities and generating maximum value from the multi-stakeholder’s collaboration. The aim of this thesis resides in understanding the collaborative VCC process from the stakeholder’s perspective. The primary purpose here is to develop a theoretical framework of the VCC process after identifying the stakeholder’s expectations from the collaboration and triggering those expectations as motivators for ensuring active participation within the process. Another goal of this research is to provide recommendations on ensuring an effective collaborative approach for capturing the mutual objectives after mitigating the interest conflicts among the stakeholders. Thorough research has been conducted on the existing literature to accomplish the specified motives. The theoretical background part of the paper has represented the value nature, VCC-concept from stakeholder’s involvement, along with existing challenges and stakeholder’s alignment within the VCC process. A preliminary VCC framework has also been introduced in the theoretical part. All the potential value drivers, modes of collaboration, available resource types and potential value indicators are provided in the findings part of the paper. The value drivers work as motivators for stakeholder’s engagement and represent stakeholder’s expectations. Based on these expectations, stakeholders collaborate with each other for mutual betterment by integrating resources. The collaboration results in value outcomes of the VCC process, which are represented as the value indicators. Finally, a theoretical framework of the collaborative VCC process from the stakeholder’s perspective is proposed with identified value drivers, modes of collaboration and value indicators in it. The proposed framework will provide insights on the process of transforming expected value towards realized value and ways to motivate stakeholders for active participation within the VCC process

    Resources for value co-creation in knowledge-intensive business services

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    Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin arvon yhteisluontia tietointensiivisissÀ liike-elÀmÀn palveluissa. Tutkimuksen pÀÀtavoitteena oli kuvailla ja ymmÀrtÀÀ arvon yhteisluonnin prosessia sekÀ selvittÀÀ, mitkÀ ovat keskeisimmÀt arvon yhteisluonnissa vaaditut resurssit tietointensiivissÀ liike-elÀmÀn palveluissa. Tutkimus jakaantui kahteen osuuteen. Teoriaosuuden kirjallisuuskatsauksessa tarkasteltiin ensin arvon yhteisluontia palveluiden ja tietointensiivisten liike-elÀmÀn palveluiden kontekstissa. Tarkastelu kohdistettiin erityisesti arvon yhteisluonnissa hyödynnettÀviin resursseihin. Empiirisen osion laadullisen tapaustutkimuksen avulla syvennettiin teoriaosuudessa muodostettua ymmÀrrystÀ sekÀ muodostettiin viitekehys arvon yhteisluonnin kuvailemiseen tietointensiivisissÀ liike-elÀmÀn palveluissa. Tapaustutkimuksen kohdeyrityksenÀ toimi suomalainen ohjelmistoalan yritys ja empiirisen osion aineisto hankittiin kohdeyrityksen asiakkaille suunnattujen teemahaastattelujen avulla. Tutkimustulosten perusteella tietointensiivisissÀ liike-elÀmÀn palveluissa arvo luodaan kumppanuuteen perustuvassa asiakassuhteessa arvon yhteisluonnin prosessissa. Asiakkaan kokeman arvon muodostumista tukevia resursseja ovat tietointensiivisissÀ liike-elÀmÀn palveluissa erityisesti yrityksen inhimilliset resurssit; työntekijöiden asiantuntijaosaaminen, vuorovaikutusosaaminen sekÀ aktiivisuus ja vastuunottokyky. Organisatorisia resursseja tarvitaan asiantuntijaosaamisen hyödyntÀmiseen. Yrityksen kyky hallita ja tunnistaa resurssejaan, joustavuus ja reagointikyky mahdollistavat inhimillisten resurssien hyödyntÀmisen palveluprosessissa. Sitoutuminen kumppanuuteen sekÀ yrityksen proaktiivisuus edistÀvÀt asiakkaan piilevien, strategisten tarpeiden tÀyttymistÀ. Suhderesurssit puolestaan mahdollistavat yrityksen tarjoaman toimialatiedon sekÀ roolin vÀlittÀjÀorganisaationa. Tulosten perusteella tietointensiivisten liike-elÀmÀn palveluiden arvon yhteisluontia luonnehtii tiivis vuorovaikutus, yrityksen proaktiivisuus sekÀ epÀsuorat arvonluonnin funktiot. Arvon yhteisluonti toteutuu parhaimmillaan kumppanuuteen perustuvassa asiakassuhteessa, joka tÀyttÀÀ sekÀ asiakkaan projektiin liittyvÀt tarpeet ettÀ strategiset, tulevaisuuteen suuntautuvat tarpeet. Tutkimus lisÀsi ymmÀrrystÀ tietointensiivisten liike-elÀmÀn palveluiden arvonluonnista ja resursseista. Tulokset ovat parhaiten hyödynnettÀvissÀ kohdeyrityksen asiakassuhteissa sekÀ soveltuvin osin myös laajemmin palvelutoimialojen ja erityisesti tietointensiivisten liike-elÀmÀn palveluiden kontekstissa

    An ethnographic study of the enactment of service level agreements in complex IT-intensive business-to-business services.

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    Service level agreements (SLAs) for complex IT-intensive business-to-business (CITI-B2B) services are high-level representations of services to be enacted, with predominantly quantifiable performance targets. Inevitably, there is a gap between this representation and the nuanced practices of enactment adapting to emergent conditions over time. Overarching terms in the master agreement anticipate this gap; however, the nature of the practices that manage that gap is not well understood. This study aims to develop a deeper understanding of these everyday practices to identify potential areas for improving value realisation in SLA enactment. We conducted a long-term ethnographic study of the enactment of an SLA by a global IT provider and global financial services company, framed by relational theory of contract. Our analysis showed the gap was bridged by a cycle of enactment in which emergent conditions triggered relational interactions among participants, culminating in decisions to adapt the terms of the SLA in pursuit of value realisation. Further, our analysis showed that this cycle is enabled by informal mechanisms of learning, negotiating, and adapting that we conceptualise as relational capability, which is amenable to representation, refinement, innovation, and capability development. Exploiting this capability and as well as the information produced during the cycle of enactment could inform SLA design and enable the transformation of SLAs as evolving learning instruments

    Value co-creation in service relationships: a study of customer and service provider role responsibilities in KIBS

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    ABSTRACT Objective of the study The objective of this study was to explore the characteristics of value co-­creation and the role responsibilities supporting value co-­?creation in the context of knowledge-­?intensive business services (KIBS). Research investigating the interactions between a service provider and a customer in services, where the customer is intimately involved in co-­?creating the service outcome, is limited. This study aims to address this gap by suggesting a framework describing the functioning of a value co-­?creating service relationship. Research method The research question was explored through a qualitative approach. Semi-­?structured interviews were conducted with representatives of four KIBS firms. Empirical findings were reflected back on theory to create a proposed framework as a basis for further enquiry. Findings The main findings of this study are summarized in a framework seeking to explain value co-­?creation in KIBS. Dialogical interaction was found to be at the core of value co-­?creation, increasing the likelihood of reaching a high value outcome. Favorable customer and service provider behaviors, referred to in this study as role responsibilities, are suggested to reinforce value co-­?creation. Two customer and three service provider role responsibilities were found to be especially pertinent to support the emergence of a mutually beneficial relationship, where value is co-­?created and not destroyed. The service provider’s role responsibilities were found to consist of building trust and mutual value through value leadership, expertise and solidarity. On the customer’s part, the most relevant role responsibilities were found to be involving and being involved to ensure a co-­?created value outcome

    Bespoke E-Commerce - Customização em Massa no Calçado: Estudo de Caso MĂșltiplos

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    Verifica-se uma evolução nas estratĂ©gias empresariais de forma a satisfazer as expectativas especĂ­ficas e individuais dos consumidores, sendo, a heterogeneidade da procura um elemento crĂ­tico para o marketing. DĂĄ origem a estratĂ©gias de nichos, a ofertas de produtos diferenciadas, e exige um grande esforço efetivo por parte dos profissionais do marketing. Mass customization Ă© descrita como um modelo que procura oferecer produtos e serviços customizados, ou seja, adaptados Ă s necessidades e preferĂȘncias dos consumidores, mas produzidos com a mesma eficiĂȘncia que os produtos padronizados de grande escala. O principal objetivo desta estratĂ©gia Ă© habilitar as empresas a reagir rapidamente Ă s mudanças constantes das preferĂȘncias dos consumidores, resolvendo a heterogeneidade da procura de forma eficiente. A procura pelo exclusivo e personalizado, evidencia a autenticidade que os consumidores atuais desejam preservar. As pessoas querem sentir-se diferenciadas, Ășnicas e exclusivas, numa era onde tudo Ă© fabricado em sĂ©rie e em larga escala. Este paradigma abriu portas para outros tipos de negĂłcios de artigos personalizados, em diversas ĂĄreas. Uma empresa que opte por adequar a sua oferta ou parte dela Ă  customização, deve primeiro reconhecer a necessidade de ter um processo de fabricação flexĂ­vel, a possibilidade de reconfigurar os seus produtos ou serviços de acordo com as preferĂȘncias individuais dos seus consumidores, criar uma plataforma de design envolvente e ter uma gestĂŁo eficiente do canal de suprimentos e do seu portfolio de produtos. Esta tese, com base em estudos de caso mĂșltiplos, pretende analisar os processos tĂ©cnicos nas empresas alvo, avaliar como estas empresas do setor do calçado utilizam a customização em massa atravĂ©s da web, na sua estratĂ©gia empresarial, a sua operacionalização, extensĂŁo, etapas e consequĂȘncias

    Dynamics of digital entrepreneurship and innovation : insights from an emerging market

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    In the recent years, the pervasive use of digital technologies has remarkably changed our society. Realizing its huge potential for transforming a society, many emerging markets worldwide have widely adopted digital technologies aiming at poverty reduction, rapid socio-economic development and sustainability through a better connected society. However, despite its large scale adoption, a major percentage of digital technology-based projects in these markets have failed completely or partially. Considering the unique characteristics of emerging markets, it is now well acknowledged that the canonical set of methods used for innovation in developed economies do not work in the emerging markets and need doing things differently. As these projects are often led by entrepreneurs who lack in local knowledge, the projects suffer in contextualization of innovation leading to failure. This doctoral thesis examines dynamics of digital innovation in emerging markets focusing on digital entrepreneurship, digital technology driven enterprise transformation and co-creation of IT value for the firms engaged in such digital ventures. This thesis adopts three paper format and is grounded in concepts and theories from wide range of related and intertwined academic literatures: those of digital innovation in emerging markets, digital innovation and entrepreneurship, liminality, enterprise transformation, path creation, co-creation of IT value and social-commercial alliance. As methodologies, I have adopted interpretive cases studies and conducted three case studies in an emerging market, Bangladesh to collect empirical data. One of the papers is based on single case while two others are drawn on two cases. The first paper investigates two digital innovation projects in emerging markets drawing on liminality to explore how contexts and entrepreneurial agency in emerging markets co-evolve through digital technologies. Drawing on a single case, the second paper examines the transformation of an organization that adopts ICT. And finally, the third paper explores the process of co-creation and emanation IT value in two social-commercial alliances that embeds IT as their key resources for innovation. Overall, the thesis has several contributions to the theories and for practice. Specifically, the key theoretical contributions of the thesis are: 1) illustrating that digital innovations in emerging markets offer liminal space for entrepreneurs, 2) conceptualizing digital entrepreneurship and innovation as a constitutive process, 3) developing a process framework for digital innovation and entrepreneurship in emerging markets, 4) offering three practices for digital innovation in emerging markets, 5) conceptualizing ICT-based enterprise transformation in emerging market as a process of path creation, 6) offering ‘mindful deviation’ as a key practice for enterprise transformation, 7) developing a theoretical model for co-creation of IT value in social-commercial alliances and 8) building theoretical propositions related to firms‘ motivations for co-creation through IT. Further to that, I discuss several practical implications of the findings and also offer few implications for future research

    E. sveikatos plėtros integruotos transformacijos: suinteresuotƳjƳ pusiƳ tinklo perspektyva

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    E. sveikata yra vertintina kaip svarbiausia sveikatos sistemos valdymo inovacija, todėl susiduriama ne tik su techninėmis, bet ir su ÄŻvairiomis ĆŸmogiĆĄkojo faktoriaus problemomis, kurios bĆ«dingos diegiant naujoves. Monografijoje atskleidĆŸiamas e. sveikatos plėtros mastas ir tendencijos iĆĄ suinteresuotĆłjĆł pusiĆł tinklinės perspektyvos siekiant inovatyvumo ir tvaros sveikatos sistemoje. Pristatoma sukurta e. sveikatos suinteresuotĆłjĆł bendradarbiavimo platforma, kurioje sveikatos valdymo inovacijos ir socialiniĆł technologijĆł galimybės sinergijoje su politiniĆł, organizaciniĆł ir vadybiniĆł priemoniĆł dinaminiu rinkiniu pateikia ir atnaujina politines organizacines ir vadybines priemones esamuoju laiku

    Integrated transformations of e-health: perspectives of stakeholders

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    E-health is perceived as the most imperative innovation in health system management. Therefore, just as any other innovation it should expect all inherent challenges – technical problems as well as a wide range of human factor issues. Research presented in the monograph – striving for innovative and sustainable healthcare system, to assess the extent of e-health development and trends from the network perspective of stakeholders as the most important success factor in the e-health deployment. Presenting integrated ehealth deployment platform for Stakeholder Cooperation and suggested solutions produce a dynamic set of political, organisational and managerial measures that are constant and self-updating in current time, which is valuable for decision-making in e-health development. Consequently, the designed Platform automatically provides and updates political, organisational and managerial measures in real time