39,650 research outputs found

    Transparently Mixing Undo Logs and Software Reversibility for State Recovery in Optimistic PDES

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    The rollback operation is a fundamental building block to support the correct execution of a speculative Time Warp-based Parallel Discrete Event Simulation. In the literature, several solutions to reduce the execution cost of this operation have been proposed, either based on the creation of a checkpoint of previous simulation state images, or on the execution of negative copies of simulation events which are able to undo the updates on the state. In this paper, we explore the practical design and implementation of a state recoverability technique which allows to restore a previous simulation state either relying on checkpointing or on the reverse execution of the state updates occurred while processing events in forward mode. Differently from other proposals, we address the issue of executing backward updates in a fully-transparent and event granularity-independent way, by relying on static software instrumentation (targeting the x86 architecture and Linux systems) to generate at runtime reverse update code blocks (not to be confused with reverse events, proper of the reverse computing approach). These are able to undo the effects of a forward execution while minimizing the cost of the undo operation. We also present experimental results related to our implementation, which is released as free software and fully integrated into the open source ROOT-Sim (ROme OpTimistic Simulator) package. The experimental data support the viability and effectiveness of our proposal

    Spectral Engineering of Slow Light, Cavity Line Narrowing, and Pulse Compression

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    More than 4 orders of magnitude of cavity-linewidth narrowing in a rare-earth-ion-doped crystal cavity, emanating from strong intracavity dispersion caused by off-resonant interaction with dopant ions, is demonstrated. The dispersion profiles are engineered using optical pumping techniques creating significant semipermanent but reprogrammable changes of the rare-earth absorption profiles. Several cavity modes are shown within the spectral transmission window. Several possible applications of this phenomenon are discussed.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1304.445

    A packet error recovery scheme for vertical handovers mobility management protocols

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    Mobile devices are connecting to the Internet through an increasingly heterogeneous network environment. This connectivity via multiple types of wireless networks allows the mobile devices to take advantage of the high speed and the low cost of wireless local area networks and the large coverage of wireless wide area networks. In this context, we propose a new handoff framework for switching seamlessly between the different network technologies by taking advantage of the temporary availability of both the old and the new network technology through the use of an "on the fly" erasure coding method. The goal is to demonstrate that our framework, based on a real implementation of such coding scheme, 1) allows the application to achieve higher goodput rate compared to existing bicasting proposals and other erasure coding schemes; 2) is easy to configure and as a result 3) is a perfect candidate to ensure the reliability of vertical handovers mobility management protocols. In this paper, we present the implementation of such framework and show that our proposal allows to maintain the TCP goodput(with a negligible transmission overhead) while providing in a timely manner a full reliability in challenged conditions

    Preemptive Software Transactional Memory

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    In state-of-the-art Software Transactional Memory (STM) systems, threads carry out the execution of transactions as non-interruptible tasks. Hence, a thread can react to the injection of a higher priority transactional task and take care of its processing only at the end of the currently executed transaction. In this article we pursue a paradigm shift where the execution of an in-memory transaction is carried out as a preemptable task, so that a thread can start processing a higher priority transactional task before finalizing its current transaction. We achieve this goal in an application-transparent manner, by only relying on Operating System facilities we include in our preemptive STM architecture. With our approach we are able to re-evaluate CPU assignment across transactions along a same thread every few tens of microseconds. This is mandatory for an effective priority-aware architecture given the typically finer-grain nature of in-memory transactions compared to their counterpart in database systems. We integrated our preemptive STM architecture with the TinySTM package, and released it as open source. We also provide the results of an experimental assessment of our proposal based on running a port of the TPC-C benchmark to the STM environment