61 research outputs found

    Developing optimal input design strategies in cancer systems biology with applications to microfluidic device engineering

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Mechanistic models are becoming more and more popular in Systems Biology; identification and control of models underlying biochemical pathways of interest in oncology is a primary goal in this field. Unfortunately the scarce availability of data still limits our understanding of the intrinsic characteristics of complex pathologies like cancer: acquiring information for a system understanding of complex reaction networks is time consuming and expensive. Stimulus response experiments (SRE) have been used to gain a deeper insight into the details of biochemical mechanisms underlying cell life and functioning. Optimisation of the input time-profile, however, still remains a major area of research due to the complexity of the problem and its relevance for the task of information retrieval in systems biology-related experiments.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have addressed the problem of quantifying the information associated to an experiment using the Fisher Information Matrix and we have proposed an optimal experimental design strategy based on evolutionary algorithm to cope with the problem of information gathering in Systems Biology. On the basis of the theoretical results obtained in the field of control systems theory, we have studied the dynamical properties of the signals to be used in cell stimulation. The results of this study have been used to develop a microfluidic device for the automation of the process of cell stimulation for system identification.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We have applied the proposed approach to the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor pathway and we observed that it minimises the amount of parametric uncertainty associated to the identified model. A statistical framework based on Monte-Carlo estimations of the uncertainty ellipsoid confirmed the superiority of optimally designed experiments over canonical inputs. The proposed approach can be easily extended to multiobjective formulations that can also take advantage of identifiability analysis. Moreover, the availability of fully automated microfluidic platforms explicitly developed for the task of biochemical model identification will hopefully reduce the effects of the 'data rich-data poor' paradox in Systems Biology.</p

    Construction and Modelling of an Inducible Positive Feedback Loop Stably Integrated in a Mammalian Cell-Line

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    Understanding the relationship between topology and dynamics of transcriptional regulatory networks in mammalian cells is essential to elucidate the biology of complex regulatory and signaling pathways. Here, we characterised, via a synthetic biology approach, a transcriptional positive feedback loop (PFL) by generating a clonal population of mammalian cells (CHO) carrying a stable integration of the construct. The PFL network consists of the Tetracycline-controlled transactivator (tTA), whose expression is regulated by a tTA responsive promoter (CMV-TET), thus giving rise to a positive feedback. The same CMV-TET promoter drives also the expression of a destabilised yellow fluorescent protein (d2EYFP), thus the dynamic behaviour can be followed by time-lapse microscopy. The PFL network was compared to an engineered version of the network lacking the positive feedback loop (NOPFL), by expressing the tTA mRNA from a constitutive promoter. Doxycycline was used to repress tTA activation (switch off), and the resulting changes in fluorescence intensity for both the PFL and NOPFL networks were followed for up to 43 h. We observed a striking difference in the dynamics of the PFL and NOPFL networks. Using non-linear dynamical models, able to recapitulate experimental observations, we demonstrated a link between network topology and network dynamics. Namely, transcriptional positive autoregulation can significantly slow down the “switch off” times, as comparared to the nonautoregulatated system. Doxycycline concentration can modulate the response times of the PFL, whereas the NOPFL always switches off with the same dynamics. Moreover, the PFL can exhibit bistability for a range of Doxycycline concentrations. Since the PFL motif is often found in naturally occurring transcriptional and signaling pathways, we believe our work can be instrumental to characterise their behaviour

    Interaction between Experiment, Modeling and Simulation of Spatial Aspects in the JAK2/STAT5 Signaling Pathway

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    Fundamental progress in systems biology can only be achieved if experimentalists and theoreticians closely collaborate. Mathematical models cannot be formulated precisely without deep knowledge of the experiments while complex biological systems can often not be understood fully without mathematical interpretation of the dynamic processes involved. In this article, we describe how these two approaches can be combined to gain new insights on one of the most extensively studied signal transduction pathways, the Janus kinase (JAK)/ signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) pathway. We focus on the parameters of a model describing how STAT proteins are transported from the membrane to the nucleus where STATs regulate gene expression. We discuss which parameters can be measured experimentally in different cell types and how the unknown parameters are estimated, what the limits of these techniques and how accurate the determinations are

    Identifiability analysis of a tractor and single axle towed implement model

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    The growing trend of model-based design in off-road vehicle engineering requires models that are sufficiently accurate for their intended application if they are to be used with confidence. Uncertain model parameters are often identified from measured data collected in experiments by using an optimization procedure, but it is important to understand the limitations of such a procedure and to have methods available for assessing the uniqueness and confidence of the results. The concept of model identifiability is used to determine whether system measurements contain enough information to estimate the model parameters. A numerical approach based on the profile likelihood of parameters was utilized to evaluate the local structural and practical identifiability of a tractor and single axle towed implement model with six uncertain tire force model parameters from tractor yaw rate and implement yaw rate data. The analysis first considered datasets generated from simulation of the model with known parameter values to examine the effect of measurement error, sampling rate, and input signal type on the identifiability. The results showed that the accuracy and confidence of identification tended to decrease as the quality, quantity, and richness of the data decreased, to the point that some of the parameters were considered practically unidentifiable from the information available. The profile likelihood plots also indicated potential opportunities for model reduction. Second, the analysis considered the identifiability of the model from two datasets collected during field experiments, and the results again indicated parameters that were practically unidentifiable from the information available. Overall, the study showed how different experimental factors can affect the amount of information available in a dataset for identification and that error in the measured data can propagate to error in model parameter estimates

    Studies on mechanisms of interferon-gamma action in pancreatic cancer using a data-driven and model-based approach

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Interferon-gamma (IFNγ) is a multifunctional cytokine with antifibrotic and antiproliferative efficiency. We previously found that pancreatic stellate cells (PSC), the main effector cells in cancer-associated fibrosis, are targets of IFNγ action in the pancreas. Applying a combined experimental and computational approach, we have demonstrated a pivotal role of STAT1 in IFNγ signaling in PSC. Using <it>in vivo </it>and <it>in vitro </it>models of pancreatic cancer, we have now studied IFNγ effects on the tumor cells themselves. We hypothesize that IFNγ inhibits tumor progression through two mechanisms, reduction of fibrogenesis and antiproliferative effects on the tumor cells. To elucidate the molecular action of IFNγ, we have established a mathematical model of STAT1 activation and combined experimental studies with computer simulations.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In BALB/c-<it>nu/nu </it>mice, flank tumors composed of DSL-6A/C1 pancreatic cancer cells and PSC grew faster than pure DSL-6A/C1 cell tumors. IFNγ inhibited the growth of both types of tumors to a similar degree. Since the stroma reaction typically reduces the efficiency of therapeutic agents, these data suggested that IFNγ may retain its antitumor efficiency in PSC-containing tumors by targeting the stellate cells. Studies with cocultures of DSL-6A/C1 cells and PSC revealed a modest antiproliferative effect of IFNγ under serum-free conditions. Immunoblot analysis of STAT1 phosphorylation and confocal microscopy studies on the nuclear translocation of STAT1 in DSL-6A/C1 cells suggested that IFNγ-induced activation of the transcription factor was weaker than in PSC. The mathematical model not only reproduced the experimental data, but also underscored the conclusions drawn from the experiments by indicating that a maximum of 1/500 of total STAT1 is located as phosphorylated STAT1 in the nucleus upon IFNγ treatment of the tumor cells.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>IFNγ is equally effective in DSL-6A/C1 tumors with and without stellate cells. While its action in the presence of PSC may be explained by inhibition of fibrogenesis, its efficiency in PSC-free tumors is unlikely to be caused by direct effects on the tumor cells alone but may involve inhibitory effects on local stroma cells as well. To gain further insights, we also plan to apply computer simulations to the analysis of tumor growth <it>in vivo</it>.</p

    Challenges in horizontal model integration

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    BACKGROUND: Systems Biology has motivated dynamic models of important intracellular processes at the pathway level, for example, in signal transduction and cell cycle control. To answer important biomedical questions, however, one has to go beyond the study of isolated pathways towards the joint study of interacting signaling pathways or the joint study of signal transduction and cell cycle control. Thereby the reuse of established models is preferable, as it will generally reduce the modeling effort and increase the acceptance of the combined model in the field. RESULTS: Obtaining a combined model can be challenging, especially if the submodels are large and/or come from different working groups (as is generally the case, when models stored in established repositories are used). To support this task, we describe a semi-automatic workflow based on established software tools. In particular, two frequent challenges are described: identification of the overlap and subsequent (re)parameterization of the integrated model. CONCLUSIONS: The reparameterization step is crucial, if the goal is to obtain a model that can reproduce the data explained by the individual models. For demonstration purposes we apply our workflow to integrate two signaling pathways (EGF and NGF) from the BioModels Database. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12918-016-0266-3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Computational analysis of the interferon alpha signalling pathway using a systems biology modelling approach

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    In this thesis, signalling dynamics of the interferon alpha stimulated JAK/STAT pathway have been studied using a computational modelling approach. A model simulating the kinetic response of an interferon alpha stimulated Huh7.5 cell was developed using literature data and experimental measurements. The model was used for predictions regarding the kinetic behaviour of the signal transduction. IRF-9, a transcription factor necessary for the transcriptionally active ISGF-3 complex, was predicted to be a major contributor to the time dependent kinetic behaviour of the interferon alpha stimulated signal transduction. An overexpression of IRF-9 was predicted to enhance and accelerate the anti-viral response following interferon alpha stimulation. Furthermore, constitutive negative feedback by nuclear phosphatases and induced negative feedback by SOCS proteins were predicted to have a major impact on the JAK/STAT signalling pathway. Additionally, phosphatase protection of the ISGF-3 complex by DNA binding was proposed to be necessary for the observed kinetic measurements. Predictions regarding IRF-9 were validated by experimental measurements comparing wild-type cells to IRF-9 overexpression cells. Both cell lines showed the predicted behaviour after interferon alpha stimulation for active signal transducers. Furthermore, the effect was observed on a genetic level, as an array experiment showed upregulation and acceleration of prominent anti-viral genes such as Mx1 in the IRF-9 overexpressing cells in comparison to the wild-type environment. Therefore, overexpression of IRF-9 was identified as a method to enhance the JAK/STAT signalling pathway. A bioinformatical approach was used to predict underlying mechanisms controlling individual gene induction patterns observed in the array experiment. Results showed that hub-gene IRF1 could be involved in a transcriptional network controlling early and late anti-viral responses following interferon alpha stimulation. To improve model predictions and to identify key reactions for additional experimental design, a two-phase model reduction and parameter estimation approaches were performed. For the first reduction, the model was decreased from 61 free parameters to 33 free parameters. After a parameter fitting approach, the model retained its ability to accurately fit the experimental data. Furthermore, the second model reduction lead to a minimal model with 22 free parameters, which was able to fit the experimental data well

    Small RNAs Establish Delays and Temporal Thresholds in Gene Expression

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    Non-coding RNAs are crucial regulators of gene expression in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, but it remains poorly understood how they affect the dynamics of transcriptional networks. We analyzed the temporal characteristics of the cyanobacterial iron stress response by mathematical modeling and quantitative experimental analyses, and focused on the role of a recently discovered small non-coding RNA, IsrR. We found that IsrR is responsible for a pronounced delay in the accumulation of isiA mRNA encoding the late-phase stress protein, IsiA, and that it ensures a rapid decline in isiA levels once external stress triggers are removed. These kinetic properties allow the system to selectively respond to sustained (as opposed to transient) stimuli, and thus establish a temporal threshold, which prevents energetically costly IsiA accumulation under short-term stress conditions. Biological information is frequently encoded in the quantitative aspects of intracellular signals (e.g., amplitude and duration). Our simulations reveal that competitive inhibition and regulated degradation allow intracellular regulatory networks to efficiently discriminate between transient and sustained inputs