4 research outputs found

    Provably Efficient Adaptive Scheduling for Parallel Jobs

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    Scheduling competing jobs on multiprocessors has always been an important issue for parallel and distributed systems. The challenge is to ensure global, system-wide efficiency while offering a level of fairness to user jobs. Various degrees of successes have been achieved over the years. However, few existing schemes address both efficiency and fairness over a wide range of work loads. Moreover, in order to obtain analytical results, most of them require prior information about jobs, which may be difficult to obtain in real applications. This paper presents two novel adaptive scheduling algorithms -- GRAD for centralized scheduling, and WRAD for distributed scheduling. Both GRAD and WRAD ensure fair allocation under all levels of workload, and they offer provable efficiency without requiring prior information of job's parallelism. Moreover, they provide effective control over the scheduling overhead and ensure efficient utilization of processors. To the best of our knowledge, they are the first non-clairvoyant scheduling algorithms that offer such guarantees. We also believe that our new approach of resource request-allotment protocol deserves further exploration. Specifically, both GRAD and WRAD are O(1)-competitive with respect to mean response time for batched jobs, and O(1)-competitive with respect to makespan for non-batched jobs with arbitrary release times. The simulation results show that, for non-batched jobs, the makespan produced by GRAD is no more than 1.39 times of the optimal on average and it never exceeds 4.5 times. For batched jobs, the mean response time produced by GRAD is no more than 2.37 times of the optimal on average, and it never exceeds 5.5 times.Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA

    Dynamic vs. Static Quantum-Based Parallel Processor Allocation

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    This paper improves upon previous synthetic workload models and compares the performance of dynamic spatial equipartitioning (EQS) and the semi-static quantum-based FB-PWS processor allocation defined in [23], under synthetic workloads that have not previously been considered

    ADEPT Runtime/Scalability Predictor in support of Adaptive Scheduling

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    A job scheduler determines the order and duration of the allocation of resources, e.g. CPU, to the tasks waiting to run on a computer. Round-Robin and First-Come-First-Serve are examples of algorithms for making such resource allocation decisions. Parallel job schedulers make resource allocation decisions for applications that need multiple CPU cores, on computers consisting of many CPU cores connected by different interconnects. An adaptive parallel scheduler is a parallel scheduler that is capable of adjusting its resource allocation decisions based on the current resource usage and demand. Adaptive parallel schedulers that decide the numbers of CPU cores to allocate to a parallel job provide more flexibility and potentially improve performance significantly for both local and grid job scheduling compared to non-adaptive schedulers. A major reason why adaptive schedulers are not yet used practically is due to lack of knowledge of the scalability curves of the applications, and high cost of existing white-box approaches for scalability prediction. We show that a runtime and scalability prediction tool can be developed with 3 requirements: accuracy comparable to white-box methods, applicability, and robustness. Applicability depends only on knowledge feasible to gain in a production environment. Robustness addresses anomalous behaviour and unreliable predictions. We present ADEPT, a speedup and runtime prediction tool that satisfies all criteria for both single problem size and across different problem sizes of a parallel application. ADEPT is also capable of handling anomalies and judging reliability of its predictions. We demonstrate these using experiments with MPI and OpenMP implementations of NAS benchmarks and seven real applications

    Dynamic vs. static quantum-based parallel processor allocation

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