8 research outputs found

    View management for virtual and augmented reality

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    Dynamic Layout Management in a Multimedia Bulletin Board

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    This paper proposes a novel user interface to manage the dynamic layout of multimedia objects in the Multimedia Bulletin Board (MBB) system. The MBB has been designed and implemented as a prototype of an asynchronous communication system that enables rich communication and collaboration among users of multimedia objects such as text, image, moving picture, sound, voice, web, office document, and other files. The layout properties of the multimedia objects on a board (e.g. x-y position, size, z-order, partial occlusion, explicit and implicit links, etc.) show important and useful information on the user dynamics occurring within a board. However, a fixed layout created and edited by multiple users may prevent users from recognizing and identifying useful information. This paper resolves this problem with a novel user-controlled layout strategy made visible with dynamic layout templates (DLT). Users can reorganize the objects to extract meaningful information related to time, source, geographic location, or topic. (UMIACS-TR-2002-26) (HCIL-TR-2002-04

    Adaptive Layout for Interactive Documents

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    This thesis presents a novel approach to create automated layouts for rich illustrative material that could adapt according to the screen size and contextual requirements. The adaption not only considers global layout but also deals with the content and layout adaptation of individual illustrations in the layout. An unique solution has been developed that integrates constraint-based and force-directed techniques to create adaptive grid-based and non-grid layouts. A set of annotation layouts are developed which adapt the annotated illustrations to match the contextual requirements over time

    Contributions to the cornerstones of interaction in visualization: strengthening the interaction of visualization

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    Visualization has become an accepted means for data exploration and analysis. Although interaction is an important component of visualization approaches, current visualization research pays less attention to interaction than to aspects of the graphical representation. Therefore, the goal of this work is to strengthen the interaction side of visualization. To this end, we establish a unified view on interaction in visualization. This unified view covers four cornerstones: the data, the tasks, the technology, and the human.Visualisierung hat sich zu einem unverzichtbaren Werkzeug fĂŒr die Exploration und Analyse von Daten entwickelt. Obwohl Interaktion ein wichtiger Bestandteil solcher Werkzeuge ist, wird der Interaktion in der aktuellen Visualisierungsforschung weniger Aufmerksamkeit gewidmet als Aspekten der graphischen ReprĂ€sentation. Daher ist es das Ziel dieser Arbeit, die Interaktion im Bereich der Visualisierung zu stĂ€rken. Hierzu wird eine einheitliche Sicht auf Interaktion in der Visualisierung entwickelt

    On the Use of Directed Moves for Placement in VLSI CAD

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    Search-based placement methods have long been used for placing integrated circuits targeting the field programmable gate array (FPGA) and standard cell design styles. Such methods offer the potential for high-quality solutions but often come at the cost of long run-times compared to alternative methods. This dissertation examines strategies for enhancing local search heuristics---and in particular, simulated annealing---through the application of directed moves. These moves help to guide a search-based optimizer by focusing efforts on states which are most likely to yield productive improvement, effectively pruning the size of the search space. The engineering theory and implementation details of directed moves are discussed in the context of both field programmable gate array and standard cell designs. This work explores the ways in which such moves can be used to improve the quality of FPGA placements, improve the robustness of floorplan repair and legalization methods for mixed-size standard cell designs, and enhance the quality of detailed placement for standard cell circuits. The analysis presented herein confirms the validity and efficacy of directed moves, and supports the use of such heuristics within various optimization frameworks

    Zoomable User Interfaces for the Authoring and Delivery of Slide Presentations

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    Millions of slide presentations are being authored and delivered with computer software every day. Yet much of the computer's power for these tasks remains untapped. Existing interaction techniques leave presenters wrestling with limited size computer displays to get meaningful overviews of their work. Without these overviews, they have trouble finding patterns in their data and experimenting with alternate organizations. They also have difficulty communicating the structure of large or complex talks to the audience and keeping the audience oriented during unexpected transitions between ideas. A natural solution is Zoomable User Interfaces (ZUIs) since they offer the capability to view information at multiple levels of detail and smoothly transition between ideas. This work presents two ZUIs, Niagara and CounterPoint, for authoring and delivering slide presentations. Niagara is a ZUI workspace for authoring presentation content with techniques to improve authoring in the zoomable environment. Empirical evaluations of ZUI-based authoring tools revealed performance improvements and subjective preferences over folder-based interfaces for organization tasks. Users were 30% faster with ZUIs than with folders in completing a simplified shape organization task. Some classes of users were also faster with ZUIs than with folders in completing a text-based organization task. Users performing both tasks exhibited a strong preference for ZUIs over folders. CounterPoint provides a number of features to simplify the creation and delivery of ZUI presentations. The effects of these presentations on the audience were evaluated in a controlled comparison of presentations with slides only, slides with spatial layouts, and slides with spatial layouts and animation. The study revealed a strong subjective preference and higher ratings of organization for presentations with spatial layout. Feedback was also gathered from presenters who used CounterPoint to deliver over 100 real-world presentations. They indicated that CounterPoint helped them communicate overviews and multi-level presentation structures. More experienced CounterPoint presenters also found that CounterPoint helped them keep the audience oriented when navigating the presentation in response to audience feedback

    Illustrative Informationsvisualisierung

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    Mit wachsender GrĂ¶ĂŸe von Daten wird es zunehmend schwerer, die in der Informationsvisualisierung erzeugte visuelle ReprĂ€sentation zu interpretieren und die relevanten Informationen adĂ€quat darzustellen. Die Illustration beschĂ€ftigt sich seit lĂ€ngerem mit der Kommunikation wichtiger Bildinformationen. Das Ziel dieser Dissertation ist es deshalb, illustrative Verfahren in Techniken der Informationsvisualisierung zu integrieren - sowohl konzeptuell als auch in praktischer Anwendung. Als Ergebnis unterstĂŒtzen die neu entwickelten LösungsansĂ€tze die Kommunikation dargestellter Informationen