4 research outputs found

    Redes Heterogéneas en el entorno vehicular

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    En la actualidad, los elementos de la infraestructura existentes para el despligue de redes vehiculares han sido desplegados en su totalidad por las operadoras de telefonía. Sin embargo, los fuertes requisitos de comunicaciones necesarios por parte de los vehículos y especialmente los vehículos autónomos, va a hacer necesario el uso combinado de las redes de telefonía (basadas en Macrocells) con otro tipo de paradigmas de red. En este artículo, presentamos un esquema para mejorar las comunicaciones vehiculares denominado DSM (\textit{Dynamic Small Cell Management}, o gestión dinámica de celdas pequeñas). La propuesta se centra en la activación dinámica de Small Cells cuando las Macrocells no son capaces de gestionar toda la información enviada por los vehículos. Para la validación de la propuesta se ha simulado un despligue real de Estaciones Base en Dublín. Los resultados de la simulación muestran mejoras en cuanto a la capacidad de comunicación y la reducción en la sobrecarga de las Estaciones Base

    Energy optimization in ultra-dense radio access networks via traffic-aware cell switching

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    We propose a reinforcement learning based cell switching algorithm to minimize the energy consumption in ultra-dense deployments without compromising the quality of service (QoS) experienced by the users. In this regard, the proposed method can intelligently learn which small cells (SCs) to turn off at any given time based on the traffic load of the SCs and the macro cell. To validate the idea, we used the open call detail record (CDR) data set from the city of Milan, Italy, and tested our algorithm against typical operational benchmark solutions. With the obtained results, we demonstrate exactly when and how the proposed method can provide energy savings, and moreover how this happens without reducing QoS of users. Most importantly, we show that our solution has a very similar performance to the exhaustive search, with the advantage of being scalable and less complex

    Graph neural network-based cell switching for energy optimization in ultra-dense heterogeneous networks

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    The development of ultra-dense heterogeneous networks (HetNets) will cause a significant rise in energy consumption with large-scale base station (BS) deployments, requiring cellular networks to be more energy efficient to reduce operational expense and promote sustainability. Cell switching is an effective method to achieve the energy efficiency goals, but traditional heuristic cell switching algorithms are computationally demanding with limited generalization abilities for ultra-dense HetNet applications, motivating the usage of machine learning techniques for adaptive cell switching. Graph neural networks (GNNs) are powerful deep learning models with strong generalization abilities but receive little attention for cell switching. This paper proposes a GNN-based cell switching solution (GBCSS) that has a smaller computational complexity than existing heuristic algorithms. The presented performance evaluation uses the Milan telecommunication dataset based on real-world call detail records, comparing GBCSS with a traditional exhaustive search (ES) algorithm, a state-of-the-art learning-based algorithm, and the baseline without cell switching. Results indicate that GBCSS achieves a 10.41% energy efficiency gain when compared with the baseline and achieves 75.76% of the optimal performance obtained with ES algorithm. The results also demonstrate GBCSS’ significant scalability and generalization abilities to differing load conditions and the number of BSs, suggesting this approach is well-suited to ultra-dense HetNet deployment

    Efficient energy management in ultra-dense wireless networks

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    The increase in demand for more network capacity has led to the evolution of wireless networks from being largely Heterogeneous (Het-Nets) to the now existing Ultra-dense (UDNs). In UDNs, small cells are densely deployed with the goal of shortening the physical distance between the base stations (BSs) and the UEs, so as to support more user equipment (UEs) at peak times while ensuring high data rates. Compared to Het-Nets, Ultra-dense networks (UDNs) have many advantages. These include, more network capacity, higher flexibility to routine configurations, and more suitability to achieve load-balancing, hence, fewer blind spots as well as lower call blocking probability. It should be noted that, in practice, due to the high density of deployed small cells in Ultra-Dense Networks, a number of issues, or rather concerns, come with this evolution from Het-Nets. Among these issues include problems with efficient radio resource management, user cell association, inter- and intra-cell interference management and, last but not least, efficient energy consumption. Some of these issues which impact the overall network efficiency are largely due to the use of obsolete algorithms, especially those whose resource allocation is based solely on received signal power (RSSP). In this paper, the focus is solely on the efficient energy management dilemma and how to optimally reduce the overall network energy consumption. Through an extensive literature review, a detailed report into the growing concern of efficient energy management in UDNs is provided in Chapter 2. The literature review report highlights the classification as well as the evolution of some of the Mobile Wireless Technologies and Mobile Wireless Networks in general. The literature review report provides reasons as to why the energy consumption issue has become a very serious concern in UltraDense networks as well as the various techniques and measures taken to mitigate this. It is shown that, due to the increasing Mobile Wireless Systems’ carbon footprint which carries serious negative environmental impact, and the general need to lower operating costs by the network operators, the management of energy consumption increases in priority. By using the architecture of a Fourth Generation Long Term Evolution (4G-LTE) UltraDense Network, the report further shows that more than 65% of the overall energy consumption is by the access network and base stations in particular. This phenomenon explains why most attention in energy efficiency management in UDNs is largely centred on reducing the energy consumption of the deployed base stations more than any other network components like the data servers or backhauling features used. Furthermore, the report also provides detailed information on the methods/techniques, their classification, implementation, as well as a critical analysis of the said implementations in literature. This study proposes a sub-optimal algorithm and Distributed Cell Resource Allocation with a Base Station On/Off scheme that aims at reducing the overall base station power consumption in UDNs, while ensuring that the overall Quality of Service (QoS) for each User Equipment (UE) as specified in its service class is met. The modeling of the system model used and hence formulation of the Network Energy Efficiency (NEE) optimization problem is done viii using stochastic geometry. The network model comprises both evolved Node B (eNB) type macro and small cells operating on different frequency bands as well as taking into account factors that impact NEE such as UE mobility, UE spatial distribution and small cells spatial distribution. The channel model takes into account signal interference from all base stations, path loss, fading, log normal shadowing, modulation and coding schemes used on each UE’s communication channels when computing throughout. The power consumption model used takes into account both static (site cooling, circuit power) and active (transmission or load based) base station power consumption. The formulation of the NEE optimization problem takes into consideration the user’s Quality-of-service (QoS), inter-cell interference, as well as each user’s spectral efficiency and coverage/success probability. The formulated NEE optimization problem is of type Nondeterministic Polynomial time (NP)-hard, due to the user-cell association. The proposed solution to the formulated optimization problem makes use of constraint relaxation to transform the NP-hard problem into a more solvable, convex and linear optimization one. This, combined with Lagrangian dual decomposition, is used to create a distributed solution. After cellassociation and resource allocation phases, the proposed solution in order to further reduce power consumption performs Cell On/Off. Then, by using the computer simulation tools/environments, the “Distributed Resource Allocation with Cell On/Off” scheme’s performance, in comparison to four other resource allocation schemes, is analysed and evaluated given a number of different network scenarios. Finally, the statistical and mathematical results generated through the simulations indicate that the proposed scheme is the closest in NEE performance to the Exhaustive Search algorithm, and hence superior to the other sub-optimal algorithms it is compared to