14 research outputs found

    Dynamic Multigrain Parallelization on the Cell Broadband Engine

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    This paper addresses the problem of orchestrating and scheduling parallelism at multiple levels of granularity on heterogeneous multicore processors. We present policies and mechanisms for adaptive exploitation and scheduling of multiple layers of parallelism on the Cell Broadband Engine. Our policies combine event-driven task scheduling with malleable loop-level parallelism, which is exposed from the runtime system whenever task-level parallelism leaves cores idle. We present a runtime system for scheduling applications with layered parallelism on Cell and investigate its potential with RAxML, a computational biology application which infers large phylogenetic trees, using the Maximum Likelihood (ML) method. Our experiments show that the Cell benefits significantly from dynamic parallelization methods, that selectively exploit the layers of parallelism in the system, in response to workload characteristics. Our runtime environment outperforms naive parallelization and scheduling based on MPI and Linux by up to a factor of 2.6. We are able to execute RAxML on one Cell four times faster than on a dual-processor system with Hyperthreaded Xeon processors, and 5--10\% faster than on a single-processor system with a dual-core, quad-thread IBM Power5 processor

    Dynamic multigrain parallelization on the cell broadband engine

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    RAxML-Cell: Parallel Phylogenetic Tree Inference on the Cell Broadband Engine

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    Phylogenetic tree reconstruction is one of the grand challenge problems in Bioinformatics. The search for a best-scoring tree with 50 organisms, under a reasonable optimality criterion, creates a topological search space which is as large as the number of atoms in the universe. Computational phylogeny is challenging even for the most powerful supercomputers. It is also an ideal candidate for benchmarking emerging multiprocessor architectures, because it exhibits various levels of fine and coarse-grain parallelism. In this paper, we present the porting, optimization, and evaluation of RAxML on the Cell Broadband Engine. RAxML is a provably efficient, hill climbing algorithm for computing phylogenetic trees based on the Maximum Likelihood (ML) method. The algorithm uses an embarrassingly parallel search method, which also exhibits data-level parallelism and control parallelism in the computation of the likelihood functions. We present the optimization of one of the currently fastest tree search algorithms, on a real Cell blade prototype. We also investigate problems and present solutions pertaining to the optimization of floating point code, control flow, communication, scheduling, and multi-level parallelization on the Cell

    Multilayered Heterogeneous Parallelism Applied to Atmospheric Constituent Transport Simulation

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    Heterogeneous multicore chipsets with many levels of parallelism are becoming increasingly common in high-performance computing systems. Effective use of parallelism in these new chipsets constitutes the challenge facing a new generation of large scale scientific computing applications. This study examines methods for improving the performance of two-dimensional and three-dimensional atmospheric constituent transport simulation on the Cell Broadband Engine Architecture (CBEA). A function offloading approach is used in a 2D transport module, and a vector stream processing approach is used in a 3D transport module. Two methods for transferring incontiguous data between main memory and accelerator local storage are compared. By leveraging the heterogeneous parallelism of the CBEA, the 3D transport module achieves performance comparable to two nodes of an IBM BlueGene/P, or eight Intel Xeon cores, on a single PowerXCell 8i chip. Module performance on two CBEA systems, an IBM BlueGene/P, and an eight-core shared-memory Intel Xeon workstation are given

    Large-Scale Phylogenetic Analysis on Current HPC Architectures

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    Flextream: Adaptive Compilation of Streaming Applications for Heterogeneous Architectures

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