2,453 research outputs found

    Structure fusion based on graph convolutional networks for semi-supervised classification

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    Suffering from the multi-view data diversity and complexity for semi-supervised classification, most of existing graph convolutional networks focus on the networks architecture construction or the salient graph structure preservation, and ignore the the complete graph structure for semi-supervised classification contribution. To mine the more complete distribution structure from multi-view data with the consideration of the specificity and the commonality, we propose structure fusion based on graph convolutional networks (SF-GCN) for improving the performance of semi-supervised classification. SF-GCN can not only retain the special characteristic of each view data by spectral embedding, but also capture the common style of multi-view data by distance metric between multi-graph structures. Suppose the linear relationship between multi-graph structures, we can construct the optimization function of structure fusion model by balancing the specificity loss and the commonality loss. By solving this function, we can simultaneously obtain the fusion spectral embedding from the multi-view data and the fusion structure as adjacent matrix to input graph convolutional networks for semi-supervised classification. Experiments demonstrate that the performance of SF-GCN outperforms that of the state of the arts on three challenging datasets, which are Cora,Citeseer and Pubmed in citation networks

    Multi-modal curriculum learning for semi-supervised image classification

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    Semi-supervised image classification aims to classify a large quantity of unlabeled images by typically harnessing scarce labeled images. Existing semi-supervised methods often suffer from inadequate classification accuracy when encountering difficult yet critical images, such as outliers, because they treat all unlabeled images equally and conduct classifications in an imperfectly ordered sequence. In this paper, we employ the curriculum learning methodology by investigating the difficulty of classifying every unlabeled image. The reliability and the discriminability of these unlabeled images are particularly investigated for evaluating their difficulty. As a result, an optimized image sequence is generated during the iterative propagations, and the unlabeled images are logically classified from simple to difficult. Furthermore, since images are usually characterized by multiple visual feature descriptors, we associate each kind of features with a teacher, and design a multi-modal curriculum learning (MMCL) strategy to integrate the information from different feature modalities. In each propagation, each teacher analyzes the difficulties of the currently unlabeled images from its own modality viewpoint. A consensus is subsequently reached among all the teachers, determining the currently simplest images (i.e., a curriculum), which are to be reliably classified by the multi-modal learner. This well-organized propagation process leveraging multiple teachers and one learner enables our MMCL to outperform five state-of-the-art methods on eight popular image data sets

    Machine Learning Methods for Image Analysis in Medical Applications, from Alzheimer\u27s Disease, Brain Tumors, to Assisted Living

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    Healthcare has progressed greatly nowadays owing to technological advances, where machine learning plays an important role in processing and analyzing a large amount of medical data. This thesis investigates four healthcare-related issues (Alzheimer\u27s disease detection, glioma classification, human fall detection, and obstacle avoidance in prosthetic vision), where the underlying methodologies are associated with machine learning and computer vision. For Alzheimer’s disease (AD) diagnosis, apart from symptoms of patients, Magnetic Resonance Images (MRIs) also play an important role. Inspired by the success of deep learning, a new multi-stream multi-scale Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture is proposed for AD detection from MRIs, where AD features are characterized in both the tissue level and the scale level for improved feature learning. Good classification performance is obtained for AD/NC (normal control) classification with test accuracy 94.74%. In glioma subtype classification, biopsies are usually needed for determining different molecular-based glioma subtypes. We investigate non-invasive glioma subtype prediction from MRIs by using deep learning. A 2D multi-stream CNN architecture is used to learn the features of gliomas from multi-modal MRIs, where the training dataset is enlarged with synthetic brain MRIs generated by pairwise Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). Test accuracy 88.82% has been achieved for IDH mutation (a molecular-based subtype) prediction. A new deep semi-supervised learning method is also proposed to tackle the problem of missing molecular-related labels in training datasets for improving the performance of glioma classification. In other two applications, we also address video-based human fall detection by using co-saliency-enhanced Recurrent Convolutional Networks (RCNs), as well as obstacle avoidance in prosthetic vision by characterizing obstacle-related video features using a Spiking Neural Network (SNN). These investigations can benefit future research, where artificial intelligence/deep learning may open a new way for real medical applications

    Structure propagation for zero-shot learning

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    The key of zero-shot learning (ZSL) is how to find the information transfer model for bridging the gap between images and semantic information (texts or attributes). Existing ZSL methods usually construct the compatibility function between images and class labels with the consideration of the relevance on the semantic classes (the manifold structure of semantic classes). However, the relationship of image classes (the manifold structure of image classes) is also very important for the compatibility model construction. It is difficult to capture the relationship among image classes due to unseen classes, so that the manifold structure of image classes often is ignored in ZSL. To complement each other between the manifold structure of image classes and that of semantic classes information, we propose structure propagation (SP) for improving the performance of ZSL for classification. SP can jointly consider the manifold structure of image classes and that of semantic classes for approximating to the intrinsic structure of object classes. Moreover, the SP can describe the constrain condition between the compatibility function and these manifold structures for balancing the influence of the structure propagation iteration. The SP solution provides not only unseen class labels but also the relationship of two manifold structures that encode the positive transfer in structure propagation. Experimental results demonstrate that SP can attain the promising results on the AwA, CUB, Dogs and SUN databases

    Multiple-view flexible semi-supervised classification through consistent graph construction and label propagation

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    Graph construction plays an essential role in graph-based label propagation since graphs give some information on the structure of the data manifold. While most graph construction methods rely on predefined distance calculation, recent algorithms merge the task of label propagation and graph construction in a single process. Moreover, the use of several descriptors is proved to outperform a single descriptor in representing the relation between the nodes. In this article, we propose a Multiple-View Consistent Graph construction and Label propagation algorithm (MVCGL) that simultaneously constructs a consistent graph based on several descriptors and performs label propagation over unlabeled samples. Furthermore, it provides a mapping function from the feature space to the label space with which we estimate the label of unseen samples via a linear projection. The constructed graph does not rely on a predefined similarity function and exploits data and label smoothness. Experiments conducted on three face and one handwritten digit databases show that the proposed method can gain better performance compared to other graph construction and label propagation methods.This work was partially funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Spain, Programa Estatal de I+D+i Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad, RTI2018-101045-B- C21, and the University of the Basque Country, GIU19/02

    Multi-View Graph Fusion for Semi-Supervised Learning: Application to Image-Based Face Beauty Prediction

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    Facial Beauty Prediction (FBP) is an important visual recognition problem to evaluate the attractiveness of faces according to human perception. Most existing FBP methods are based on supervised solutions using geometric or deep features. Semi-supervised learning for FBP is an almost unexplored research area. In this work, we propose a graph-based semi-supervised method in which multiple graphs are constructed to find the appropriate graph representation of the face images (with and without scores). The proposed method combines both geometric and deep feature-based graphs to produce a high-level representation of face images instead of using a single face descriptor and also improves the discriminative ability of graph-based score propagation methods. In addition to the data graph, our proposed approach fuses an additional graph adaptively built on the predicted beauty values. Experimental results on the SCUTFBP-5500 facial beauty dataset demonstrate the superiority of the proposed algorithm compared to other state-of-the-art methods
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