155 research outputs found

    Linear Subspace Learning for Facial Expression Analysis

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    Learning to Transform Time Series with a Few Examples

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    We describe a semi-supervised regression algorithm that learns to transform one time series into another time series given examples of the transformation. This algorithm is applied to tracking, where a time series of observations from sensors is transformed to a time series describing the pose of a target. Instead of defining and implementing such transformations for each tracking task separately, our algorithm learns a memoryless transformation of time series from a few example input-output mappings. The algorithm searches for a smooth function that fits the training examples and, when applied to the input time series, produces a time series that evolves according to assumed dynamics. The learning procedure is fast and lends itself to a closed-form solution. It is closely related to nonlinear system identification and manifold learning techniques. We demonstrate our algorithm on the tasks of tracking RFID tags from signal strength measurements, recovering the pose of rigid objects, deformable bodies, and articulated bodies from video sequences. For these tasks, this algorithm requires significantly fewer examples compared to fully-supervised regression algorithms or semi-supervised learning algorithms that do not take the dynamics of the output time series into account

    Spatio-temporal covariance descriptors for action and gesture recognition

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    We propose a new action and gesture recognition method based on spatio-temporal covariance descriptors and a weighted Riemannian locality preserving projection approach that takes into account the curved space formed by the descriptors. The weighted projection is then exploited during boosting to create a final multiclass classification algorithm that employs the most useful spatio-temporal regions. We also show how the descriptors can be computed quickly through the use of integral video representations. Experiments on the UCF sport, CK+ facial expression and Cambridge hand gesture datasets indicate superior performance of the proposed method compared to several recent state-of-the-art techniques. The proposed method is robust and does not require additional processing of the videos, such as foreground detection, interest-point detection or tracking

    Discriminant Multi-Label Manifold Embedding for Facial Action Unit Detection

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    This article describes a system for participation in the Facial Expression Recognition and Analysis (FERA2015) sub-challenge for spontaneous action unit occurrence detection. The problem of AU detection is a multi-label classification problem by its nature, which is a fact overseen by most existing work. The correlation information between AUs has the potential of increasing the detection accuracy.We investigate the multi-label AU detection problem by embedding the data on low dimensional manifolds which preserve multi-label correlation. For this, we apply the multi-label Discriminant Laplacian Embedding (DLE) method as an extension to our base system. The system uses SIFT features around a set of facial landmarks that is enhanced with the use of additional non-salient points around transient facial features. Both the base system and the DLE extension show better performance than the challenge baseline results for the two databases in the challenge, and achieve close to 50% as F1-measure on the testing partition in average (9.9% higher than the baseline, in the best case). The DLE extension proves useful for certain AUs, but also shows the need for more analysis to assess the benefits in general

    Parametric face alignment : generative and discriminative approaches

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    Tese de doutoramento em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores, apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de CoimbraThis thesis addresses the matching of deformable human face models into 2D images. Two di erent approaches are detailed: generative and discriminative methods. Generative or holistic methods model the appearance/texture of all image pixels describing the face by synthesizing the expected appearance (it builds synthetic versions of the target face). Discriminative or patch-based methods model the local correlations between pixel values. Such approach uses an ensemble of local feature detectors all connected by a shape regularization model. Typically, generative approaches can achieve higher tting accuracy, but discriminative methods perform a lot better in unseen images. The Active Appearance Models (AAMs) are probably the most widely used generative technique. AAMs match parametric models of shape and appearance into new images by solving a nonlinear optimization that minimizes the di erence between a synthetic template and the real appearance. The rst part of this thesis describes the 2.5D AAM, an extension of the original 2D AAM that deals with a full perspective projection model. The 2.5D AAM uses a 3D Point Distribution Model (PDM) and a 2D appearance model whose control points are de ned by a perspective projection of the PDM. Two model tting algorithms and their computational e cient approximations are proposed: the Simultaneous Forwards Additive (SFA) and the Normalization Forwards Additive (NFA). Robust solutions for the SFA and NFA are also proposed in order to take into account the self-occlusion and/or partial occlusion of the face. Extensive results, involving the tting convergence, tting performance in unseen data, robustness to occlusion, tracking performance and pose estimation are shown. The second main part of this thesis concerns to discriminative methods such as the Constrained Local Models (CLM) or the Active Shape Models (ASM), where an ensemble of local feature detectors are constrained to lie within the subspace spanned by a PDM. Fitting such a model to an image typically involves two steps: (1) a local search using a detector, obtaining response maps for each landmark and (2) a global optimization that nds the shape parameters that jointly maximize all the detection responses. This work proposes: Discriminative Bayesian Active Shape Models (DBASM) a new global optimization strategy, using a Bayesian approach, where the posterior distribution of the shape parameters are inferred in a maximum a posteriori (MAP) sense by means of a Linear Dynamical System (LDS). The DBASM approach models the covariance of the latent variables i.e. it uses 2nd order statistics of the shape (and pose) parameters. Later, Bayesian Active Shape Models (BASM) is presented. BASM is an extension of the previous DBASM formulation where the prior distribution is explicitly modeled by means of recursive Bayesian estimation. Extensive results are presented, evaluating DBASM and BASM global optimization strategies, local face parts detectors and tracking performance in several standard datasets. Qualitative results taken from the challenging Labeled Faces in the Wild (LFW) dataset are also shown. Finally, the last part of this thesis, addresses the identity and facial expression recognition. Face geometry is extracted from input images using the AAM and low dimensional manifolds were then derived using Laplacian EigenMaps (LE) resulting in two types of manifolds, one for representing identity and the other for person-speci c facial expression. The identity and facial expression recognition system uses a two stage approach: First, a Support Vector Machines (SVM) is used to establish identity across expression changes, then the second stage deals with person-speci c expression recognition with a network of Hidden Markov Models (HMMs). Results taken from people exhibiting the six basic expressions (happiness, sadness, anger, fear, surprise and disgust) plus the neutral emotion are shown.Esta tese aborda a correspond^encia de modelos humanos de faces deform aveis em imagens 2D. S~ao apresentadas duas abordagens diferentes: m etodos generativos e discriminativos. Os modelos generativos ou hol sticos modelam a apar^encia/textura de todos os pixeis que descrevem a face, sintetizando a apar^encia esperada (s~ao criadas vers~oes sint eticas da face alvo). Os modelos discriminativos ou baseados em partes modelam correla c~oes locais entre valores de pixeis. Esta abordagem utiliza um conjunto de detectores locais de caracter sticas, conectados por um modelo de regulariza c~ao geom etrico. Normalmente, as abordagens generativas permitem obter uma maior precis~ ao de ajuste do modelo, mas os m etodos discriminativos funcionam bastante melhor em imagens nunca antes vistas. Os Modelos Activos de Apar^encia (AAMs) s~ao provavelmente a t ecnica generativa mais utilizada. Os AAMs ajustam modelos param etricos de forma e apar^encia em imagens, resolvendo uma optimiza c~ao n~ao linear que minimiza a diferen ca entre o modelo sint etico e a apar^encia real. A primeira parte desta tese descreve os AAM 2.5D, uma extens~ao do AAM original 2D que permite a utiliza c~ao de um modelo de projec c~ao em perspectiva. Os AAM 2.5D utilizam um Modelo de Distribui c~ao de Pointos (PDM) e um modelo de apar^encia 2D cujos pontos de controlo s~ao de nidos por uma projec c~ao em perspectiva do PDM. Dois algoritmos de ajuste do modelo e as suas aproxima c~oes e cientes s~ao propostas: Simultaneous Forwards Additive (SFA) e o Normalization Forwards Additive (NFA). Solu c~oes robustas para o SFA e NFA, que contemplam a oclus~ao parcial da face, s~ao igualmente propostas. Resultados extensos, envolvendo a converg^encia de ajuste, o desempenho em imagens nunca vistas, robustez a oclus~ao, desempenho de seguimento e estimativa de pose s~ao apresentados. A segunda parte desta da tese diz respeito os m etodos discriminativos, tais como os Modelos Locais com Restri c~oes (CLM) ou os Modelos Activos de Forma (ASM), onde um conjunto de detectores de caracteristicas locais est~ao restritos a pertencer ao subespa co gerado por um PDM. O ajuste de um modelo deste tipo, envolve tipicamente duas et apas: (1) uma pesquisa local utilizando um detector, obtendo mapas de resposta para cada ponto de refer^encia e (2) uma estrat egia de optimiza c~ao global que encontra os par^ametros do PDM que permitem maximizar todas as respostas conjuntamente. Neste trabalho e proposto o Discriminative Bayesian Active Shape Models (DBASM), uma nova estrat egia de optimiza c~ao global que utiliza uma abordagem Bayesiana, onde a distribui c~ao a posteriori dos par^ametros de forma s~ao inferidos por meio de um sistema din^amico linear. A abordagem DBASM modela a covari^ancia das vari aveis latentes ou seja, e utilizado estat stica de segunda ordem na modela c~ao dos par^ametros. Posteriormente e apresentada a formula c~ao Bayesian Active Shape Models (BASM). O BASM e uma extens~ao do DBASM, onde a distribui c~ao a priori e explicitamente modelada por meio de estima c~ao Bayesiana recursiva. S~ao apresentados resultados extensos, avaliando as estrat egias de optimiza c~ao globais DBASM e BASM, detectores locais de componentes da face, e desempenho de seguimento em v arias bases de dados padr~ao. Resultados qualitativos extra dos da desa ante base de dados Labeled Faces in the Wild (LFW) s~ao tamb em apresentados. Finalmente, a ultima parte desta tese aborda o reconhecimento de id^entidade e express~oes faciais. A geometria da face e extra da de imagens utilizando o AAM e variedades de baixa dimensionalidade s~ao derivadas utilizando Laplacian EigenMaps (LE), obtendo-se dois tipos de variedades, uma para representar a id^entidade e a outra para express~oes faciais espec cas de cada pessoa. A id^entidade e o sistema de reconhecimento de express~oes faciais utiliza uma abordagem de duas fases: Num primeiro est agio e utilizado uma M aquina de Vectores de Suporte (SVM) para determinar a id^entidade, dedicando-se o segundo est agio ao reconhecimento de express~oes. Este est agio e especi co para cada pessoa e utiliza Modelos de Markov Escondidos (HMM). S~ao mostrados resultados obtidos em pessoas exibindo as seis express~oes b asicas (alegria, tristeza, raiva, medo, surpresa e nojo), e ainda a emo c~ao neutra
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