5,315 research outputs found

    A Taxonomy of Workflow Management Systems for Grid Computing

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    With the advent of Grid and application technologies, scientists and engineers are building more and more complex applications to manage and process large data sets, and execute scientific experiments on distributed resources. Such application scenarios require means for composing and executing complex workflows. Therefore, many efforts have been made towards the development of workflow management systems for Grid computing. In this paper, we propose a taxonomy that characterizes and classifies various approaches for building and executing workflows on Grids. We also survey several representative Grid workflow systems developed by various projects world-wide to demonstrate the comprehensiveness of the taxonomy. The taxonomy not only highlights the design and engineering similarities and differences of state-of-the-art in Grid workflow systems, but also identifies the areas that need further research.Comment: 29 pages, 15 figure

    Methodological Considerations for Time Modeling inWorkflows

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    This paper offers a critical analysis of the popular control-flow-oriented workflow modeling paradigm and argues that time is not just an additional property specified on the top of control flows as it is commonly done in commercial and research workflow models. It also explains why this way of time modeling can easily lead to an inability to properly specify temporal constraints and verify their consistency. The paper proposes a two-level workflow modeling where the control-flow level is used for modeling of control flows, monitoring of workflow execution and reasoning about the order of tasks while the operational level is used for more precise time modelling and verification of temporal constraints

    Reactive Rules for Emergency Management

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    The goal of the following survey on Event-Condition-Action (ECA) Rules is to come to a common understanding and intuition on this topic within EMILI. Thus it does not give an academic overview on Event-Condition-Action Rules which would be valuable for computer scientists only. Instead the survey tries to introduce Event-Condition-Action Rules and their use for emergency management based on real-life examples from the use-cases identified in Deliverable 3.1. In this way we hope to address both, computer scientists and security experts, by showing how the Event-Condition-Action Rule technology can help to solve security issues in emergency management. The survey incorporates information from other work packages, particularly from Deliverable D3.1 and its Annexes, D4.1, D2.1 and D6.2 wherever possible

    Semantics and Verification of UML Activity Diagrams for Workflow Modelling

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    This thesis defines a formal semantics for UML activity diagrams that is suitable for workflow modelling. The semantics allows verification of functional requirements using model checking. Since a workflow specification prescribes how a workflow system behaves, the semantics is defined and motivated in terms of workflow systems. As workflow systems are reactive and coordinate activities, the defined semantics reflects these aspects. In fact, two formal semantics are defined, which are completely different. Both semantics are defined directly in terms of activity diagrams and not by a mapping of activity diagrams to some existing formal notation. The requirements-level semantics, based on the Statemate semantics of statecharts, assumes that workflow systems are infinitely fast w.r.t. their environment and react immediately to input events (this assumption is called the perfect synchrony hypothesis). The implementation-level semantics, based on the UML semantics of statecharts, does not make this assumption. Due to the perfect synchrony hypothesis, the requirements-level semantics is unrealistic, but easy to use for verification. On the other hand, the implementation-level semantics is realistic, but difficult to use for verification. A class of activity diagrams and a class of functional requirements is identified for which the outcome of the verification does not depend upon the particular semantics being used, i.e., both semantics give the same result. For such activity diagrams and such functional requirements, the requirements-level semantics is as realistic as the implementation-level semantics, even though the requirements-level semantics makes the perfect synchrony hypothesis. The requirements-level semantics has been implemented in a verification tool. The tool interfaces with a model checker by translating an activity diagram into an input for a model checker according to the requirements-level semantics. The model checker checks the desired functional requirement against the input model. If the model checker returns a counterexample, the tool translates this counterexample back into the activity diagram by highlighting a path corresponding to the counterexample. The tool supports verification of workflow models that have event-driven behaviour, data, real time, and loops. Only model checkers supporting strong fairness model checking turn out to be useful. The feasibility of the approach is demonstrated by using the tool to verify some real-life workflow models

    Using a Temporal Constraint Network for Business Process Execution

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    Business process management (BPM) has emerged as a dominant technology in current enterprise systems and business solutions. However, the technology continues to face challenges in coping with dynamic business environments where requirements and goals are constantly changing. In this paper, we present a modelling framework for business processes that is conducive to dynamic change and the need for flexibility in execution. This framework is based on the notion of process constraints. Process constraints may be specified for any aspect of the process, such as task selection, control flow, resource allocation, etc. Our focus in this paper is on a set of scheduling constraints that are specified through a temporal constraint network. We will demonstrate how this specification can lead to increased flexibility in process execution, while maintaining a desired level of control. A key feature and strength of the approach is to use the power of constraints, while still preserving the intuition and visual appeal of graphical languages for process modelling

    ADEPT Workflow Management System Flexible Support for Enterprise-Wide Business Processes - Tool Presentation -

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    In this tool presentation we give an overview of the ADEPT workflow management system (WfMS), which is one of the few available research prototypes dealingwith enterprise-wide, adaptive workflow (WF) management. ADEPT offers sophisticated modeling concepts and advanced features, like temporal constraint management, ad-hoc WF changes, WF schema evolution, synchronization of inter-workflow dependencies, and scalability. We sketch these features and describe how they have been realized within ADEPT. In addition, we show which tools and interfaces are offered to developers and users in this context. ADEPT follows a holistic approach, i.e., the described concepts have not been implemented in an isolated fashion only, but are treated in conjunction with each other by integrating them within one WfMS

    A comparative assessment of collaborative business process verification approaches.

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    Industry 4.0 is a key strategic trend of the economy. Virtual factories are key building blocks for Industry 4.0 where product design processes, manufacturing processes and general collaborative business processes across factories and enterprises are integrated. In the context of EU H2020 FIRST (vF Interoperation suppoRting buSiness innovaTion) project, end users of vFs are not experts in business process modelling to guarantee correct collaborative business processes for realizing execution. To enable automatic execution of business processes, verification is an important step at the business process design stage to avoid errors at runtime. Research in business process model verification has yielded a plethora of approaches in form of languages and tools that are based on Petri nets family and temporal logic. However, no report specifically targets and presents a comparative assessment of these approaches based on criteria as one we propose. In this paper we present an assessment of the most common verification approaches based on their expressibility, flexibility, suitability and complexity. We also look at how big data impacts the business process verification approach in a data-rich world