36 research outputs found

    A new (k,n) verifiable secret image sharing scheme (VSISS)

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    AbstractIn this paper, a new (k,n) verifiable secret image sharing scheme (VSISS) is proposed in which third order LFSR (linear-feedback shift register)-based public key cryptosystem is applied for the cheating prevention and preview before decryption. In the proposed scheme the secret image is first partitioned into several non-overlapping blocks of k pixels. Every k pixel is then used to form m=⌈k/4⌉+1 pixels of one encrypted share. The original secret image can be reconstructed by gathering any k or more encrypted shared images. The experimental results show that the proposed VSISS is an efficient and safe method

    Society-oriented cryptographic techniques for information protection

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    Groups play an important role in our modern world. They are more reliable and more trustworthy than individuals. This is the reason why, in an organisation, crucial decisions are left to a group of people rather than to an individual. Cryptography supports group activity by offering a wide range of cryptographic operations which can only be successfully executed if a well-defined group of people agrees to co-operate. This thesis looks at two fundamental cryptographic tools that are useful for the management of secret information. The first part looks in detail at secret sharing schemes. The second part focuses on society-oriented cryptographic systems, which are the application of secret sharing schemes in cryptography. The outline of thesis is as follows

    Evolving Secret Sharing in Almost Semi-honest Model

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    Evolving secret sharing is a special kind of secret sharing where the number of shareholders is not known beforehand, i.e., at time t = 0. In classical secret sharing such a restriction was assumed inherently i.e., the the number of shareholders was given to the dealer’s algorithm as an input. Evolving secret sharing relaxes this condition. Pramanik and Adhikari left an open problem regarding malicious shareholders in the evolving setup, which we answer in this paper. We introduce a new cheating model, called the almost semi-honest model, where a shareholder who joins later can check the authenticity of share of previous ones. We use collision resistant hash function to construct such a secret sharing scheme with malicious node identification. Moreover, our scheme preserves the share size of Komargodski et al. (TCC 2016)

    General dd-level quantum multi-secret sharing scheme with cheating identification

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    This work proposes a dd-dimensional quantum multi-secret sharing (QMSS) scheme with a cheat detection mechanism. The dealer creates the secret shares using multi access structures and a monotone span program. To detect the participant's deceit, the dealer distributes secret share shadows derived from a random invertible matrix XX to the participants, stored in the Black box. The cheat detection mechanism of the Black box identifies the participant's deceitful behavior during the secret recovery phase. Only honest participants authenticated by the Black box acquire their secret shares to recover the multiple secrets. After the Black box cheating verification, the participants reconstruct the secrets by utilizing the unitary operations and quantum Fourier transform. The proposed protocol is reliable to prevent attacks from eavesdroppers and participants. The proposed protocol provides greater versatility, security, and practicality

    Design and Evaluation of FPGA-based Hybrid Physically Unclonable Functions

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    A Physically Unclonable Function (PUF) is a new and promising approach to provide security for physical systems and to address the problems associated with traditional approaches. One of the most important performance metrics of a PUF is the randomness of its generated response, which is presented via uniqueness, uniformity, and bit-aliasing. In this study, we implement three known PUF schemes on an FPGA platform, namely SR Latch PUF, Basic RO PUF, and Anderson PUF. We then perform a thorough statistical analysis on their performance. In addition, we propose the idea of the Hybrid PUF structure in which two (or more) sources of randomness are combined in a way to improve randomness. We investigate two methods in combining the sources of randomness and we show that the second one improves the randomness of the response, significantly. For example, in the case of combining the Basic RO PUF and the Anderson PUF, the Hybrid PUF uniqueness is increased nearly 8%, without any pre-processing or post-processing tasks required. Two main categories of applications for PUFs have been introduced and analyzed: authentication and secret key generation. In this study, we introduce another important application for PUFs. In fact, we develop a secret sharing scheme using a PUF to increase the information rate and provide cheater detection capability for the system. We show that, using the proposed method, the information rate of the secret sharing scheme will improve significantly

    Verifiably Distributed Multi-User Secret Sharing schemes

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    Distributed secret sharing techniques, where a specific secret is encoded into its shares which are conveyed to the IoT device or its user via storage nodes, are considered. A verifiably distributed secret sharing (VDSS) provides a way for a legitimate user to verify the secret he reconstructs through the downloaded shares while the secrecy condition is satisfied in a weak or a perfect sense. This article examines the impact of minimizing verification information in a VDSS on the communication complexity and storage overhead, and achieves the verifiability in resource-limited IoTs by aggregating the verification information of different devices/users. Then, two secure VDSS are proposed. The first VDSS attains the lower bound on the communication complexity while providing the fault tolerance. The second VDSS simultaneously achieves the lower bounds of both communication complexity and storage overhead while providing the balanced storage load, thus showing the scheme that is optimal in terms of both parameters

    Improved Threshold Signatures, Proactive Secret Sharing, and Input Certification from LSS Isomorphisms

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    In this paper we present a series of applications steming from a formal treatment of linear secret-sharing isomorphisms, which are linear transformations between different secret-sharing schemes defined over vector spaces over a field F\mathbb{F} and allow for efficient multiparty conversion from one secret-sharing scheme to the other. This concept generalizes the folklore idea that moving from a secret-sharing scheme over Fp\mathbb{F}_{p} to a secret sharing ``in the exponent\u27\u27 can be done non-interactively by multiplying the share unto a generator of e.g., an elliptic curve group. We generalize this idea and show that it can also be used to compute arbitrary bilinear maps and in particular pairings over elliptic curves. We include the following practical applications originating from our framework: First we show how to securely realize the Pointcheval-Sanders signature scheme (CT-RSA 2016) in MPC. Second we present a construction for dynamic proactive secret-sharing which outperforms the current state of the art from CCS 2019. Third we present a construction for MPC input certification using digital signatures that we show experimentally to outperform the previous best solution in this area

    Design of secure and trustworthy system-on-chip architectures using hardware-based root-of-trust techniques

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    Cyber-security is now a critical concern in a wide range of embedded computing modules, communications systems, and connected devices. These devices are used in medical electronics, automotive systems, power grid systems, robotics, and avionics. The general consensus today is that conventional approaches and software-only schemes are not sufficient to provide desired security protections and trustworthiness. Comprehensive hardware-software security solutions so far have remained elusive. One major challenge is that in current system-on-chip (SoCs) designs, processing elements (PEs) and executable codes with varying levels of trust, are all integrated on the same computing platform to share resources. This interdependency of modules creates a fertile attack ground and represents the Achilles’ heel of heterogeneous SoC architectures. The salient research question addressed in this dissertation is “can one design a secure computer system out of non-secure or untrusted computing IP components and cores?”. In response to this question, we establish a generalized, user/designer-centric set of design principles which intend to advance the construction of secure heterogeneous multi-core computing systems. We develop algorithms, models of computation, and hardware security primitives to integrate secure and non-secure processing elements into the same chip design while aiming for: (a) maintaining individual core’s security; (b) preventing data leakage and corruption; (c) promoting data and resource sharing among the cores; and (d) tolerating malicious behaviors from untrusted processing elements and software applications. The key contributions of this thesis are: 1. The introduction of a new architectural model for integrating processing elements with different security and trust levels, i.e., secure and non-secure cores with trusted and untrusted provenances; 2. A generalized process isolation design methodology for the new architecture model that covers both the software and hardware layers to (i) create hardware-assisted virtual logical zones, and (ii) perform both static and runtime security, privilege level and trust authentication checks; 3. A set of secure protocols and hardware root-of-trust (RoT) primitives to support the process isolation design and to provide the following functionalities: (i) hardware immutable identities – using physical unclonable functions, (ii) core hijacking and impersonation resistance – through a blind signature scheme, (iii) threshold-based data access control – with a robust and adaptive secure secret sharing algorithm, (iv) privacy-preserving authorization verification – by proposing a group anonymous authentication algorithm, and (v) denial of resource or denial of service attack avoidance – by developing an interconnect network routing algorithm and a memory access mechanism according to user-defined security policies. 4. An evaluation of the security of the proposed hardware primitives in the post-quantum era, and possible extensions and algorithmic modifications for their post-quantum resistance. In this dissertation, we advance the practicality of secure-by-construction methodologies in SoC architecture design. The methodology allows for the use of unsecured or untrusted processing elements in the construction of these secure architectures and tries to extend their effectiveness into the post-quantum computing era

    Robust Computational Secret Sharing and a Unified Account of Classical Secret-Sharing Goals

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    We give a unified account of classical secret-sharing goals from a modern cryptographic vantage. Our treatment encompasses perfect, statistical, and computational secret sharing; static and dynamic adversaries; schemes with or without robustness; schemes where a participant recovers the secret and those where an external party does so. We then show that Krawczyk\u27s 1993 protocol for robust computational secret sharing (RCSS) need not be secure, even in the random-oracle model and for threshold schemes, if the encryption primitive it uses satisfies only one-query indistinguishability (ind1), the only notion Krawczyk defines. Nonetheless, we show that the protocol is secure (in the random-oracle model, for threshold schemes) if the encryption scheme also satisfies one-query key-unrecoverability (key1). Since practical encryption schemes are ind1+key1 secure, our result effectively shows that Krawczyk\u27s RCSS protocol is sound (in the random-oracle model, for threshold schemes). Finally, we prove the security for a variant of Krawczyk\u27s protocol, in the standard model and for arbitrary access structures, assuming ind1 encryption and a statistically-hiding, weakly-binding commitment scheme