2 research outputs found

    Simulator adaptation at runtime for component-based simulation software

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    Component-based simulation software can provide many opportunities to compose and configure simulators, resulting in an algorithm selection problem for the user of this software. This thesis aims to automate the selection and adaptation of simulators at runtime in an application-independent manner. Further, it explores the potential of tailored and approximate simulators - in this thesis concretely developed for the modeling language ML-Rules - supporting the effectiveness of the adaptation scheme.Komponenten-basierte Simulationssoftware kann viele Möglichkeiten zur Komposition und Konfiguration von Simulatoren bieten und damit zu einem Konfigurationsproblem für Nutzer dieser Software führen. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Entwicklung einer generischen und automatisierten Auswahl- und Adaptionsmethode für Simulatoren. Darüber hinaus wird das Potential von spezifischen und approximativen Simulatoren anhand der Modellierungssprache ML-Rules untersucht, welche die Effektivität des entwickelten Adaptionsmechanismus erhöhen können

    Dynamic State Space Partitioning for Adaptive Simulation Algorithms

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    Adaptive simulation algorithms can automatically change their configuration during runtime to adapt to changing computational demands of a simulation, e.g., triggered by a changing number of model entities or the execution of a rare event. These algorithms can improve the performance of simulations. They can also reduce the configuration effort of the user. By using such algorithms with machine learning techniques, the advantages come with a cost, i.e., the algorithm needs time to learn good adaptation policies and it must be equipped with the ability to observe its environment. An important challenge is to partition the observations to suitable macro states to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the learning algorithm. Typically, aggregation algorithms, e.g., the adaptive vector quantization algorithm (AVQ), that dynamically partition the state space during runtime are preferred here. In this paper, we integrate the AVQ into an adaptive simulation algorithm