9,880 research outputs found

    Elastic Multi-resource Network Slicing: Can Protection Lead to Improved Performance?

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    In order to meet the performance/privacy requirements of future data-intensive mobile applications, e.g., self-driving cars, mobile data analytics, and AR/VR, service providers are expected to draw on shared storage/computation/connectivity resources at the network "edge". To be cost-effective, a key functional requirement for such infrastructure is enabling the sharing of heterogeneous resources amongst tenants/service providers supporting spatially varying and dynamic user demands. This paper proposes a resource allocation criterion, namely, Share Constrained Slicing (SCS), for slices allocated predefined shares of the network's resources, which extends the traditional alpha-fairness criterion, by striking a balance among inter- and intra-slice fairness vs. overall efficiency. We show that SCS has several desirable properties including slice-level protection, envyfreeness, and load driven elasticity. In practice, mobile users' dynamics could make the cost of implementing SCS high, so we discuss the feasibility of using a simpler (dynamically) weighted max-min as a surrogate resource allocation scheme. For a setting with stochastic loads and elastic user requirements, we establish a sufficient condition for the stability of the associated coupled network system. Finally, and perhaps surprisingly, we show via extensive simulations that while SCS (and/or the surrogate weighted max-min allocation) provides inter-slice protection, they can achieve improved job delay and/or perceived throughput, as compared to other weighted max-min based allocation schemes whose intra-slice weight allocation is not share-constrained, e.g., traditional max-min or discriminatory processor sharing

    Weighted Max-Min Resource Allocation for Frequency Selective Channels

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    In this paper, we discuss the computation of weighted max-min rate allocation using joint TDM/FDM strategies under a PSD mask constraint. We show that the weighted max-min solution allocates the rates according to a predetermined rate ratio defined by the weights, a fact that is very valuable for telecommunication service providers. Furthermore, we show that the problem can be efficiently solved using linear programming. We also discuss the resource allocation problem in the mixed services scenario where certain users have a required rate, while the others have flexible rate requirements. The solution is relevant to many communication systems that are limited by a power spectral density mask constraint such as WiMax, Wi-Fi and UWB

    Multi-resource fairness: Objectives, algorithms and performance

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    Designing efficient and fair algorithms for sharing multiple resources between heterogeneous demands is becoming increasingly important. Applications include compute clusters shared by multi-task jobs and routers equipped with middleboxes shared by flows of different types. We show that the currently preferred objective of Dominant Resource Fairness has a significantly less favorable efficiency-fairness tradeoff than alternatives like Proportional Fairness and our proposal, Bottleneck Max Fairness. In addition to other desirable properties, these objectives are equally strategyproof in any realistic scenario with dynamic demand

    Dominant Resource Fairness in Cloud Computing Systems with Heterogeneous Servers

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    We study the multi-resource allocation problem in cloud computing systems where the resource pool is constructed from a large number of heterogeneous servers, representing different points in the configuration space of resources such as processing, memory, and storage. We design a multi-resource allocation mechanism, called DRFH, that generalizes the notion of Dominant Resource Fairness (DRF) from a single server to multiple heterogeneous servers. DRFH provides a number of highly desirable properties. With DRFH, no user prefers the allocation of another user; no one can improve its allocation without decreasing that of the others; and more importantly, no user has an incentive to lie about its resource demand. As a direct application, we design a simple heuristic that implements DRFH in real-world systems. Large-scale simulations driven by Google cluster traces show that DRFH significantly outperforms the traditional slot-based scheduler, leading to much higher resource utilization with substantially shorter job completion times

    Application-Oriented Flow Control: Fundamentals, Algorithms and Fairness

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    This paper is concerned with flow control and resource allocation problems in computer networks in which real-time applications may have hard quality of service (QoS) requirements. Recent optimal flow control approaches are unable to deal with these problems since QoS utility functions generally do not satisfy the strict concavity condition in real-time applications. For elastic traffic, we show that bandwidth allocations using the existing optimal flow control strategy can be quite unfair. If we consider different QoS requirements among network users, it may be undesirable to allocate bandwidth simply according to the traditional max-min fairness or proportional fairness. Instead, a network should have the ability to allocate bandwidth resources to various users, addressing their real utility requirements. For these reasons, this paper proposes a new distributed flow control algorithm for multiservice networks, where the application's utility is only assumed to be continuously increasing over the available bandwidth. In this, we show that the algorithm converges, and that at convergence, the utility achieved by each application is well balanced in a proportionally (or max-min) fair manner