5,861 research outputs found

    Leveraging Graph-based Cross-modal Information Fusion for Neural Sign Language Translation

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    Sign Language (SL), as the mother tongue of the deaf community, is a special visual language that most hearing people cannot understand. In recent years, neural Sign Language Translation (SLT), as a possible way for bridging communication gap between the deaf and the hearing people, has attracted widespread academic attention. We found that the current mainstream end-to-end neural SLT models, which tries to learning language knowledge in a weakly supervised manner, could not mine enough semantic information under the condition of low data resources. Therefore, we propose to introduce additional word-level semantic knowledge of sign language linguistics to assist in improving current end-to-end neural SLT models. Concretely, we propose a novel neural SLT model with multi-modal feature fusion based on the dynamic graph, in which the cross-modal information, i.e. text and video, is first assembled as a dynamic graph according to their correlation, and then the graph is processed by a multi-modal graph encoder to generate the multi-modal embeddings for further usage in the subsequent neural translation models. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to introduce graph neural networks, for fusing multi-modal information, into neural sign language translation models. Moreover, we conducted experiments on a publicly available popular SLT dataset RWTH-PHOENIX-Weather-2014T. and the quantitative experiments show that our method can improve the model

    FluentSigners-50: A signer independent benchmark dataset for sign language processing

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    This paper presents a new large-scale signer independent dataset for Kazakh-Russian Sign Language (KRSL) for the purposes of Sign Language Processing. We envision it to serve as a new benchmark dataset for performance evaluations of Continuous Sign Language Recognition (CSLR) and Translation (CSLT) tasks. The proposed FluentSigners-50 dataset consists of 173 sentences performed by 50 KRSL signers resulting in 43,250 video samples. Dataset contributors recorded videos in real-life settings on a wide variety of backgrounds using various devices such as smartphones and web cameras. Therefore, distance to the camera, camera angles and aspect ratio, video quality, and frame rates varied for each dataset contributor. Additionally, the proposed dataset contains a high degree of linguistic and inter-signer variability and thus is a better training set for recognizing a real-life sign language. FluentSigners-50 baseline is established using two state-of-the-art methods, Stochastic CSLR and TSPNet. To this end, we carefully prepared three benchmark train-test splits for models’ evaluations in terms of: signer independence, age independence, and unseen sentences. FluentSigners-50 is publicly available at https://krslproject.github.io/FluentSigners-50/publishedVersio

    Doc2EDAG: An End-to-End Document-level Framework for Chinese Financial Event Extraction

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    Most existing event extraction (EE) methods merely extract event arguments within the sentence scope. However, such sentence-level EE methods struggle to handle soaring amounts of documents from emerging applications, such as finance, legislation, health, etc., where event arguments always scatter across different sentences, and even multiple such event mentions frequently co-exist in the same document. To address these challenges, we propose a novel end-to-end model, Doc2EDAG, which can generate an entity-based directed acyclic graph to fulfill the document-level EE (DEE) effectively. Moreover, we reformalize a DEE task with the no-trigger-words design to ease the document-level event labeling. To demonstrate the effectiveness of Doc2EDAG, we build a large-scale real-world dataset consisting of Chinese financial announcements with the challenges mentioned above. Extensive experiments with comprehensive analyses illustrate the superiority of Doc2EDAG over state-of-the-art methods. Data and codes can be found at https://github.com/dolphin-zs/Doc2EDAG.Comment: Accepted by EMNLP 201

    Improving Continuous Sign Language Recognition with Consistency Constraints and Signer Removal

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    Most deep-learning-based continuous sign language recognition (CSLR) models share a similar backbone consisting of a visual module, a sequential module, and an alignment module. However, due to limited training samples, a connectionist temporal classification loss may not train such CSLR backbones sufficiently. In this work, we propose three auxiliary tasks to enhance the CSLR backbones. The first task enhances the visual module, which is sensitive to the insufficient training problem, from the perspective of consistency. Specifically, since the information of sign languages is mainly included in signers' facial expressions and hand movements, a keypoint-guided spatial attention module is developed to enforce the visual module to focus on informative regions, i.e., spatial attention consistency. Second, noticing that both the output features of the visual and sequential modules represent the same sentence, to better exploit the backbone's power, a sentence embedding consistency constraint is imposed between the visual and sequential modules to enhance the representation power of both features. We name the CSLR model trained with the above auxiliary tasks as consistency-enhanced CSLR, which performs well on signer-dependent datasets in which all signers appear during both training and testing. To make it more robust for the signer-independent setting, a signer removal module based on feature disentanglement is further proposed to remove signer information from the backbone. Extensive ablation studies are conducted to validate the effectiveness of these auxiliary tasks. More remarkably, with a transformer-based backbone, our model achieves state-of-the-art or competitive performance on five benchmarks, PHOENIX-2014, PHOENIX-2014-T, PHOENIX-2014-SI, CSL, and CSL-Daily

    Improving Continuous Sign Language Recognition with Cross-Lingual Signs

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    This work dedicates to continuous sign language recognition (CSLR), which is a weakly supervised task dealing with the recognition of continuous signs from videos, without any prior knowledge about the temporal boundaries between consecutive signs. Data scarcity heavily impedes the progress of CSLR. Existing approaches typically train CSLR models on a monolingual corpus, which is orders of magnitude smaller than that of speech recognition. In this work, we explore the feasibility of utilizing multilingual sign language corpora to facilitate monolingual CSLR. Our work is built upon the observation of cross-lingual signs, which originate from different sign languages but have similar visual signals (e.g., hand shape and motion). The underlying idea of our approach is to identify the cross-lingual signs in one sign language and properly leverage them as auxiliary training data to improve the recognition capability of another. To achieve the goal, we first build two sign language dictionaries containing isolated signs that appear in two datasets. Then we identify the sign-to-sign mappings between two sign languages via a well-optimized isolated sign language recognition model. At last, we train a CSLR model on the combination of the target data with original labels and the auxiliary data with mapped labels. Experimentally, our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance on two widely-used CSLR datasets: Phoenix-2014 and Phoenix-2014T.Comment: Accepted by ICCV 202
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