5 research outputs found

    Saliency Map for Visual Perception

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    Human and other primates move their eyes to select visual information from the scene, psycho-visual experiments (Constantinidis, 2005) suggest that attention is directed to visually salient locations in the image. This allows human beings to bring the fovea onto the relevant parts of the image, to interpret complex scenes in real time. In visual perception, an important result was the discovery of a limited set of visual properties (called pre attentive), detected in the first 200-300 milliseconds of observation of a scene, by the low-level visual system. In last decades many progresses have been made into research of visual perception by analyzing both bottom up (stimulus driven) and top down (task dependent) processes involved in human attention. Visual Saliency deals with identifying fixation points that a human viewer would focus on the first seconds of the observation of a scene

    “lana Tai - No Dia Em Que Nasceu Uma Aquarela”: Composing Via Audio Descriptors [lana Tai-no Dia Em Que Nasceu Uma Aquarela: Diário De Bordo De Uma Composição A Partir De Descritores De áudio]

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    This article is a review of a music creative processes in which it was applied compositional strategies combined to sound spectral analysis based on audio descriptors. This procedure supported the creation of the work “Lana Tai-no dia em que nasceu uma aquarela” for string orchestra. For that, some instrumental mixtures and orchestration were made using a Sound DataBase. In this particular case, a virtual environment in Pure Data (PD) software, using the library for analysis fucntions PDescriptors, analyzed some potential orchestral settings. All the results, issues and compositional reflections were used to create “Lana Tai-no dia em que nasceu uma aquarela”. This approach rises up a new contribution in the development of research in both creative processes and the creation of new unpublished works. © 2015, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. 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