450 research outputs found

    First Steps Towards Full Model Based Motion Planning and Control of Quadrupeds: A Hybrid Zero Dynamics Approach

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    The hybrid zero dynamics (HZD) approach has become a powerful tool for the gait planning and control of bipedal robots. This paper aims to extend the HZD methods to address walking, ambling and trotting behaviors on a quadrupedal robot. We present a framework that systematically generates a wide range of optimal trajectories and then provably stabilizes them for the full-order, nonlinear and hybrid dynamical models of quadrupedal locomotion. The gait planning is addressed through a scalable nonlinear programming using direct collocation and HZD. The controller synthesis for the exponential stability is then achieved through the Poincaré sections analysis. In particular, we employ an iterative optimization algorithm involving linear and bilinear matrix inequalities (LMIs and BMIs) to design HZD-based controllers that guarantee the exponential stability of the fixed points for the Poincaré return map. The power of the framework is demonstrated through gait generation and HZD-based controller synthesis for an advanced quadruped robot, —Vision 60, with 36 state variables and 12 control inputs. The numerical simulations as well as real world experiments confirm the validity of the proposed framework

    LeggedWalking on Inclined Surfaces

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    The main contribution of this MS Thesis is centered around taking steps towards successful multi-modal demonstrations using Northeastern's legged-aerial robot, Husky Carbon. This work discusses the challenges involved in achieving multi-modal locomotion such as trotting-hovering and thruster-assisted incline walking and reports progress made towards overcoming these challenges. Animals like birds use a combination of legged and aerial mobility, as seen in Chukars' wing-assisted incline running (WAIR), to achieve multi-modal locomotion. Chukars use forces generated by their flapping wings to manipulate ground contact forces and traverse steep slopes and overhangs. Husky's design takes inspiration from birds such as Chukars. This MS thesis presentation outlines the mechanical and electrical details of Husky's legged and aerial units. The thesis presents simulated incline walking using a high-fidelity model of the Husky Carbon over steep slopes of up to 45 degrees.Comment: Masters thesi

    Body randomization reduces the sim-to-real gap for compliant quadruped locomotion

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    Designing controllers for compliant, underactuated robots is challenging and usually requires a learning procedure. Learning robotic control in simulated environments can speed up the process whilst lowering risk of physical damage. Since perfect simulations are unfeasible, several techniques are used to improve transfer to the real world. Here, we investigate the impact of randomizing body parameters during learning of CPG controllers in simulation. The controllers are evaluated on our physical quadruped robot. We find that body randomization in simulation increases chances of finding gaits that function well on the real robot

    Free-Standing Leaping Experiments with a Power-Autonomous, Elastic-Spined Quadruped

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    We document initial experiments with Canid, a freestanding, power-autonomous quadrupedal robot equipped with a parallel actuated elastic spine. Research into robotic bounding and galloping platforms holds scientific and engineering interest because it can both probe biological hypotheses regarding bounding and galloping mammals and also provide the engineering community with a new class of agile, efficient and rapidly-locomoting legged robots. We detail the design features of Canid that promote our goals of agile operation in a relatively cheap, conventionally prototyped, commercial off-the-shelf actuated platform. We introduce new measurement methodology aimed at capturing our robot’s “body energy” during real time operation as a means of quantifying its potential for agile behavior. Finally, we present joint motor, inertial and motion capture data taken from Canid’s initial leaps into highly energetic regimes exhibiting large accelerations that illustrate the use of this measure and suggest its future potential as a platform for developing efficient, stable, hence useful bounding gaits. For more information: Kod*La

    Proprioception and Tail Control Enable Extreme Terrain Traversal by Quadruped Robots

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    Legged robots leverage ground contacts and the reaction forces they provide to achieve agile locomotion. However, uncertainty coupled with contact discontinuities can lead to failure, especially in real-world environments with unexpected height variations such as rocky hills or curbs. To enable dynamic traversal of extreme terrain, this work introduces 1) a proprioception-based gait planner for estimating unknown hybrid events due to elevation changes and responding by modifying contact schedules and planned footholds online, and 2) a two-degree-of-freedom tail for improving contact-independent control and a corresponding decoupled control scheme for better versatility and efficiency. Simulation results show that the gait planner significantly improves stability under unforeseen terrain height changes compared to methods that assume fixed contact schedules and footholds. Further, tests have shown that the tail is particularly effective at maintaining stability when encountering a terrain change with an initial angular disturbance. The results show that these approaches work synergistically to stabilize locomotion with elevation changes up to 1.5 times the leg length and tilted initial states.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, accepted to IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 202

    Preference-Based Learning for User-Guided HZD Gait Generation on Bipedal Walking Robots

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    This paper presents a framework that unifies control theory and machine learning in the setting of bipedal locomotion. Traditionally, gaits are generated through trajectory optimization methods and then realized experimentally -- a process that often requires extensive tuning due to differences between the models and hardware. In this work, the process of gait realization via hybrid zero dynamics (HZD) based optimization problems is formally combined with preference-based learning to systematically realize dynamically stable walking. Importantly, this learning approach does not require a carefully constructed reward function, but instead utilizes human pairwise preferences. The power of the proposed approach is demonstrated through two experiments on a planar biped AMBER-3M: the first with rigid point feet, and the second with induced model uncertainty through the addition of springs where the added compliance was not accounted for in the gait generation or in the controller. In both experiments, the framework achieves stable, robust, efficient, and natural walking in fewer than 50 iterations with no reliance on a simulation environment. These results demonstrate a promising step in the unification of control theory and learning
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