15 research outputs found

    Ref-NMS: Breaking Proposal Bottlenecks in Two-Stage Referring Expression Grounding

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    The prevailing framework for solving referring expression grounding is based on a two-stage process: 1) detecting proposals with an object detector and 2) grounding the referent to one of the proposals. Existing two-stage solutions mostly focus on the grounding step, which aims to align the expressions with the proposals. In this paper, we argue that these methods overlook an obvious mismatch between the roles of proposals in the two stages: they generate proposals solely based on the detection confidence (i.e., expression-agnostic), hoping that the proposals contain all right instances in the expression (i.e., expression-aware). Due to this mismatch, current two-stage methods suffer from a severe performance drop between detected and ground-truth proposals. To this end, we propose Ref-NMS, which is the first method to yield expression-aware proposals at the first stage. Ref-NMS regards all nouns in the expression as critical objects, and introduces a lightweight module to predict a score for aligning each box with a critical object. These scores can guide the NMS operation to filter out the boxes irrelevant to the expression, increasing the recall of critical objects, resulting in a significantly improved grounding performance. Since Ref- NMS is agnostic to the grounding step, it can be easily integrated into any state-of-the-art two-stage method. Extensive ablation studies on several backbones, benchmarks, and tasks consistently demonstrate the superiority of Ref-NMS. Codes are available at: https://github.com/ChopinSharp/ref-nms.Comment: Appear in AAAI 2021, Codes are available at: https://github.com/ChopinSharp/ref-nm

    A closer look at referring expressions for video object segmentation

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    The task of Language-guided Video Object Segmentation (LVOS) aims at generating binary masks for an object referred by a linguistic expression. When this expression unambiguously describes an object in the scene, it is named referring expression (RE). Our work argues that existing benchmarks used for LVOS are mainly composed of trivial cases, in which referents can be identified with simple phrases. Our analysis relies on a new categorization of the referring expressions in the DAVIS-2017 and Actor-Action datasets into trivial and non-trivial REs, where the non-trivial REs are further annotated with seven RE semantic categories. We leverage these data to analyze the performance of RefVOS, a novel neural network that obtains competitive results for the task of language-guided image segmentation and state of the art results for LVOS. Our study indicates that the major challenges for the task are related to understanding motion and static actions.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This work was partially supported by the projects PID2019-107255GB-C22 and PID2020-117142GB-I00 funded by MCIN/ AEI /10.13039/501100011033 Spanish Ministry of Science, and the grant 2017-SGR-1414 of the Government of Catalonia. This work was also partially supported by the project RTI2018-095232-B-C22 funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version