5 research outputs found

    Generating cooperative question-responses by means of erotetic search scenarios

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    The concept of cooperative question-responses as an extension of cooperative behaviours used by interfaces for databases and information systems is proposed. A procedure to generate question-responses based on question dependency and erotetic search scenarios is presented. The procedure is implemented in Prolog

    Construction de réponses coopératives : du corpus à la modélisation informatique

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    Les stratĂ©gies utilisĂ©es pour la recherche d’information dans le cadre du Web diffĂšrent d’un moteur de recherche Ă  un autre, mais en gĂ©nĂ©ral, les rĂ©sultats obtenus ne rĂ©pondent pas directement et simplement Ă  la question posĂ©e. Nous prĂ©sentons une stratĂ©gie qui vise Ă  dĂ©finir les fondements linguistiques et de communication d’un systĂšme d’interrogation du Web qui soit coopĂ©ratif avec l’usager et qui tente de lui fournir la rĂ©ponse la plus appropriĂ©e possible dans sa forme et dans son contenu. Nous avons constituĂ© et analysĂ© un corpus de questions-rĂ©ponses coopĂ©ratives construites Ă  partir des sections Foire Aux Questions (FAQ) de diffĂ©rents services Web aux usagers. Cela constitue Ă  notre sens une bonne expĂ©rimentation de ce que pourrait ĂȘtre une communication directe en langue naturelle sur le Web. Cette analyse de corpus a permis d’extraire les caractĂ©ristiques majeures du comportement coopĂ©ratif et de construire l’architecture de notre systĂšme informatique webcoop, que nous prĂ©sentons Ă  la fin de cet article.Algorithms and strategies used on the Web for information retrieval differ from one search engine to another, but, in general, results do not lead to very accurate and informative answers. In this paper, we describe our strategy for designing a cooperative question answering system that aims at producing the most appropriate answers to natural language questions. To characterize these answers, we collected a corpus of cooperative question in our opinion answer pairs extracted from Frequently Asked Questions. The analysis of this corpus constitutes a good experiment on what a cooperative natural language communication on the Web could be. This analysis allows for the elaboration of a general architecture for our cooperative question answering system webcoop, which we present at the end of this paper

    Work out the semantic web search: The cooperative way

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    In this paper we propose a Cooperative Question Answering System that takes as input natural language queries and is able to return a cooperative answer based on semantic web resources, more specifically DBpedia represented in OWL/RDF as knowledge base and WordNet to build similar questions. Our system resorts to ontologies not only for reasoning but also to find answers and is independent of prior knowledge of the semantic resources by the user. The natural language question is translated into its semantic representation and then answered by consulting the semantics sources of information. The system is able to clarify the problems of ambiguity and helps finding the path to the correct answer. If there are multiple answers to the question posed (or to the similar questions for which DBpedia contains answers), they will be grouped according to their semantic meaning, providing a more cooperative and clarified answer to the user


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    It’s a comprehensive fact that millions of people around the world surf the Internet for want of answers for their questions. Generally, the questions are asked in the form of Searching or direct questions which follow perfect ontological directions. It is important that the system understands the questions in the right sense and can provide the best answer for all the questions raised in the web forum. One such pragmatic method is required which is expected to provide optimum solution to achieve best answers for questions that not only percepts language but also follows perfect ontological information in accordance with the cyber law. This Proposed Model presents a new dynamic model called Knowledge Understanding and Advance Searching (KUAS) that studies the importance of Smart Question Answering with other question answering engines like START and proves to give the optimal solution compared to them