4 research outputs found

    UAVs mission planning with imposition of flight level through fast marching square

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    Many proposed activities to be carried out by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in urban environments require a control over the altitude for different purposes. Energy saving and minimization of costs are some of these objectives. This work presents a method to impose a flight level in a mission planning carried out by a UAV in a 3D urban environment. The planning avoids all obstacles encountered in the environment and maintains a fixed flight level in the majority of the trajectory. The method used as planner is the Fast Marching Square (FM2) method, which includes two adjustment parameters. Depending on the values of these parameters, it is possible to introduce into the planning an altitude constraint, as well as to modify the smoothness of the trajectory and the safety margins from the obstacles. Several simulated experiments have been carried out in different situations obtaining very good results.The research leading to these results has received funding from the RoboCity2030-III-CM project (Robótica aplicada a la mejora de la calidad de vida de los ciudadanos, fase III; S2013/MIT-2748), funded by Programas de Actividades I+D en la Comunidad de Madrid and cofunded by Structural Funds of the EU

    Path Navigation For Robot Using Matlab

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    Path navigation using fuzzy logic controller and trajectory prediction table is to drive a robot in the dynamic environment to a target position,without collision. This path navigation method consists of static navigation method and dynamic path planning. The static navigation used to avoid the static obstacles by using fuzzy logic controller, which contains four sensor input and two output variables. If the robot detects moving obstacles, the robot can recognize the velocity and moving direction of each obstacle and generate the Trajectory Prediction Table to predict the obstacles’ future trajectory. If the trajectory prediction table which reveals that the robot will collide with an obstacle, the dynamic path planning will find a new collision free path to avoid the obstacle by waiting strategy or detouring strategy. . A lot of research work has been carried out in order to solve this problem. In order to navigate successfully in an unknown or partially known environment, the mobile robots should be able to extract the necessary surrounding information from the environment using sensor input, use their built-in knowledge for perception and to take the action required to plan a feasible path for collision free motion and to reach the goal

    A Cooperative Path Planning Algorithm for a Multiple Mobile Robot System in a Dynamic Environment

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    A practical path planning method for a multiple mobile robot system (MMRS) requires handling both the collision-free constraint and the kinematic constraint of real robots, the latter of which has to date been neglected by most path planning methods. In this paper, we present a practical cooperative path planning algorithm for MMRS in a dynamic environment. First, each robot uses an analytical method to plan an obstacle-avoidance path. Then, a distributed prioritized scheme is introduced to realize cooperative path planning. In the scheme, each robot calculates a priority value according to its situation at each instant in time, which will determine the robot\u27s priority. Higher-priority robots can ignore lower-priority robots, whereas lower-priority robots should avoid collisions with higher-priority robots. To minimize the path length for MMRS, a least path length constraint is added. The priority value is also calculated by a path cost function that takes the path length into consideration. Unlike other priority methods, the algorithm proposed is not time consuming; therefore, it is suitable for dynamic environments. Simulation results are presented to verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm

    Linear Temporal Logic-based Mission Planning

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    In this paper, we describe the Linear Temporal Logic-based reactive motion planning. We address the problem of motion planning for mobile robots, wherein the goal specification of planning is given in complex environments. The desired task specification may consist of complex behaviors of the robot, including specifications for environment constraints, need of task optimality, obstacle avoidance, rescue specifications, surveillance specifications, safety specifications, etc. We use Linear Temporal Logic to give a representation for such complex task specification and constraints. The specifications are used by a verification engine to judge the feasibility and suitability of plans. The planner gives a motion strategy as output. Finally a controller is used to generate the desired trajectory to achieve such a goal. The approach is tested using simulations on the LTLMoP mission planning tool, operating over the Robot Operating System. Simulation results generated using high level planners and low level controllers work simultaneously for mission planning and controlling the physical behavior of the robot