35 research outputs found

    The Power of Dynamic Distance Oracles: Efficient Dynamic Algorithms for the Steiner Tree

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    In this paper we study the Steiner tree problem over a dynamic set of terminals. We consider the model where we are given an nn-vertex graph G=(V,E,w)G=(V,E,w) with positive real edge weights, and our goal is to maintain a tree which is a good approximation of the minimum Steiner tree spanning a terminal set SVS \subseteq V, which changes over time. The changes applied to the terminal set are either terminal additions (incremental scenario), terminal removals (decremental scenario), or both (fully dynamic scenario). Our task here is twofold. We want to support updates in sublinear o(n)o(n) time, and keep the approximation factor of the algorithm as small as possible. We show that we can maintain a (6+ε)(6+\varepsilon)-approximate Steiner tree of a general graph in O~(nlogD)\tilde{O}(\sqrt{n} \log D) time per terminal addition or removal. Here, DD denotes the stretch of the metric induced by GG. For planar graphs we achieve the same running time and the approximation ratio of (2+ε)(2+\varepsilon). Moreover, we show faster algorithms for incremental and decremental scenarios. Finally, we show that if we allow higher approximation ratio, even more efficient algorithms are possible. In particular we show a polylogarithmic time (4+ε)(4+\varepsilon)-approximate algorithm for planar graphs. One of the main building blocks of our algorithms are dynamic distance oracles for vertex-labeled graphs, which are of independent interest. We also improve and use the online algorithms for the Steiner tree problem.Comment: Full version of the paper accepted to STOC'1

    New Tradeoffs for Decremental Approximate All-Pairs Shortest Paths

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    We provide new tradeoffs between approximation and running time for the decremental all-pairs shortest paths (APSP) problem. For undirected graphs with mm edges and nn nodes undergoing edge deletions, we provide two new approximate decremental APSP algorithms, one for weighted and one for unweighted graphs. Our first result is an algorithm that supports (2+ϵ)(2+ \epsilon)-approximate all-pairs constant-time distance queries with total update time O~(m1/2n3/2)\tilde{O}(m^{1/2}n^{3/2}) when m=O(n5/3)m= O(n^{5/3}) (and m=n1+cm= n^{1+c} for any constant c>0c >0), or O~(mn2/3)\tilde{O}(mn^{2/3}) when m=Ω(n5/3)m = \Omega(n^{5/3}). Prior to our work the fastest algorithm for weighted graphs with approximation at most 33 had total O~(mn)\tilde O(mn) update time providing a (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximation [Bernstein, SICOMP 2016]. Our technique also yields a decremental algorithm with total update time O~(nm3/4)\tilde{O}(nm^{3/4}) supporting (2+ϵ,Wu,v)(2+\epsilon, W_{u,v})-approximate queries where the second term is an additional additive term and Wu,vW_{u,v} is the maximum weight on the shortest path from uu to vv. Our second result is a decremental algorithm that given an unweighted graph and a constant integer k2k \geq 2 , supports (1+ϵ,2(k1))(1+\epsilon, 2(k-1))-approximate queries and has O~(n21/km1/k)\tilde{O}(n^{2-1/k}m^{1/k}) total update time (when m=n1+cm=n^{1+c} for any constant c>0c >0). For comparison, in the special case of (1+ϵ,2)(1+\epsilon, 2)-approximation, this improves over the state-of-the-art algorithm by [Henzinger, Krinninger, Nanongkai, SICOMP 2016] with total update time of O~(n2.5)\tilde{O}(n^{2.5}). All of our results are randomized and work against an oblivious adversary

    Constructing Light Spanners Deterministically in Near-Linear Time

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    Graph spanners are well-studied and widely used both in theory and practice. In a recent breakthrough, Chechik and Wulff-Nilsen [Shiri Chechik and Christian Wulff-Nilsen, 2018] improved the state-of-the-art for light spanners by constructing a (2k-1)(1+epsilon)-spanner with O(n^(1+1/k)) edges and O_epsilon(n^(1/k)) lightness. Soon after, Filtser and Solomon [Arnold Filtser and Shay Solomon, 2016] showed that the classic greedy spanner construction achieves the same bounds. The major drawback of the greedy spanner is its running time of O(mn^(1+1/k)) (which is faster than [Shiri Chechik and Christian Wulff-Nilsen, 2018]). This makes the construction impractical even for graphs of moderate size. Much faster spanner constructions do exist but they only achieve lightness Omega_epsilon(kn^(1/k)), even when randomization is used. The contribution of this paper is deterministic spanner constructions that are fast, and achieve similar bounds as the state-of-the-art slower constructions. Our first result is an O_epsilon(n^(2+1/k+epsilon\u27)) time spanner construction which achieves the state-of-the-art bounds. Our second result is an O_epsilon(m + n log n) time construction of a spanner with (2k-1)(1+epsilon) stretch, O(log k * n^(1+1/k) edges and O_epsilon(log k * n^(1/k)) lightness. This is an exponential improvement in the dependence on k compared to the previous result with such running time. Finally, for the important special case where k=log n, for every constant epsilon>0, we provide an O(m+n^(1+epsilon)) time construction that produces an O(log n)-spanner with O(n) edges and O(1) lightness which is asymptotically optimal. This is the first known sub-quadratic construction of such a spanner for any k = omega(1). To achieve our constructions, we show a novel deterministic incremental approximate distance oracle. Our new oracle is crucial in our construction, as known randomized dynamic oracles require the assumption of a non-adaptive adversary. This is a strong assumption, which has seen recent attention in prolific venues. Our new oracle allows the order of the edge insertions to not be fixed in advance, which is critical as our spanner algorithm chooses which edges to insert based on the answers to distance queries. We believe our new oracle is of independent interest

    On the Complexity of the (Approximate) Nearest Colored Node Problem

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    Given a graph G=(V,E) where each vertex is assigned a color from the set C={c_1, c_2, .., c_sigma}. In the (approximate) nearest colored node problem, we want to query, given v in V and c in C, for the (approximate) distance dist^(v, c) from v to the nearest node of color c. For any integer 1 <= k <= log n, we present a Color Distance Oracle (also often referred to as Vertex-label Distance Oracle) of stretch 4k-5 using space O(kn sigma^{1/k}) and query time O(log{k}). This improves the query time from O(k) to O(log{k}) over the best known Color Distance Oracle by Chechik [Chechik, 2012]. We then prove a lower bound in the cell probe model showing that even for unweighted undirected paths any static data structure that uses space S requires at least Omega (log (log{sigma} / log(S/n)+log log{n})) query time to give a distance estimate of stretch O(polylog(n)). This implies for the important case when sigma = Theta(n^{epsilon}) for some constant 0 < epsilon < 1, that our Color Distance Oracle has asymptotically optimal query time in regard to k, and that recent Color Distance Oracles for trees [Tsur, 2018] and planar graphs [Mozes and Skop, 2018] achieve asymptotically optimal query time in regard to n. We also investigate the setting where the data structure additionally has to support color-reassignments. We present the first Color Distance Oracle that achieves query times matching our lower bound from the static setting for large stretch yielding an exponential improvement over the best known query time [Chechik, 2014]. Finally, we give new conditional lower bounds proving the hardness of answering queries if edge insertions and deletion are allowed that strictly improve over recent bounds in time and generality

    Deterministic Incremental APSP with Polylogarithmic Update Time and Stretch

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    We provide the first deterministic data structure that given a weighted undirected graph undergoing edge insertions, processes each update with polylogarithmic amortized update time and answers queries for the distance between any pair of vertices in the current graph with a polylogarithmic approximation in O(loglogn)O(\log \log n) time. Prior to this work, no data structure was known for partially dynamic graphs, i.e., graphs undergoing either edge insertions or deletions, with less than no(1)n^{o(1)} update time except for dense graphs, even when allowing randomization against oblivious adversaries or considering only single-source distances

    A Dynamic Shortest Paths Toolbox: Low-Congestion Vertex Sparsifiers and their Applications

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    We present a general toolbox, based on new vertex sparsifiers, for designing data structures to maintain shortest paths in dynamic graphs. In an mm-edge graph undergoing edge insertions and deletions, our data structures give the first algorithms for maintaining (a) mo(1)m^{o(1)}-approximate all-pairs shortest paths (APSP) with \emph{worst-case} update time mo(1)m^{o(1)} and query time O~(1)\tilde{O}(1), and (b) a tree TT that has diameter no larger than a subpolynomial factor times the diameter of the underlying graph, where each update is handled in amortized subpolynomial time. In graphs undergoing only edge deletions, we develop a simpler and more efficient data structure to maintain a (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximate single-source shortest paths (SSSP) tree TT in a graph undergoing edge deletions in amortized time mo(1)m^{o(1)} per update. Our data structures are deterministic. The trees we can maintain are not subgraphs of GG, but embed with small edge congestion into GG. This is in stark contrast to previous approaches and is useful for algorithms that internally use trees to route flow. To illustrate the power of our new toolbox, we show that our SSSP data structure gives simple deterministic implementations of flow-routing MWU methods in several contexts, where previously only randomized methods had been known. To obtain our toolbox, we give the first algorithm that, given a graph GG undergoing edge insertions and deletions and a dynamic terminal set AA, maintains a vertex sparsifier HH that approximately preserves distances between terminals in AA, consists of at most Amo(1)|A|m^{o(1)} vertices and edges, and can be updated in worst-case time mo(1)m^{o(1)}. Crucially, our vertex sparsifier construction allows us to maintain a low edge-congestion embedding of HH into GG, which is needed for our applications

    Shortest Paths in Geometric Intersection Graphs

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    This thesis studies shortest paths in geometric intersection graphs, which can model, among others, ad-hoc communication and transportation networks. First, we consider two classical problems in the field of algorithms, namely Single-Source Shortest Paths (SSSP) and All-Pairs Shortest Paths (APSP). In SSSP we want to compute the shortest paths from one vertex of a graph to all other vertices, while in APSP we aim to find the shortest path between every pair of vertices. Although there is a vast literature for these problems in many graph classes, the case of geometric intersection graphs has been only partially addressed. In unweighted unit-disk graphs, we show that we can solve SSSP in linear time, after presorting the disk centers with respect to their coordinates. Furthermore, we give the first (slightly) subquadratic-time APSP algorithm by using our new SSSP result, bit tricks, and a shifted-grid-based decomposition technique. In unweighted, undirected geometric intersection graphs, we present a simple and general technique that reduces APSP to static, offline intersection detection. Consequently, we give fast APSP algorithms for intersection graphs of arbitrary disks, axis-aligned line segments, arbitrary line segments, d-dimensional axis-aligned boxes, and d-dimensional axis-aligned unit hypercubes. We also provide a near-linear-time SSSP algorithm for intersection graphs of axis-aligned line segments by a reduction to dynamic orthogonal point location. Then, we study two problems that have received considerable attention lately. The first is that of computing the diameter of a graph, i.e., the longest shortest-path distance between any two vertices. In the second, we want to preprocess a graph into a data structure, called distance oracle, such that the shortest path (or its length) between any two query vertices can be found quickly. Since these problems are often too costly to solve exactly, we study their approximate versions. Following a long line of research, we employ Voronoi diagrams to compute a (1+epsilon)-approximation of the diameter of an undirected, non-negatively-weighted planar graph in time near linear in the input size and polynomial in 1/epsilon. The previously best solution had exponential dependency on the latter. Using similar techniques, we can also construct the first (1+epsilon)-approximate distance oracles with similar preprocessing time and space and only O(log(1/\epsilon)) query time. In weighted unit-disk graphs, we present the first near-linear-time (1+epsilon)-approximation algorithm for the diameter and for other related problems, such as the radius and the bichromatic closest pair. To do so, we combine techniques from computational geometry and planar graphs, namely well-separated pair decompositions and shortest-path separators. We also show how to extend our approach to obtain O(1)-query-time (1+epsilon)-approximate distance oracles with near linear preprocessing time and space. Then, we apply these oracles, along with additional ideas, to build a data structure for the (1+epsilon)-approximate All-Pairs Bounded-Leg Shortest Paths (apBLSP) problem in truly subcubic time

    Stronger 3-SUM Lower Bounds for Approximate Distance Oracles via Additive Combinatorics

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    The "short cycle removal" technique was recently introduced by Abboud, Bringmann, Khoury and Zamir (STOC '22) to prove fine-grained hardness of approximation. Its main technical result is that listing all triangles in an n1/2n^{1/2}-regular graph is n2o(1)n^{2-o(1)}-hard under the 3-SUM conjecture even when the number of short cycles is small; namely, when the number of kk-cycles is O(nk/2+γ)O(n^{k/2+\gamma}) for γ<1/2\gamma<1/2. Abboud et al. achieve γ1/4\gamma\geq 1/4 by applying structure vs. randomness arguments on graphs. In this paper, we take a step back and apply conceptually similar arguments on the numbers of the 3-SUM problem. Consequently, we achieve the best possible γ=0\gamma=0 and the following lower bounds under the 3-SUM conjecture: * Approximate distance oracles: The seminal Thorup-Zwick distance oracles achieve stretch 2k±O(1)2k\pm O(1) after preprocessing a graph in O(mn1/k)O(m n^{1/k}) time. For the same stretch, and assuming the query time is no(1)n^{o(1)} Abboud et al. proved an Ω(m1+112.7552k)\Omega(m^{1+\frac{1}{12.7552 \cdot k}}) lower bound on the preprocessing time; we improve it to Ω(m1+12k)\Omega(m^{1+\frac1{2k}}) which is only a factor 2 away from the upper bound. We also obtain tight bounds for stretch 2+o(1)2+o(1) and 3ϵ3-\epsilon and higher lower bounds for dynamic shortest paths. * Listing 4-cycles: Abboud et al. proved the first super-linear lower bound for listing all 4-cycles in a graph, ruling out (m1.1927+t)1+o(1)(m^{1.1927}+t)^{1+o(1)} time algorithms where tt is the number of 4-cycles. We settle the complexity of this basic problem by showing that the O~(min(m4/3,n2)+t)\widetilde{O}(\min(m^{4/3},n^2) +t) upper bound is tight up to no(1)n^{o(1)} factors. Our results exploit a rich tool set from additive combinatorics, most notably the Balog-Szemer\'edi-Gowers theorem and Rusza's covering lemma. A key ingredient that may be of independent interest is a subquadratic algorithm for 3-SUM if one of the sets has small doubling.Comment: Abstract shortened to fit arXiv requirement