9 research outputs found

    Stabbing line segments with disks: complexity and approximation algorithms

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    Computational complexity and approximation algorithms are reported for a problem of stabbing a set of straight line segments with the least cardinality set of disks of fixed radii r>0r>0 where the set of segments forms a straight line drawing G=(V,E)G=(V,E) of a planar graph without edge crossings. Close geometric problems arise in network security applications. We give strong NP-hardness of the problem for edge sets of Delaunay triangulations, Gabriel graphs and other subgraphs (which are often used in network design) for r[dmin,ηdmax]r\in [d_{\min},\eta d_{\max}] and some constant η\eta where dmaxd_{\max} and dmind_{\min} are Euclidean lengths of the longest and shortest graph edges respectively. Fast O(ElogE)O(|E|\log|E|)-time O(1)O(1)-approximation algorithm is proposed within the class of straight line drawings of planar graphs for which the inequality rηdmaxr\geq \eta d_{\max} holds uniformly for some constant η>0,\eta>0, i.e. when lengths of edges of GG are uniformly bounded from above by some linear function of r.r.Comment: 12 pages, 1 appendix, 15 bibliography items, 6th International Conference on Analysis of Images, Social Networks and Texts (AIST-2017


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    The Skip Quadtree: A Simple Dynamic Data Structure for Multidimensional Data

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    We present a new multi-dimensional data structure, which we call the skip quadtree (for point data in R^2) or the skip octree (for point data in R^d, with constant d>2). Our data structure combines the best features of two well-known data structures, in that it has the well-defined "box"-shaped regions of region quadtrees and the logarithmic-height search and update hierarchical structure of skip lists. Indeed, the bottom level of our structure is exactly a region quadtree (or octree for higher dimensional data). We describe efficient algorithms for inserting and deleting points in a skip quadtree, as well as fast methods for performing point location and approximate range queries.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures. A preliminary version of this paper appeared in the 21st ACM Symp. Comp. Geom., Pisa, 2005, pp. 296-30

    Orthogonal Range Reporting and Rectangle Stabbing for Fat Rectangles

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    In this paper we study two geometric data structure problems in the special case when input objects or queries are fat rectangles. We show that in this case a significant improvement compared to the general case can be achieved. We describe data structures that answer two- and three-dimensional orthogonal range reporting queries in the case when the query range is a \emph{fat} rectangle. Our two-dimensional data structure uses O(n)O(n) words and supports queries in O(loglogU+k)O(\log\log U +k) time, where nn is the number of points in the data structure, UU is the size of the universe and kk is the number of points in the query range. Our three-dimensional data structure needs O(nlogεU)O(n\log^{\varepsilon}U) words of space and answers queries in O(loglogU+k)O(\log \log U + k) time. We also consider the rectangle stabbing problem on a set of three-dimensional fat rectangles. Our data structure uses O(n)O(n) space and answers stabbing queries in O(logUloglogU+k)O(\log U\log\log U +k) time.Comment: extended version of a WADS'19 pape

    Bregman Voronoi Diagrams: Properties, Algorithms and Applications

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    The Voronoi diagram of a finite set of objects is a fundamental geometric structure that subdivides the embedding space into regions, each region consisting of the points that are closer to a given object than to the others. We may define many variants of Voronoi diagrams depending on the class of objects, the distance functions and the embedding space. In this paper, we investigate a framework for defining and building Voronoi diagrams for a broad class of distance functions called Bregman divergences. Bregman divergences include not only the traditional (squared) Euclidean distance but also various divergence measures based on entropic functions. Accordingly, Bregman Voronoi diagrams allow to define information-theoretic Voronoi diagrams in statistical parametric spaces based on the relative entropy of distributions. We define several types of Bregman diagrams, establish correspondences between those diagrams (using the Legendre transformation), and show how to compute them efficiently. We also introduce extensions of these diagrams, e.g. k-order and k-bag Bregman Voronoi diagrams, and introduce Bregman triangulations of a set of points and their connexion with Bregman Voronoi diagrams. We show that these triangulations capture many of the properties of the celebrated Delaunay triangulation. Finally, we give some applications of Bregman Voronoi diagrams which are of interest in the context of computational geometry and machine learning.Comment: Extend the proceedings abstract of SODA 2007 (46 pages, 15 figures

    Approximation algorithms for the mobile piercing set problem with applications to clustering,

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    Abstract. The main contributions of this paper are two-fold. First, we present a simple, general framework for obtaining efficient constantfactor approximation algorithms for the mobile piercing set (MPS) problem on unit-disks for standard metrics in fixed dimension vector spaces. More specifically, we provide low constant approximations for L 1 and L ∞ norms on a d-dimensional space, for any fixed d > 0, and for the L 2 norm on two-and three-dimensional spaces. Our framework provides a family of fully-distributed and decentralized algorithms, which adapt (asymptotically) optimally to the mobility of disks, at the expense of a low degradation on the best known approximation factors of the respective centralized algorithms: Our algorithms take O(1) time to update the piercing set maintained, per movement of a disk. We also present a family of fully-distributed algorithms for the MPS problem which either match or improve the best known approximation bounds of centralized algorithms for the respective norms and space dimensions. Second, we show how the proposed algorithms can be directly applied to provide theoretical performance analyses for two popular 1-hop clustering algorithms in ad-hoc networks: the lowest-id algorithm and the Least Cluster Change (LCC) algorithm. More specifically, we formally prove that the LCC algorithm adapts in constant time to the mobility of the network nodes, and minimizes (up to low constant factors) the number of 1-hop clusters maintained. While there is a vast literature on simulation results for the LCC and the lowest-id algorithms, these had not been formally analyzed prior to this work. We also present an O(log n)-approximation algorithm for the mobile piercing set problem for nonuniform disks (i.e., disks that may have different radii), with constant update time

    Dynamic Data Structures for Fat Objects and Their Applications

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    We present several efficient dynamic data structures for point-enclosure queries, involving convex fat objects in R2 or R3. Our planar structures are actually fitted for a more general class of objects-- (fi; ffi)-covered objects-- which are not necessarily convex, see definition below. These structures are more efficient than alternative known structures, because they exploit the fatness of the objects. We then apply these structures to obtain efficient solutions to two problems (i) Finding a perfect containment matching between a set of points and a set of convex fat objects. (ii) Finding a piercing set for a collection of convex fat objects, whose size is optimal up to some constant factor