694,810 research outputs found

    Component Based System Framework for Dynamic B2B Interaction

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    Business-to-business (B2B) collaboration is becoming a pivotal way to bring today's enterprises to success in the dynamically changing, e-business environment. Though many business-to-business protocols are developed to support B2B interaction, none are generally accepted. A B2B system should support different B2B protocols dynamically to enable interaction between diverse enterprises. This paper proposes a framework for dynamic B2B interaction. A B2B transaction is divided into the interaction part and business implementation part to support flexible interaction. A component based system framework is proposed,to support the B2B transaction execution. To support. dynamic B2B services, dynamic component composition is required. Service and component notions are combined into a composable service component. The composition architecture is also presented

    PrimitiveC-ADL: Primitive Component Architecture Description Language

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    In this paper, we introduce an architecture descrip- tion language (ADL) for PCOMs (a context oriented component model). The language is described at three levels: (1) Building blocks (PCOMs context oriented components types) (2) Connec- tors, which connect components externally and internally, and (3) Architectural Configuration, which includes a full description of composition and decomposition mechanisms. The contribution is designing ADL. That supports context- orinted component by providing new architecture elements, which fulfil the requirements of designing context oriented component based applications. Context oriented component is a behavioural unit composed of static parts and dynamic parts. A PCOMs component model design was introduced in our previous work. PCOMs proposes a component model design to compose context-aware system by capturing context condition at runtime. The model is a component-based one that modifies the application architecture by subdividing components into subsystems of static and dynamic elements. We map each context condition to a composable template architectural configuration. Each context condition acts to select behavioural patterns, which combine to form application architectures. Different types of architecture elements are proposed in this work. We focus in defining the following new elements: Com- ponents’ dynamic and static parts, components’ layers, decision policies, and composition plan. Finally we introduce an ADL that fully supports context aware applications, by supporting the definition of a component as a unit of behaviour. Our ADL clearly defines the composition mechanisms, and provides proper definition for the composition’s design Patterns and composition plan. A Context oriented component is a behavioural unit composed with static parts and dynamic parts. A PCOMs component model design was introduced in our previous work. PCOMs proposes a component model design to compose context-aware system by capturing context condition at runtime. The model is a component-based one that modifies the application architecture by subdividing components into subsystems of static and dynamic elements. We map each context condition to a composable tem- plate architectural configuration. Each context condition acts to selected behavioural patterns, which combine to form application architectures

    Composition and concentration anomalies for structure and dynamics of Gaussian-core mixtures

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    We report molecular dynamics simulation results for two-component fluid mixtures of Gaussian-core particles, focusing on how tracer diffusivities and static pair correlations depend on temperature, particle concentration, and composition. At low particle concentrations, these systems behave like simple atomic mixtures. However, for intermediate concentrations, the single-particle dynamics of the two species largely decouple, giving rise to the following anomalous trends. Increasing either the concentration of the fluid (at fixed composition) or the mole fraction of the larger particles (at fixed particle concentration) enhances the tracer diffusivity of the larger particles, but decreases that of the smaller particles. In fact, at sufficiently high particle concentrations, the larger particles exhibit higher mobility than the smaller particles. Each of these dynamic behaviors is accompanied by a corresponding structural trend that characterizes how either concentration or composition affects the strength of the static pair correlations. Specifically, the dynamic trends observed here are consistent with a single empirical scaling law that relates an appropriately normalized tracer diffusivity to its pair-correlation contribution to the excess entropy.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Defining the Fluid framework

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    In this position paper we present the developing Fluid framework, which we believe offers considerable advantages in maintaining software stability in dynamic or evolving application settings. The Fluid framework facilitates the development of component software via the selection, composition and configuration of components. Fluid's composition language incorporates a high-level type system supporting object-oriented principles such as type description, type inheritance, and type instantiation. Object-oriented relationships are represented via the dynamic composition of component instances. This representation allows the software structure, as specified by type and instance descriptions, to change dynamically at runtime as existing types are modified and new types and instances are introduced. We therefore move from static software structure descriptions to more dynamic representations, while maintaining the expressiveness of object-oriented semantics. We show how the Fluid framework relates to existing, largely component based, software frameworks and conclude with suggestions for future enhancements. © 2007 IEEE

    Semantics Through Pictures: towards a diagrammatic semantics for object-oriented modelling notations

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    An object-oriented (OO) model has a static component, the set of allowable snapshots or system states, and a dynamic component, the set of filmstrips or sequences of snapshots. Diagrammatic notations, such as those in UML, each places constraints on the static and/or dynamic models. A formal semantics of OO modeling notations can be constructed by providing a formal description of (i) sets of snapshots and filmstrips, (ii) constraints on those sets, and (iii) the derivation of those constraints from diagrammatic notations. In addition, since constraints are contributed by many diagrams for the same model, a way of doing this compositionally is desirable. One approach to the semantics is to use first-order logic for (i) and (ii), and theory inclusion with renaming, as in Larch, to characterize composition. A common approach to (iii) is to bootstrap: provide a semantics for a kernel of the notation and then use the kernel to give a semantics to the other notations. This only works if a kernel which is sufficiently expressive can be identified, and this is not the case for UML. However, we have developed a diagrammatic notation, dubbed constraint diagrams, which seems capable of expressing most if not all static and dynamic constraints, and it is proposed that this be used to give a diagrammatic semantics to OO models

    AO-OpenCom: an AO-Middleware architecture supporting flexible dynamic reconfiguration

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    Middleware has emerged as a key technology in the construction of distributed systems. As a consequence, middleware is increasingly required to be highly modular and configurable, to support separation of concerns between services, and, crucially, to support dynamic reconfiguration: i.e. to be capable of being changed while running. Aspect-oriented middleware is a promising technology for the realisation of distributed reconfiguration in distributed systems. In this paper we propose an aspect-oriented middleware platform called AO-OpenCom that builds AO-based reconfiguration on top of a dynamic component approach to middleware system composition. The goal is to support extremely flexible dynamic reconfiguration that can be applied at all levels of the system and uniformly across the distributed environment. We evaluate our platform by the capability in meeting flexible reconfiguration and the impact of these overheads

    Interactive Extraction of High-Frequency Aesthetically-Coherent Colormaps

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    Color transfer functions (i.e. colormaps) exhibiting a high frequency luminosity component have proven to be useful in the visualization of data where feature detection or iso-contours recognition is essential. Having these colormaps also display a wide range of color and an aesthetically pleasing composition holds the potential to further aid image understanding and analysis. However producing such colormaps in an efficient manner with current colormap creation tools is difficult. We hereby demonstrate an interactive technique for extracting colormaps from artwork and pictures. We show how the rich and careful color design and dynamic luminance range of an existing image can be gracefully captured in a colormap and be utilized effectively in the exploration of complex datasets

    Supporting collaborative grid application development within the escience community

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    The systemic representation and organisation of software artefacts, e.g. specifications, designs, interfaces, and implementations, resulting from the development of large distributed systems from software components have been addressed by our research within the Practitioner and AMES projects [1,2,3,4]. Without appropriate representations and organisations, large collections of existing software are not amenable to the activities of software reuse and software maintenance, as these activities are likely to be severely hindered by the difficulties of understanding the software applications and their associated components. In both of these projects, static analysis of source code and other development artefacts, where available, and subsequent application of reverse engineering techniques were successfully used to develop a more comprehensive understanding of the software applications under study [5,6]. Later research addressed the maintenance of a component library in the context of component-based software product line development and maintenance [7]. The classic software decompositions, horizontal and vertical, proposed by Goguen [8] influenced all of this research. While they are adequate for static composition, they fail to address the dynamic aspects of composing large distributed software applications from components especially where these include software services. The separation of component co-ordination concerns from component functionality proposed in [9] offers a partial solution
