5 research outputs found


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    Türkiye jeolojik yapısı, topografik konumu ve iklim özellikleri bakımından doğal afetlerin yaşanma olasılığının yüksek olduğu bir ülkedir. Olası bir doğal ve insan kaynaklı afet veya arama-kurtarma faaliyeti öncesinde gereken önlemlerin alınması ve afet sonrası yardım faaliyetlerinin yürütülebilmesi için haberleşme sistemlerinin önemi büyüktür. Bu anlamda ilgili birimler arasında kurulacak iletişimin sağlanması için düzgün bir haberleşme altyapısı oluşturmanın gerekliliği açıktır. Bir afet olması durumunda mevcut bulunan birçok sistem devre dışı kalmakta ve haberleşmenin devam etmesi için kullanılabilecek en ideal çözümlerden biri “Telsiz Haberleşmesi” olmaktadır. Bu nedenle telsiz haberleşmesinin ana bileşeni olan telsizin seçimi ve acil durum haberleşmesinde verimli olarak kullanımı önem kazanmaktadır. Bu çalışmada İl Afet ve Acil Durum Müdürlüğü bünyesinde oluşturulan haberleşme altyapısı kapsamında alınması planlanan el telsizi seçim problemi ele alınmıştır. El telsizi seçim problemi için çok ölçütlü karar verme yöntemlerinden AHS, AAS, TOPSIS ve ELECTRE kullanılmış ve elde edilen sonuçlar birbirleriyle kıyaslanmıştır

    The potential of unmanned aerial systems for sea turtle research and conservation: A review and future directions

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Inter Research via the DOI in this recordThe use of satellite systems and manned aircraft surveys for remote data collection has been shown to be transformative for sea turtle conservation and research by enabling the collection of data on turtles and their habitats over larger areas than can be achieved by surveys on foot or by boat. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or drones are increasingly being adopted to gather data, at previously unprecedented spatial and temporal resolutions in diverse geographic locations. This easily accessible, low-cost tool is improving existing research methods and enabling novel approaches in marine turtle ecology and conservation. Here we review the diverse ways in which incorporating inexpensive UAVs may reduce costs and field time while improving safety and data quality and quantity over existing methods for studies on turtle nesting, at-sea distribution and behaviour surveys, as well as expanding into new avenues such as surveillance against illegal take. Furthermore, we highlight the impact that high-quality aerial imagery captured by UAVs can have for public outreach and engagement. This technology does not come without challenges. We discuss the potential constraints of these systems within the ethical and legal frameworks which researchers must operate and the difficulties that can result with regard to storage and analysis of large amounts of imagery. We then suggest areas where technological development could further expand the utility of UAVs as data-gathering tools; for example, functioning as downloading nodes for data collected by sensors placed on turtles. Development of methods for the use of UAVs in sea turtle research will serve as case studies for use with other marine and terrestrial taxa

    Dual-Stack Single-Radio Communication Architecture for UAV Acting As a Mobile Node to Collect Data in WSNs

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    The use of mobile nodes to collect data in a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) has gained special attention over the last years. Some researchers explore the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) as mobile node for such data-collection purposes. Analyzing these works, it is apparent that mobile nodes used in such scenarios are typically equipped with at least two different radio interfaces. The present work presents a Dual-Stack Single-Radio Communication Architecture (DSSRCA), which allows a UAV to communicate in a bidirectional manner with a WSN and a Sink node. The proposed architecture was specifically designed to support different network QoS requirements, such as best-effort and more reliable communications, attending both UAV-to-WSN and UAV-to-Sink communications needs. DSSRCA was implemented and tested on a real UAV, as detailed in this paper. This paper also includes a simulation analysis that addresses bandwidth consumption in an environmental monitoring application scenario. It includes an analysis of the data gathering rate that can be achieved considering different UAV flight speeds. Obtained results show the viability of using a single radio transmitter for collecting data from the WSN and forwarding such data to the Sink node

    Dual-Stack Single-Radio Communication Architecture for UAV Acting As a Mobile Node to Collect Data in WSNs

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    The use of mobile nodes to collect data in a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) has gained special attention over the last years. Some researchers explore the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) as mobile node for such data-collection purposes. Analyzing these works, it is apparent that mobile nodes used in such scenarios are typically equipped with at least two different radio interfaces. The present work presents a Dual-Stack Single-Radio Communication Architecture (DSSRCA), which allows a UAV to communicate in a bidirectional manner with a WSN and a Sink node. The proposed architecture was specifically designed to support different network QoS requirements, such as best-effort and more reliable communications, attending both UAV-to-WSN and UAV-to-Sink communications needs. DSSRCA was implemented and tested on a real UAV, as detailed in this paper. This paper also includes a simulation analysis that addresses bandwidth consumption in an environmental monitoring application scenario. It includes an analysis of the data gathering rate that can be achieved considering different UAV flight speeds. Obtained results show the viability of using a single radio transmitter for collecting data from the WSN and forwarding such data to the Sink node