43 research outputs found

    Performance Analysis of Project-and-Forward Relaying in Mixed MIMO-Pinhole and Rayleigh Dual-Hop Channel

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    In this letter, we present an end-to-end performance analysis of dual-hop project-and-forward relaying in a realistic scenario, where the source-relay and the relay-destination links are experiencing MIMO-pinhole and Rayleigh channel conditions, respectively. We derive the probability density function of both the relay post-processing and the end-to-end signal-to-noise ratios, and the obtained expressions are used to derive the outage probability of the analyzed system as well as its end-to-end ergodic capacity in terms of generalized functions. Applying then the residue theory to Mellin-Barnes integrals, we infer the system asymptotic behavior for different channel parameters. As the bivariate Meijer-G function is involved in the analysis, we propose a new and fast MATLAB implementation enabling an automated definition of the complex integration contour. Extensive Monte-Carlo simulations are invoked to corroborate the analytical results.Comment: 4 pages, IEEE Communications Letters, 201

    Iterative Deterministic Equivalents for the Performance Analysis of Communication Systems

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    In this article, we introduce iterative deterministic equivalents as a novel technique for the performance analysis of communication systems whose channels are modeled by complex combinations of independent random matrices. This technique extends the deterministic equivalent approach for the study of functionals of large random matrices to a broader class of random matrix models which naturally arise as channel models in wireless communications. We present two specific applications: First, we consider a multi-hop amplify-and-forward (AF) MIMO relay channel with noise at each stage and derive deterministic approximations of the mutual information after the Kth hop. Second, we study a MIMO multiple access channel (MAC) where the channel between each transmitter and the receiver is represented by the double-scattering channel model. We provide deterministic approximations of the mutual information, the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) and sum-rate with minimum-mean-square-error (MMSE) detection and derive the asymptotically optimal precoding matrices. In both scenarios, the approximations can be computed by simple and provably converging fixed-point algorithms and are shown to be almost surely tight in the limit when the number of antennas at each node grows infinitely large. Simulations suggest that the approximations are accurate for realistic system dimensions. The technique of iterative deterministic equivalents can be easily extended to other channel models of interest and is, therefore, also a new contribution to the field of random matrix theory.Comment: submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 43 pages, 4 figure

    Performance Analysis of a Dual-Hop Cooperative Relay Network with Co-Channel Interference

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    This paper analyzes the performance of a dual-hop amplify-and-forward (AF) cooperative relay network in the presence of direct link between the source and destination and multiple co-channel interferences (CCIs) at the relay. Specifically, we derive the new analytical expressions for the moment generating function (MGF) of the output signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) and the average symbol error rate (ASER) of the relay network. Computer simulations are given to confirm the validity of the analytical results and show the effects of direct link and interference on the considered AF relay network

    Performance Analysis of Optimal Single Stream Beamforming in MIMO Dual-Hop AF Systems

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    This paper investigates the performance of optimal single stream beamforming schemes in multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) dual-hop amplify-and-forward (AF) systems. Assuming channel state information is not available at the source and relay, the optimal transmit and receive beamforming vectors are computed at the destination, and the transmit beamforming vector is sent to the transmitter via a dedicated feedback link. Then, a set of new closed-form expressions for the statistical properties of the maximum eigenvalue of the resultant channel is derived, i.e., the cumulative density function (cdf), probability density function (pdf) and general moments, as well as the first order asymptotic expansion and asymptotic large dimension approximations. These analytical expressions are then applied to study three important performance metrics of the system, i.e., outage probability, average symbol error rate and ergodic capacity. In addition, more detailed treatments are provided for some important special cases, e.g., when the number of antennas at one of the nodes is one or large, simple and insightful expressions for the key parameters such as diversity order and array gain of the system are derived. With the analytical results, the joint impact of source, relay and destination antenna numbers on the system performance is addressed, and the performance of optimal beamforming schemes and orthogonal space-time block-coding (OSTBC) schemes are compared. Results reveal that the number of antennas at the relay has a great impact on how the numbers of antennas at the source and destination contribute to the system performance, and optimal beamforming not only achieves the same maximum diversity order as OSTBC, but also provides significant power gains over OSTBC.Comment: to appear in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications special issue on Theories and Methods for Advanced Wireless Relay

    Capacity and performance analysis of advanced multiple antenna communication systems

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    Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antenna systems have been shown to be able to substantially increase date rate and improve reliability without extra spectrum and power resources. The increasing popularity and enormous prospect of MIMO technology calls for a better understanding of the performance of MIMO systems operating over practical environments. Motivated by this, this thesis provides an analytical characterization of the capacity and performance of advanced MIMO antenna systems. First, the ergodic capacity of MIMO Nakagami-m fading channels is investigated. A unified way of deriving ergodic capacity bounds is developed under the majorization theory framework. The key idea is to study the ergodic capacity through the distribution of the diagonal elements of the quadratic channel HHy which is relatively easy to handle, avoiding the need of the eigenvalue distribution of the channel matrix which is extremely difficult to obtain. The proposed method is first applied on the conventional point-to-point MIMO systems under Nakagami-m fading, and later extended to the more general distributed MIMO systems. Second, the ergodic capacity of MIMO multi-keyhole and MIMO amplify-and-forward (AF) dual-hop systems is studied. A set of new statistical properties involving product of random complex Gaussian matrix, i.e., probability density function (p.d.f.) of an unordered eigenvalue, p.d.f. of the maximum eigenvalue, expected determinant and log-determinant, is derived. Based on these, analytical closedform expressions for the ergodic capacity of the systems are obtained and the connection between the product channels and conventional point-to-point MIMO channels is also revealed. Finally, the effect of co-channel interference is investigated. First, the performance of optimum combining (OC) systems operating in Rayleigh-product channels is analyzed based on novel closed-form expression of the cumulative distribution function (c.d.f.) of the maximum eigenvalue of the resultant channel matrix. Then, for MIMO Rician channels and MIMO Rayleigh-product channels, the ergodic capacity at low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regime is studied, and the impact of various system parameters, such as transmit and receive antenna number, Rician factor, channel mean matrix and interference-tonoise- ratio, is examined

    Ergodic Capacity Analysis of Amplify-and-Forward MIMO Dual-Hop Systems

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    This paper presents an analytical characterization of the ergodic capacity of amplify-and-forward (AF) MIMO dual-hop relay channels, assuming that the channel state information is available at the destination terminal only. In contrast to prior results, our expressions apply for arbitrary numbers of antennas and arbitrary relay configurations. We derive an expression for the exact ergodic capacity, simplified closed-form expressions for the high SNR regime, and tight closed-form upper and lower bounds. These results are made possible to employing recent tools from finite-dimensional random matrix theory to derive new closed-form expressions for various statistical properties of the equivalent AF MIMO dual-hop relay channel, such as the distribution of an unordered eigenvalue and certain random determinant properties. Based on the analytical capacity expressions, we investigate the impact of the system and channel characteristics, such as the antenna configuration and the relay power gain. We also demonstrate a number of interesting relationships between the dual-hop AF MIMO relay channel and conventional point-to-point MIMO channels in various asymptotic regimes.Comment: 40 pages, 9 figures, Submitted to to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    From Multi-Keyholes to Measure of Correlation and Power Imbalance in MIMO Channels: Outage Capacity Analysis

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    An information-theoretic analysis of a multi-keyhole channel, which includes a number of statistically independent keyholes with possibly different correlation matrices, is given. When the number of keyholes or/and the number of Tx/Rx antennas is large, there is an equivalent Rayleigh-fading channel such that the outage capacities of both channels are asymptotically equal. In the case of a large number of antennas and for a broad class of fading distributions, the instantaneous capacity is shown to be asymptotically Gaussian in distribution, and compact, closed-form expressions for the mean and variance are given. Motivated by the asymptotic analysis, a simple, full-ordering scalar measure of spatial correlation and power imbalance in MIMO channels is introduced, which quantifies the negative impact of these two factors on the outage capacity in a simple and well-tractable way. It does not require the eigenvalue decomposition, and has the full-ordering property. The size-asymptotic results are used to prove Telatar's conjecture for semi-correlated multi-keyhole and Rayleigh channels. Since the keyhole channel model approximates well the relay channel in the amplify-and-forward mode in certain scenarios, these results also apply to the latterComment: accepted by IEEE IT Trans., 201

    Contributions to the Performance Analysis of Intervehicular Communications Systems and Schemes

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    RÉSUMÉ Le but des systĂšmes de communication intervĂ©hicule (Inter-Vehicle Communication – IVC) est d'amĂ©liorer la sĂ©curitĂ© de conduite en utilisant des capteurs et des techniques de communication sans fil pour ĂȘtre en mesure de communiquer mutuellement sans aucune intervention extĂ©rieure. Avec l'utilisation de ces systĂšmes, les communications vĂ©hicule Ă  vĂ©hicule (V2V) peuvent ĂȘtre plus efficaces dans la prĂ©vention des accidents et la dĂ©congestion de la circulation que si chaque vĂ©hicule travaillait individuellement. Une des solutions proposĂ©es pour les systĂšmes IVC est l’utilisation des systĂšmes de communication coopĂ©rative, qui en principe, augmentent l'efficacitĂ© spectrale et Ă©nergĂ©tique, la couverture du rĂ©seau, et rĂ©duit la probabilitĂ© de dĂ©faillance. La diversitĂ© d'antenne (entrĂ©es multiples sorties multiples « Multiple-Input Multiple-Output » ou MIMO) peut Ă©galement ĂȘtre une alternative pour les systĂšmes IVC pour amĂ©liorer la capacitĂ© du canal et la diversitĂ© (fiabilitĂ©), mais en Ă©change d’une complexitĂ© accrue. Toutefois, l'application de telles solutions est difficile, car les communications sans fil entre les vĂ©hicules sont soumises Ă  d’importants effets d'Ă©vanouissements des canaux appelĂ©s (canaux sujets aux Ă©vanouissements de n*Rayleigh, « n*Rayleigh fading channels»), ce qui conduit Ă  la dĂ©gradation des performances. Par consĂ©quent, dans cette thĂšse, nous proposons une analyse de la performance globale des systĂšmes de transmission coopĂ©ratifs et MIMO sur des canaux sujets aux Ă©vanouissements de n*Rayleigh. Cette analyse permettra d’aider les chercheurs pour la conception et la mise en Ɠuvre de systĂšmes de communication V2V avec une complexitĂ© moindre. En particulier, nous Ă©tudions d'abord la performance de la sĂ©lection du relais de coopĂ©ration avec les systĂšmes IVC, on suppose que la transmission via « Amplify-and-Forward» (AF) ou bien «Decode-and-Forward» (DF) est assurĂ©e par N relais pour transfĂ©rer le message de la source Ă  la destination. La performance du systĂšme est analysĂ©e en termes de probabilitĂ© de dĂ©faillance, la probabilitĂ© d'erreur de symbole, et la capacitĂ© moyenne du canal. Les rĂ©sultats numĂ©riques dĂ©montrent que la sĂ©lection de relais rĂ©alise une diversitĂ© de l'ordre de (d≈mN/n) pour les deux types de relais, oĂč m est un paramĂštre Ă©vanouissement de Rayleigh en cascade. Nous Ă©tudions ensuite la performance des systĂšmes IVC Ă  sauts multiples avec et sans relais rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ratifs. Dans cette Ă©tude, nous dĂ©rivons des expressions approximatives pour la probabilitĂ© de dĂ©faillance et le niveau d’évanouissement lorsque la diversitĂ© en rĂ©ception basĂ©e sur le ratio maximum de combinaison (MRC) est employĂ©e. En outre, nous analysons la rĂ©partition de puissance pour le systĂšme sous-jacent afin de minimiser la probabilitĂ© globale de dĂ©faillance. Nous montrons que la performance des systĂšmes rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ratifs est meilleure que celle des systĂšmes non rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ratifs lorsque l’ordre de cascade n est faible, tandis qu’ils ont des performances similaires lorsque n est Ă©levĂ©. Ensuite, nous considĂ©rons le problĂšme de la dĂ©tection de puissance des signaux inconnus aux n* canaux de Rayleigh. Dans ce travail, de nouvelles expressions approximatives sont dĂ©rivĂ©es de la probabilitĂ© de dĂ©tection moyenne avec et sans diversitĂ© en rĂ©ception MRC. En outre, la performance du systĂšme est analysĂ©e lorsque la dĂ©tection de spectre coopĂ©rative (CSS) est considĂ©rĂ©e sous diverses contraintes de canaux (par exemple, les canaux de communication parfaits et imparfaits). Les rĂ©sultats numĂ©riques ont montrĂ© que la fiabilitĂ© de dĂ©tection diminue Ă  mesure que l'ordre n augmente et s’amĂ©liore sensiblement lorsque CSS emploie le schĂ©ma MRC. Il est dĂ©montrĂ© que CSS avec le schĂ©ma MRC maintient la probabilitĂ© de fausse alarme minimale dans les canaux d’information imparfaite plutĂŽt que d'augmenter le nombre d'utilisateurs en coopĂ©ration. Enfin, nous prĂ©sentons une nouvelle approche pour l'analyse des performances des systĂšmes IVC sur n*canaux de Rayleigh, en utilisant n_T antennes d'Ă©mission et n_R antennes de rĂ©ception pour lutter contre l'effet d’évanouissement. Dans ce contexte, nous Ă©valuons la performance des systĂšmes MIMO-V2V basĂ©s sur la sĂ©lection des antennes d'Ă©mission avec un ratio maximum de combinaison (TAS/MRC) et la sĂ©lection combinant (TAS/SC). Dans cette Ă©tude, nous dĂ©rivons des expressions analytiques plus prĂ©cises pour la probabilitĂ© de dĂ©faillance, la probabilitĂ© d'erreur de symbole, et l’évanouissement sur n*canaux Rayleigh. Il est montrĂ© que les deux rĂ©gimes ont le mĂȘme ordre de diversitĂ© maximale Ă©quivalent Ă  (d≈mn_T n_R /n) . En outre, TAS / MRC offre un gain de performance mieux que TAS/ SC lorsque le nombre d'antennes de rĂ©ception est plus que celle des antennes d’émission, mais l’amĂ©lioration de la performance est limitĂ©e lorsque n augmente.----------Abstract The purpose of intervehicular communication (IVC) systems is to enhance driving safety, in which vehicles use sensors and wireless communication techniques to talk to each other without any roadside intervention. Using these systems, vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications can be more effective in avoiding accidents and traffic congestion than if each vehicle works individually. A potential solution can be implemented in this research area using cooperative communications systems which, in principle, increase spectral and power efficiency, network coverage, and reduce the outage probability. Antenna diversity (i.e., multiple-input multiple output (MIMO) systems) can also be an alternative solution for IVC systems to enhance channel capacity and diversity (reliability) but in exchange of an increased complexity. However, applying such solutions is challenging since wireless communications among vehicles is subject to harsh fading channels called ‘n*Rayleigh fading channels’, which leads to performance degradation. Therefore, in this thesis we provide a comprehensive performance analysis of cooperative transmission and MIMO systems over n*Rayleigh fading channels that help researchers for the design and implementation of V2V communication systems with lower complexity. Specifically, we first investigate the performance of cooperative IVC systems with relay selection over n*Rayleigh fading channels, assuming that both the decode-and-forward and the amplify-and-forward relaying protocols are achieved by N relays to transfer the source message to the destination. System performance is analyzed in terms of outage probability, symbol error probability, and average channel capacity. The numerical results have shown that the best relay selection approach achieves the diversity order of (d≈mN/n) where m is a cascaded Rayleigh fading parameter. Second, we investigate the performance of multihop-IVC systems with regenerative and non-regenerative relays. In this study, we derive approximate closed-form expressions for the outage probability and amount of fading when the maximum ratio combining (MRC) diversity reception is employed. Further, we analyze the power allocation for the underlying scheme in order to minimize the overall outage probability. We show that the performance of regenerative systems is better than that of non-regenerative systems when the cascading order n is low and they have similar performance when n is high. Third, we consider the problem of energy detection of unknown signals over n*Rayleigh fading channels. In this work, novel approximate expressions are derived for the average probability of detection with and without MRC diversity reception. Moreover, the system performance is analyzed when cooperative spectrum sensing (CSS) is considered under various channel constraints (e.g, perfect and imperfect reporting channels). The numerical results show that the detection reliability decreases as the cascading order n increases and substantially improves when CSS employs MRC schemes. It is demonstrated that CSS with MRC scheme keeps the probability of false alarm minimal under imperfect reporting channels rather than increasing the number of cooperative users. Finally, we present a new approach for the performance analysis of IVC systems over n*Rayleigh fading channels, using n_T transmit and n_R receive antennas to combat fading influence. In this context, we evaluate the performance of MIMO-V2V systems based on the transmit antenna selection with maximum ratio combining (TAS/MRC) and selection combining (TAS/SC) schemes. In this study, we derive tight analytical expressions for the outage probability, the symbol error probability, and the amount of fading over n*Rayleigh fading channels. It is shown that both schemes have the same maximum diversity order equivalent to (d≈mn_T n_R /n). In addition, TAS/MRC offers a better performance gain than TAS/SC scheme when the number of receive antennas is more than that of transmit antennas, but the performance improvement is limited as n increases

    On the Performance of SR and FR Protocols for OSTBC based AF-MIMO Relay System with Channel and Noise Correlations

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    This paper proposes selection relaying (SR) protocol for a cooperative multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) relay system that consists of a direct link between a source and a destination. The system has only receive-side channel state information (CSI), spatially correlated MIMO channels, and the receiver nodes observe spatially correlated noise. The transmit nodes employ orthogonal space-time block codes (OSTBC), whereas the receiver nodes employ optimum minimum mean-square-error (MMSE) detection. The SR protocol, which transmits via the relay only when the direct link between the source and destination is in outage, is compared with the fixed relaying (FR) protocol which always uses the relay. By deriving novel asymptotic expressions of the outage probabilities, it is analytically shown that both protocols provide the same diversity gain. However, the coding gain (CG) of the SR protocol can be much better than that of the FR protocol. In particular, when all MIMO links have the same effective rank, irrespective of its value, the SR protocol provides better CG than the FR scheme if the target information rate is greater than ln2(3) bits per channel use. Simulation results support theoretical analysis and show that the SR scheme can significantly outperform FR method, which may justify the increased complexity due to one-bit feedback requirement in the SR protocol