5 research outputs found

    Precondition Inference via Partitioning of Initial States

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    Precondition inference is a non-trivial task with several applications in program analysis and verification. We present a novel iterative method for automatically deriving sufficient preconditions for safety and unsafety of programs which introduces a new dimension of modularity. Each iteration maintains over-approximations of the set of \emph{safe} and \emph{unsafe} \emph{initial} states. Then we repeatedly use the current abstractions to partition the program's \emph{initial} states into those known to be safe, known to be unsafe and unknown, and construct a revised program focusing on those initial states that are not yet known to be safe or unsafe. An experimental evaluation of the method on a set of software verification benchmarks shows that it can solve problems which are not solvable using previous methods.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure

    Affine Disjunctive Invariant Generation with Farkas' Lemma

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    Invariant generation is the classical problem that aims at automated generation of assertions that over-approximates the set of reachable program states in a program. We consider the problem of generating affine invariants over affine while loops (i.e., loops with affine loop guards, conditional branches and assignment statements), and explore the automated generation of disjunctive affine invariants. Disjunctive invariants are an important class of invariants that capture disjunctive features in programs such as multiple phases, transitions between different modes, etc., and are typically more precise than conjunctive invariants over programs with these features. To generate tight affine invariants, existing constraint-solving approaches have investigated the application of Farkas' Lemma to conjunctive affine invariant generation, but none of them considers disjunctive affine invariants

    Dual analysis for proving safety and finding bugs

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    10.1145/1774088.1774538Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing2137-214