50,575 research outputs found

    Regulator constants of integral representations of finite groups

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    Let G be a finite group and p be a prime. We investigate isomorphism invariants of Zp[G]\mathbb{Z}_{p}[G]-lattices whose extension of scalars to Qp\mathbb{Q}_p is self-dual, called regulator constants. These were originally introduced by Dokchitser--Dokchitser in the context of elliptic curves. Regulator constants canonically yield a pairing between the space of Brauer relations for G and the subspace of the representation ring for which regulator constants are defined. For all G, we show that this pairing is never identically zero. For formal reasons, this pairing will, in general, have non-trivial kernel. But, if G has cyclic Sylow p-subgroups and we restrict to considering permutation lattices, then we show that the pairing is non-degenerate modulo the formal kernel. Using this we can show that, for certain groups, including dihedral groups of order 2p for p odd, the isomorphism class of any Zp[G]\mathbb{Z}_p[G]-lattice whose extension of scalars to Qp\mathbb{Q}_p is self-dual, is determined by its regulator constants, its extension of scalars to Qp\mathbb{Q}_p, and a cohomological invariant of Yakovlev.Comment: 43 pages. Restated the main theorem (Thm 6.8) in terms of Zp\mathbb{Z}_p-lattices as opposed to Z(p)\mathbb{Z}_{(p)}-lattices and added Section 6.3 providing criteria for the theorem to apply. To appear in Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. So

    P versus NP and geometry

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    I describe three geometric approaches to resolving variants of P v. NP, present several results that illustrate the role of group actions in complexity theory, and make a first step towards completely geometric definitions of complexity classes.Comment: 20 pages, to appear in special issue of J. Symbolic. Comp. dedicated to MEGA 200

    Exceptional zero formulae and a conjecture of Perrin-Riou

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    Let A/QA/\mathbb{Q} be an elliptic curve with split multiplicative reduction at a prime pp. We prove (an analogue of) a conjecture of Perrin-Riou, relating pp-adic Beilinsonβˆ’-Kato elements to Heegner points in A(Q)A(\mathbb{Q}), and a large part of the rank-one case of the Mazurβˆ’-Tateβˆ’-Teitelbaum exceptional zero conjecture for the cyclotomic pp-adic LL-function of AA. More generally, let ff be the weight-two newform associated with AA, let f∞f_{\infty} be the Hida family of ff, and let Lp(f∞,k,s)L_{p}(f_{\infty},k,s) be the Mazurβˆ’-Kitagawa two-variable pp-adic LL-function attached to f∞f_{\infty}. We prove a pp-adic Grossβˆ’-Zagier formula, expressing the quadratic term of the Taylor expansion of Lp(f∞,k,s)L_{p}(f_{\infty},k,s) at (k,s)=(2,1)(k,s)=(2,1) as a non-zero rational multiple of the extended height-weight of a Heegner point in A(Q)A(\mathbb{Q})

    First-order limits, an analytical perspective

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    In this paper we present a novel approach to graph (and structural) limits based on model theory and analysis. The role of Stone and Gelfand dualities is displayed prominently and leads to a general theory, which we believe is naturally emerging. This approach covers all the particular examples of structural convergence and it put the whole in new context. As an application, it leads to new intermediate examples of structural convergence and to a "grand conjecture" dealing with sparse graphs. We survey the recent developments
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