4 research outputs found

    Around Pelikan's conjecture on very odd sequences

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    Very odd sequences were introduced in 1973 by J. Pelikan who conjectured that there were none of length >=5. This conjecture was disproved by MacWilliams and Odlyzko in 1977 who proved there are in fact many very odd sequences. We give connections of these sequences with duadic codes, cyclic difference sets, levels (Stufen) of cyclotomic fields, and derive some new asymptotic results on their lengths and on S(n), which denotes the number of very odd sequences of length n.Comment: 21 pages, two tables. Revised version with improved presentation and correction of some typos and minor errors that will appear in Manuscripta Mathematic

    Properties and classifications of certain LCD codes.

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    A linear code CC is called a linear complementary dual code (LCD code) if CC=0C \cap C^\perp = {0} holds. LCD codes have many applications in cryptography, communication systems, data storage, and quantum coding theory. In this dissertation we show that a necessary and sufficient condition for a cyclic code CC over Z4\Z_4 of odd length to be an LCD code is that C=(f(x))C=\big( f(x) \big) where ff is a self-reciprocal polynomial in Z4[X]\Z_{4}[X] which is also in our paper \cite{GK1}. We then extend this result and provide a necessary and sufficient condition for a cyclic code CC of length NN over a finite chain ring R=\big(R,\m=(\gamma),\kappa=R/\m \big) with ν(γ)=2\nu(\gamma)=2 to be an LCD code. In \cite{DKOSS} a linear programming bound for LCD codes and the definition for LD2(n,k)\text{LD}_{2}(n, k) for binary LCD [n,k][n, k]-codes are provided. Thus, in a different direction, we find the formula for LD2(n,2)\text{LD}_{2}(n, 2) which appears in \cite{GK2}. In 2020, Pang et al. defined binary LCD  [n,k]\text{LCD}\; [n,k] codes with biggest minimal distance, which meets the Griesmer bound \cite{Pang}. We give a correction to and provide a different proof for \cite[Theorem 4.2]{Pang}, provide a different proof for \cite[Theorem 4.3]{Pang}, examine properties of LCD ternary codes, and extend some results found in \cite{Harada} for any qq which is a power of an odd prime

    Duadic codes over F2 + uF2

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    10.1007/s002000100079Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communications and Computing125365-379AAEC