8 research outputs found


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    The difficulty of finding a parking space in public places, especially during peak hours is a problem experienced by drivers. To assist the driver in finding parking space availability, a system is needed to monitor parking availability. One study to detect the availability of parking lots utilizing CCTV. However, research on the availability of parking spaces on CCTV data has several problems, detecting parking slots that are done manually to be inefficient when applied to different parking lots. Also, research to detect the availability of parking lots using the Convolution Neural Network (CNN) method with existing architecture has many parameters. Therefore, this study proposes a system to detect the availability of car parking lots using You Only Look Once (YOLO) V3 for marking the parking space and proposed a new architecture CNN called Lite AlexNet which has few parameters than other methods to speed up the process of detecting parking space availability. The best accuracy of the marking stage using YOLO V3 is 92.31% where the weather was cloudy. For the proposed Lite AlexNet get the best time training average which is 7 second compare to other existing methods and the average accuracy in every condition is 92.33% better than other methods

    A drone-based networked system and methods for combating coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic.

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    Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. It is similar to influenza viruses and raises concerns through alarming levels of spread and severity resulting in an ongoing pandemic worldwide. Within eight months (by August 2020), it infected 24.0 million persons worldwide and over 824 thousand have died. Drones or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are very helpful in handling the COVID-19 pandemic. This work investigates the drone-based systems, COVID-19 pandemic situations, and proposes an architecture for handling pandemic situations in different scenarios using real-time and simulation-based scenarios. The proposed architecture uses wearable sensors to record the observations in Body Area Networks (BANs) in a push-pull data fetching mechanism. The proposed architecture is found to be useful in remote and highly congested pandemic areas where either the wireless or Internet connectivity is a major issue or chances of COVID-19 spreading are high. It collects and stores the substantial amount of data in a stipulated period and helps to take appropriate action as and when required. In real-time drone-based healthcare system implementation for COVID-19 operations, it is observed that a large area can be covered for sanitization, thermal image collection, and patient identification within a short period (2 KMs within 10 min approx.) through aerial route. In the simulation, the same statistics are observed with an addition of collision-resistant strategies working successfully for indoor and outdoor healthcare operations. Further, open challenges are identified and promising research directions are highlighted