13,982 research outputs found

    Automatic Metro Map Layout Using Multicriteria Optimization

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    This paper describes an automatic mechanism for drawing metro maps. We apply multicriteria optimization to find effective placement of stations with a good line layout and to label the map unambiguously. A number of metrics are defined, which are used in a weighted sum to find a fitness value for a layout of the map. A hill climbing optimizer is used to reduce the fitness value, and find improved map layouts. To avoid local minima, we apply clustering techniques to the map the hill climber moves both stations and clusters when finding improved layouts. We show the method applied to a number of metro maps, and describe an empirical study that provides some quantitative evidence that automatically-drawn metro maps can help users to find routes more efficiently than either published maps or undistorted maps. Moreover, we found that, in these cases, study subjects indicate a preference for automatically-drawn maps over the alternatives

    An Algorithmic Framework for Labeling Network Maps

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    Drawing network maps automatically comprises two challenging steps, namely laying out the map and placing non-overlapping labels. In this paper we tackle the problem of labeling an already existing network map considering the application of metro maps. We present a flexible and versatile labeling model. Despite its simplicity, we prove that it is NP-complete to label a single line of the network. For a restricted variant of that model, we then introduce an efficient algorithm that optimally labels a single line with respect to a given weighting function. Based on that algorithm, we present a general and sophisticated workflow for multiple metro lines, which is experimentally evaluated on real-world metro maps.Comment: Full version of COCOON 2015 pape

    Snapping Graph Drawings to the Grid Optimally

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    In geographic information systems and in the production of digital maps for small devices with restricted computational resources one often wants to round coordinates to a rougher grid. This removes unnecessary detail and reduces space consumption as well as computation time. This process is called snapping to the grid and has been investigated thoroughly from a computational-geometry perspective. In this paper we investigate the same problem for given drawings of planar graphs under the restriction that their combinatorial embedding must be kept and edges are drawn straight-line. We show that the problem is NP-hard for several objectives and provide an integer linear programming formulation. Given a plane graph G and a positive integer w, our ILP can also be used to draw G straight-line on a grid of width w and minimum height (if possible).Comment: Appears in the Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2016

    Efficient Generation of Geographically Accurate Transit Maps

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    We present LOOM (Line-Ordering Optimized Maps), a fully automatic generator of geographically accurate transit maps. The input to LOOM is data about the lines of a given transit network, namely for each line, the sequence of stations it serves and the geographical course the vehicles of this line take. We parse this data from GTFS, the prevailing standard for public transit data. LOOM proceeds in three stages: (1) construct a so-called line graph, where edges correspond to segments of the network with the same set of lines following the same course; (2) construct an ILP that yields a line ordering for each edge which minimizes the total number of line crossings and line separations; (3) based on the line graph and the ILP solution, draw the map. As a naive ILP formulation is too demanding, we derive a new custom-tailored formulation which requires significantly fewer constraints. Furthermore, we present engineering techniques which use structural properties of the line graph to further reduce the ILP size. For the subway network of New York, we can reduce the number of constraints from 229,000 in the naive ILP formulation to about 4,500 with our techniques, enabling solution times of less than a second. Since our maps respect the geography of the transit network, they can be used for tiles and overlays in typical map services. Previous research work either did not take the geographical course of the lines into account, or was concerned with schematic maps without optimizing line crossings or line separations.Comment: 7 page

    Planar Octilinear Drawings with One Bend Per Edge

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    In octilinear drawings of planar graphs, every edge is drawn as an alternating sequence of horizontal, vertical and diagonal (4545^\circ) line-segments. In this paper, we study octilinear drawings of low edge complexity, i.e., with few bends per edge. A kk-planar graph is a planar graph in which each vertex has degree less or equal to kk. In particular, we prove that every 4-planar graph admits a planar octilinear drawing with at most one bend per edge on an integer grid of size O(n2)×O(n)O(n^2) \times O(n). For 5-planar graphs, we prove that one bend per edge still suffices in order to construct planar octilinear drawings, but in super-polynomial area. However, for 6-planar graphs we give a class of graphs whose planar octilinear drawings require at least two bends per edge

    Exact and fixed-parameter algorithms for metro-line crossing minimization problems

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    A metro-line crossing minimization problem is to draw multiple lines on an underlying graph that models stations and rail tracks so that the number of crossings of lines becomes minimum. It has several variations by adding restrictions on how lines are drawn. Among those, there is one with a restriction that line terminals have to be drawn at a verge of a station, and it is known to be NP-hard even when underlying graphs are paths. This paper studies the problem in this setting, and propose new exact algorithms. We first show that a problem to decide if lines can be drawn without crossings is solved in polynomial time, and propose a fast exponential algorithm to solve a crossing minimization problem. We then propose a fixed-parameter algorithm with respect to the multiplicity of lines, which implies that the problem is FPT.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figure

    Octilinear Force-Directed Layout with Mental Map Preservation for Schematic Diagrams

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    We present an algorithm for automatically laying out metro map style schematics using a force-directed approach, where we use a localized version of the standard spring embedder forces combined with an octilinear magnetic force. The two types of forces used during layout are naturally conflicting, and the existing method of simply combining these to generate a resultant force does not give satisfactory results. Hence we vary the forces, emphasizing the standard forces in the beginning to produce a well distributed graph, with the octilinear forces becoming prevalent at the end of the layout, to ensure that the key requirement of line angles at intervals of 45? is obtained. Our method is considerably faster than the more commonly used search-based approaches, and we believe the results are superior to the previous force-directed approach. We have further developed this technique to address the issues of dynamic schematic layout. We use a Delaunay triangulation to construct a schematic “frame”, which is used to retain relative node positions and permits full control of the level of mental map preservation. This technique is the first to combine mental map preservation techniques with the additional layout criteria of schematic diagrams. To conclude, we present the results of a study to investigate the relationship between the level of mental map preservation and the user response time and accuracy

    Metro-Line Crossing Minimization: Hardness, Approximations, and Tractable Cases

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    Crossing minimization is one of the central problems in graph drawing. Recently, there has been an increased interest in the problem of minimizing crossings between paths in drawings of graphs. This is the metro-line crossing minimization problem (MLCM): Given an embedded graph and a set L of simple paths, called lines, order the lines on each edge so that the total number of crossings is minimized. So far, the complexity of MLCM has been an open problem. In contrast, the problem variant in which line ends must be placed in outermost position on their edges (MLCM-P) is known to be NP-hard. Our main results answer two open questions: (i) We show that MLCM is NP-hard. (ii) We give an O(logL)O(\sqrt{\log |L|})-approximation algorithm for MLCM-P

    On Smooth Orthogonal and Octilinear Drawings: Relations, Complexity and Kandinsky Drawings

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    We study two variants of the well-known orthogonal drawing model: (i) the smooth orthogonal, and (ii) the octilinear. Both models form an extension of the orthogonal, by supporting one additional type of edge segments (circular arcs and diagonal segments, respectively). For planar graphs of max-degree 4, we analyze relationships between the graph classes that can be drawn bendless in the two models and we also prove NP-hardness for a restricted version of the bendless drawing problem for both models. For planar graphs of higher degree, we present an algorithm that produces bi-monotone smooth orthogonal drawings with at most two segments per edge, which also guarantees a linear number of edges with exactly one segment.Comment: Appears in the Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2017