1,343 research outputs found

    Synthesis of Current Knowledge and Research on the Design Thinking Methodology

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    Design thinking is an innovative way of thinking and solving problems in which the focus is on the user. This paper provides an overview of current research on the topic to gain insight into current practices and create a basis for further development of the area. Synthesis of knowledge is presented through historical development, methodology, and processes used in the field. The methodology used is a desk-research method through which a comparison of the literature was conducted. According to the results of the research, we can conclude that there is still no harmonized definition of design thinking. Therefore, due to the rapid development of this field, it is necessary to synthesize the latest research. Also, it is important to provide expert designers with specialized books and tools since the problems are becoming more complex, and designers with competencies required to solve such problems are needed


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    Im Magazin FORUM zeigen die Universität Mannheim und ABSOLVENTUM MANNHEIM exemplarisch, woran Mannheimer Wissenschaftler und Wissenschaftlerinnen forschen, stellen Studienangebote vor und portraitieren Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter sowie Absolventinnen und Absolventen. Das FORUM bietet Raum für ungewöhnliche Perspektiven und soll den Austausch zwischen Universität, Studierenden, Absolventinnen und Absolventen, Unternehmen und gesellschaftlichen Akteuren intensivieren

    Design and design thinking in business and management education and development

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    Design and design thinking have been identified as making valuable contributions to business and management and the numbers of higher education programs that teach design thinking to business students, managers and executives are growing. However multiple definitions of design thinking and the range of perspectives have created some confusion about potential pathways. This paper examines notions of design and design thinking and uses these definitions to identify themes in higher educational programs. We present the findings from an initial exploratory investigation of design and design thinking in higher education business programs and define four distinct educational approaches around human centred innovation, integrative thinking, design management and design as strategy. Potential directions for management education programs are presented

    Innovating Toward Excellence: Education Entrepreneurs and the Transformation of Public Education

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    Summarizes discussions among education entrepreneurs, funders, policy makers, and experts at a May 2009 summit on innovations in ideas, processes, and products for reform. Includes a case study review of a successful turnaround of a failing school

    Delivering Digital Justice: Liminal Innovation & Permanence in Courts

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    The digital transformation of public organizations reached a new level during the COVID-19 global pandemic. The delivery of public services leveraged on digital technologies to ensure the continuity of the service. Despite the advances in digital government, little is known about the opportunities and risks of such quick responses during the pandemic. In this paper we look at a case study from the public sector in Chilean Courts from a liminal lens. Furthermore, using primarily qualitative interviews (30) conducted over a year, we identify liminal spots, and analyse potential space for liminal innovation, as well as potential risk for those public organizations to stay in a liminal permanence. Our contribution is twofold. Fellow researchers can draw from our case study new theoretical perspectives on public organization, digitalization, and liminality. Practitioners can find characterizations of potential innovation opportunities or the risk of liminal permanence in their organizations


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    Pada tahun 2017, Badan Narkotika Nasional bidang Pencegahan dan Pemberantasan Penyalahgunaan dan Peredaran Gelap Narkoba (P4GN) mencatat sebanyak 3.376.115 orang yang terlibat kasus penyalahgunaan narkoba di Indonesia. BNN Kota Surabaya mencatat 41 dari 400 siswa dari 10 sekolah SMP dan SMA di Surabaya terjerumus kasus penyalahgunaan narkoba. Konflik rumah tangga, beban psikologis, hingga kurangnya pemahaman remaja mengenai narkoba menjadi sebab serta alasan semakin banyaknya remaja yang terjerumus kasus penyalahgunaan narkoba. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif, menggunakan wawancara dan survei sebagai metode pengumpulan data, analisis SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat) sebagai metode analisis data, dan metode Design Thinking (Institut Desain Hasso-Plattner Stanford) sebagai metode perancangan media motion graphic. Dari hasil penelitian ini tercipta video motion graphic berdurasi 7 menit 01 detik dengan format mp4. Hasil dari proses validasi produk penelitian dari segi materi dan desain memperoleh skor rata-rata 3,6 pada kategori layak atau valid. Kata Kunci: Motion Graphic, Edukasi , Bahaya Narkob

    Taking Action: Extending Participatory Action Design Research with Design Thinking

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    Digital transformation adds new possibilities but also more complexity to people’s everyday life. To address complex problems within the field of Information System Research, it is advisable to include a variety of stakeholders into the research and design process. Therefore, it is not only necessary to locate the problem solution within the realm where the problem occurs, but also to get the input of the people who have the appropriate insights. In this paper, we propose to use Design Thinking as a course of action for the conduction of particaptory Action Design Research projects

    Corporate influence and the academic computer science discipline.

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    Prosopography of a major academic center for computer science