32 research outputs found

    Double-authentication-preventing signatures

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    Digital signatures are often used by trusted authorities to make unique bindings between a subject and a digital object; for example, certificate authorities certify a public key belongs to a domain name, and time-stamping authorities certify that a certain piece of information existed at a certain time. Traditional digital signature schemes however impose no uniqueness conditions, so a trusted authority could make multiple certifications for the same subject but different objects, be it intentionally, by accident, or following a (legal or illegal) coercion. We propose the notion of a double-authentication-preventing signature, in which a value to be signed is split into two parts: a subject and a message. If a signer ever signs two different messages for the same subject, enough information is revealed to allow anyone to compute valid signatures on behalf of the signer. This double-signature forgeability property discourages signers from misbehaving---a form of self-enforcement---and would give binding authorities like CAs some cryptographic arguments to resist legal coercion. We give a generic construction using a new type of trapdoor functions with extractability properties, which we show can be instantiated using the group of sign-agnostic quadratic residues modulo a Blum integer

    Shorter Double-Authentication Preventing Signatures for Small Address Spaces

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    A recent paper by Derler, Ramacher, and Slamanig (IEEE EuroS&P 2018) constructs double-authentication preventing signatures ( DAP signatures , a specific self-enforcement enabled variant of signatures where messages consist of an address and a payload) that have---if the supported address space is not too large---keys and signatures that are considerably more compact than those of prior work. We embark on their approach to restrict attention to small address spaces and construct novel DAP schemes that beat their signature size by a factor of five and reduce the signing key size from linear to constant (the verification key size remains almost the same). We construct our DAP signatures generically from identification protocols, using a transform similar to but crucially different from that of Fiat and Shamir. We use random oracles. We don\u27t use pairings

    Deterring Certificate Subversion: Efficient Double-Authentication-Preventing Signatures

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    This paper presents highly efficient designs of double authentication preventing signatures (DAPS). In a DAPS, signing two messages with the same first part and differing second parts reveals the signing key. In the context of PKIs we suggest that CAs who use DAPS to create certificates have a court-convincing argument to deny big-brother requests to create rogue certificates, thus deterring certificate subversion. We give two general methods for obtaining DAPS. Both start from trapdoor identification schemes. We instantiate our transforms to obtain numerous specific DAPS that, in addition to being efficient, are proven with tight security reductions to standard assumptions. We implement our DAPS schemes to show that they are not only several orders of magnitude more efficient than prior DAPS but competitive with in-use signature schemes that lack the double authentication preventing property

    Generic Double-Authentication Preventing Signatures and a Post-Quantum Instantiation

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    Double-authentication preventing signatures (DAPS) are a variant of digital signatures which have received considerable attention recently (Derler et al. EuroS&P 2018, Poettering AfricaCrypt 2018). They are unforgeable signatures in the usual sense and sign messages that are composed of an address and a payload. Their distinguishing feature is the property that signing two different payloads with respect to the same address allows to publicly extract the secret signing key from two such signatures. DAPS are known in the factoring, the discrete logarithm and the lattice setting. The majority of the constructions are ad-hoc. Only recently, Derler et al. (EuroS&P 2018) presented the first generic construction that allows to extend any discrete logarithm based secure signatures scheme to DAPS. However, their scheme has the drawback that the number of potential addresses (the address space) used for signing is polynomially bounded (and in fact small) as the size of secret and the public keys of the resulting DAPS are linear in the address space. In this paper we overcome this limitation and present a generic construction of DAPS with constant size keys and signatures. Our techniques are not tailored to a specific algebraic setting and in particular allow us to construct the first DAPS without structured hardness assumptions, i.e., from symmetric key primitives, yielding a candidate for post-quantum secure DAPS

    Sequential Digital Signatures for Cryptographic Software-Update Authentication

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    Consider a computer user who needs to update a piece of software installed on their computing device. To do so securely, a commonly accepted ad-hoc method stipulates that the old software version first retrieves the update information from the vendor\u27s public repository, then checks that a cryptographic signature embedded into it verifies with the vendor\u27s public key, and finally replaces itself with the new version. This updating method seems to be robust and lightweight, and to reliably ensure that no malicious third party (e.g., a distribution mirror) can inject harmful code into the update process. Unfortunately, recent prominent news reports (SolarWinds, Stuxnet, TikTok, Zoom, ...) suggest that nation state adversaries are broadening their efforts related to attacking software supply chains. This calls for a critical re-evaluation of the described signature based updating method with respect to the real-world security it provides against particularly powerful adversaries. We approach the setting by formalizing a cryptographic primitive that addresses specifically the secure software updating problem. We define strong, rigorous security models that capture forward security (stealing a vendor\u27s key today doesn\u27t allow modifying yesterday\u27s software version) as well as a form of self-enforcement that helps protecting vendors against coercion attacks in which they are forced, e.g. by nation state actors, to misuse or disclose their keys. We note that the common signature based software authentication method described above meets neither the one nor the other goal, and thus represents a suboptimal solution. Hence, after formalizing the syntax and security of the new primitive, we propose novel, efficient, and provably secure constructions

    Short Double- and N-Times-Authentication-Preventing Signatures from ECDSA and More

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    Double-authentication-preventing signatures (DAPS) are signatures designed with the aim that signing two messages with an identical first part (called address) but different second parts (called payload) allows to publicly extract the secret signing key from two such signatures. A prime application for DAPS is disincentivizing and/or penalizing the creation of two signatures on different payloads within the same address, such as penalizing double spending of transactions in Bitcoin by the loss of the double spender\u27s money. So far DAPS have been constructed from very specific signature schemes not used in practice and using existing techniques it has proved elusive to construct DAPS schemes from signatures widely used in practice. This, unfortunately, has prevented practical adoption of this interesting tool so far. In this paper we ask whether one can construct DAPS from signature schemes used in practice. We affirmatively answer this question by presenting novel techniques to generically construct provably secure DAPS from a large class of discrete logarithm based signatures. This class includes schemes like Schnorr, DSA, EdDSA, and, most interestingly for practical applications, the widely used ECDSA signature scheme. The resulting DAPS are highly efficient and the shortest among all existing DAPS schemes. They are nearly half of the size of the most efficient factoring based schemes (IACR PKC\u2717) and improve by a factor of 100 over the most efficient discrete logarithm based ones (ACM CCS\u2715). Although this efficiency comes at the cost of a reduced address space, i.e., size of keys linear in the number of addresses, we will show that this is not a limitation in practice. Moreover, we generalize DAPS to any N>2, which we denote as N-times-authentication-preventing signatures (NAPS). Finally, we also provide an integration of our ECDSA-based DAPS into the OpenSSL library and perform an extensive comparison with existing approaches

    Efficient FPGA Implementations of LowMC and Picnic

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    Post-quantum cryptography has received increased attention in recent years, in particular, due to the standardization effort by NIST. One of the second-round candidates in the NIST post-quantum standardization project is Picnic, a post-quantum secure signature scheme based on efficient zero-knowledge proofs of knowledge. In this work, we present the first FPGA implementation of Picnic. We show how to efficiently calculate LowMC, the block cipher used as a one-way function in Picnic, in hardware despite the large number of constants needed during computation. We then combine our LowMC implementation and efficient instantiations of Keccak to build the full Picnic algorithm. Additionally, we conform to recently proposed hardware interfaces for post-quantum schemes to enable easier comparisons with other designs. We provide evaluations of our Picnic implementation for both, the standalone design and a version wrapped with a PCIe interface, and compare them to the state-of-the-art software implementations of Picnic and similar hardware designs. Concretely, signing messages on our FPGA takes 0.25 ms for the L1 security level and 1.24 ms for the L5 security level, beating existing optimized software implementations by a factor of 4

    Cryptography for Bitcoin and friends

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    Numerous cryptographic extensions to Bitcoin have been proposed since Satoshi Nakamoto introduced the revolutionary design in 2008. However, only few proposals have been adopted in Bitcoin and other prevalent cryptocurrencies, whose resistance to fundamental changes has proven to grow with their success. In this dissertation, we introduce four cryptographic techniques that advance the functionality and privacy provided by Bitcoin and similar cryptocurrencies without requiring fundamental changes in their design: First, we realize smart contracts that disincentivize parties in distributed systems from making contradicting statements by penalizing such behavior by the loss of funds in a cryptocurrency. Second, we propose CoinShuffle++, a coin mixing protocol which improves the anonymity of cryptocurrency users by combining their transactions and thereby making it harder for observers to trace those transactions. The core of CoinShuffle++ is DiceMix, a novel and efficient protocol for broadcasting messages anonymously without the help of any trusted third-party anonymity proxies and in the presence of malicious participants. Third, we combine coin mixing with the existing idea to hide payment values in homomorphic commitments to obtain the ValueShuffle protocol, which enables us to overcome major obstacles to the practical deployment of coin mixing protocols. Fourth, we show how to prepare the aforementioned homomorphic commitments for a safe transition to post-quantum cryptography.Seit seiner revolutionären Erfindung durch Satoshi Nakamoto im Jahr 2008 wurden zahlreiche kryptographische Erweiterungen für Bitcoin vorgeschlagen. Gleichwohl wurden nur wenige Vorschläge in Bitcoin und andere weit verbreitete Kryptowährungen integriert, deren Resistenz gegen tiefgreifende Veränderungen augenscheinlich mit ihrer Verbreitung wächst. In dieser Dissertation schlagen wir vier kryptographische Verfahren vor, die die Funktionalität und die Datenschutzeigenschaften von Bitcoin und ähnlichen Kryptowährungen verbessern ohne deren Funktionsweise tiefgreifend verändern zu müssen. Erstens realisieren wir Smart Contracts, die es erlauben widersprüchliche Aussagen einer Vertragspartei mit dem Verlust von Kryptogeld zu bestrafen. Zweitens schlagen wir CoinShuffle++ vor, ein Mix-Protokoll, das die Anonymität von Benutzern verbessert, indem es ihre Transaktionen kombiniert und so deren Rückverfolgung erschwert. Sein Herzstück ist DiceMix, ein neues und effizientes Protokoll zur anonymen Veröffentlichung von Nachrichten ohne vertrauenswürdige Dritte und in der Präsenz von bösartigen Teilnehmern. Drittens kombinieren wir dieses Protokoll mit der existierenden Idee, Geldbeträge in Commitments zu verbergen, und erhalten so das ValueShuffle-Protokoll, das uns ermöglicht, große Hindernisse für den praktischen Einsatz von Mix-Protokollen zu überwinden. Viertens zeigen wir, wie die dabei benutzten Commitments für einen sicheren Übergang zu Post-Quanten-Kryptographie vorbereitet werden können

    Hashing Solutions Instead of Generating Problems:On the Interactive Certification of RSA Moduli

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    Certain RSA-based protocols, for instance in the domain of group signatures, require a prover to convince a verifier that a set of RSA parameters is well-structured (e.g., that the modulus is the product of two distinct primes and that the exponent is co-prime to the group order). Various corresponding proof systems have been proposed in the past, with different levels of generality, efficiency, and interactivity. This paper proposes two new proof systems for a wide set of properties that RSA and related moduli might have. The protocols are particularly efficient: The necessary computations are simple, the communication is restricted to only one round, and the exchanged messages are short. While the first protocol is based on prior work (improving on it by reducing the number of message passes from four to two), the second protocol is novel. Both protocols require a random oracle

    MuSig-DN: Schnorr Multi-Signatures with Verifiably Deterministic Nonces

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    MuSig is a multi-signature scheme for Schnorr signatures, which supports key aggregation and is secure in the plain public key model. Standard derandomization techniques for discrete logarithm-based signatures such as RFC 6979, which make the signing procedure immune to catastrophic failures in the randomness generation, are not applicable to multi-signatures as an attacker could trick an honest user into producing two different partial signatures with the same randomness, which would reveal the user\u27s secret key. In this paper, we propose a variant of MuSig in which signers generate their nonce deterministically as a pseudorandom function of the message and all signers\u27 public keys and prove that they did so by providing a non-interactive zero-knowledge proof to their cosigners. The resulting scheme, which we call MuSig-DN, is the first Schnorr multi-signature scheme with deterministic signing. Therefore its signing protocol is robust against failures in the randomness generation as well as attacks trying to exploit the statefulness of the signing procedure, e.g., virtual machine rewinding attacks. As an additional benefit, a signing session in MuSig-DN requires only two rounds instead of three as required by all previous Schnorr multi-signatures including MuSig. To instantiate our construction, we identify a suitable algebraic pseudorandom function and provide an efficient implementation of this function as an arithmetic circuit. This makes it possible to realize MuSig-DN efficiently using zero-knowledge proof frameworks for arithmetic circuits which support inputs given in Pedersen commitments, e.g., Bulletproofs. We demonstrate the practicality of our technique by implementing it for the secp256k1 elliptic curve used in Bitcoin