29 research outputs found

    Attitudes towards old age and age of retirement across the world: findings from the future of retirement survey

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    The 21st century has been described as the first era in human history when the world will no longer be young and there will be drastic changes in many aspects of our lives including socio-demographics, financial and attitudes towards the old age and retirement. This talk will introduce briefly about the Global Ageing Survey (GLAS) 2004 and 2005 which is also popularly known as “The Future of Retirement”. These surveys provide us a unique data source collected in 21 countries and territories that allow researchers for better understanding the individual as well as societal changes as we age with regard to savings, retirement and healthcare. In 2004, approximately 10,000 people aged 18+ were surveyed in nine counties and one territory (Brazil, Canada, China, France, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Mexico, UK and USA). In 2005, the number was increased to twenty-one by adding Egypt, Germany, Indonesia, Malaysia, Poland, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Sweden, Turkey and South Korea). Moreover, an additional 6320 private sector employers was surveyed in 2005, some 300 in each country with a view to elucidating the attitudes of employers to issues relating to older workers. The paper aims to examine the attitudes towards the old age and retirement across the world and will indicate some policy implications

    Double random phase encoding with a Poisson-multinomial distribution for efficient colorful image authentication

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    In this paper, a new integrated approach is proposed for authenticating digital color image. Here, a new technique, Poisson-Multinomial Distribution (PMD) is introduced for the first time in image processing. It is used for Photon Counting Imaging (PCI) which is integrated with Double Random Phase Encoding (DRPE) scheme in this system. The main goal of this proposal is to establish an image authentication architecture which will only work for 3D digital color images. It is a simplified way for applying PCI scheme on three channels of a 3D image simultaneously. The system will generate a stationary white noise as a final output, which will be difficult to decode for a third party attacker. This proposed scheme works directly with the original digital RGB image. At first, the system encrypts those three channels of the image individually with DRPE method without separating them and the amplitude part of the encrypted image is photon counted using PMD. Finally, to obtain an optimal result, a probability density function is used. On the authentication part, the reference digital image is encrypted by the same keys as the original image and then both of the encrypted images are compared with a statistical nonlinear correlation method. The numerical experiments say that, this proposed PMD based method is proven to be a good and simplified one that can be used to encrypt digital color images. In addition, even if the number of photons is really low, this new system can successfully differentiate between true class and false class images. To prove its efficiency we have also shown some experimental results under different situations. © 2018, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.1