487 research outputs found

    Distance-regular graphs

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    This is a survey of distance-regular graphs. We present an introduction to distance-regular graphs for the reader who is unfamiliar with the subject, and then give an overview of some developments in the area of distance-regular graphs since the monograph 'BCN' [Brouwer, A.E., Cohen, A.M., Neumaier, A., Distance-Regular Graphs, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1989] was written.Comment: 156 page

    On line covers of finite projective and polar spaces

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    An mm-covercover of lines of a finite projective space PG(r,q){\rm PG}(r,q) (of a finite polar space P\cal P) is a set of lines L\cal L of PG(r,q){\rm PG}(r,q) (of P\cal P) such that every point of PG(r,q){\rm PG}(r,q) (of P\cal P) contains mm lines of L\cal L, for some mm. Embed PG(r,q){\rm PG}(r,q) in PG(r,q2){\rm PG}(r,q^2). Let Lˉ\bar{\cal L} denote the set of points of PG(r,q2){\rm PG}(r,q^2) lying on the extended lines of L\cal L. An mm-cover L\cal L of PG(r,q){\rm PG}(r,q) is an (r−2)(r-2)-dual mm-cover if there are two possibilities for the number of lines of L\cal L contained in an (r−2)(r-2)-space of PG(r,q){\rm PG}(r,q). Basing on this notion, we characterize mm-covers L\cal L of PG(r,q){\rm PG}(r,q) such that Lˉ\bar{\cal L} is a two-character set of PG(r,q2){\rm PG}(r,q^2). In particular, we show that if L\cal L is invariant under a Singer cyclic group of PG(r,q){\rm PG}(r,q) then it is an (r−2)(r-2)-dual mm-cover. Assuming that the lines of L\cal L are lines of a symplectic polar space W(r,q){\cal W}(r,q) (of an orthogonal polar space Q(r,q){\cal Q}(r,q) of parabolic type), similarly to the projective case we introduce the notion of an (r−2)(r-2)-dual mm-cover of symplectic type (of parabolic type). We prove that an mm-cover L\cal L of W(r,q){\cal W}(r,q) (of Q(r,q){\cal Q}(r,q)) has this dual property if and only if Lˉ\bar{\cal L} is a tight set of an Hermitian variety H(r,q2){\cal H}(r,q^2) or of W(r,q2){\cal W}(r,q^2) (of H(r,q2){\cal H}(r,q^2) or of Q(r,q2){\cal Q}(r,q^2)). We also provide some interesting examples of (4n−3)(4n-3)-dual mm-covers of symplectic type of W(4n−1,q){\cal W}(4n-1,q).Comment: 20 page

    Extending the Prym map to toroidal compactifications of the moduli space of abelian varieties

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    The main purpose of this paper is to present a conceptual approach to understanding the extension of the Prym map from the space of admissible double covers of stable curves to different toroidal compactifications of the moduli space of principally polarized abelian varieties. By separating the combinatorial problems from the geometric aspects we can reduce this to the computation of certain monodromy cones. In this way we not only shed new light on the extension results of Alexeev, Birkenhake, Hulek, and Vologodsky for the second Voronoi toroidal compactification, but we also apply this to other toroidal compactifications, in particular the perfect cone compactification, for which we obtain a combinatorial characterization of the indeterminacy locus, as well as a geometric description up to codimension six, and an explicit toroidal resolution of the Prym map up to codimension four.Comment: 53 pages, AMS LaTeX, Appendix by Mathieu Dutour Sikiric, minor revisions, to appear in JEM
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