555 research outputs found

    Space-Time Trellis and Space-Time Block Coding Versus Adaptive Modulation and Coding Aided OFDM for Wideband Channels

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    Abstract—The achievable performance of channel coded spacetime trellis (STT) codes and space-time block (STB) codes transmitted over wideband channels is studied in the context of schemes having an effective throughput of 2 bits/symbol (BPS) and 3 BPS. At high implementational complexities, the best performance was typically provided by Alamouti’s unity-rate G2 code in both the 2-BPS and 3-BPS scenarios. However, if a low complexity implementation is sought, the 3-BPS 8PSK space-time trellis code outperfoms the G2 code. The G2 space-time block code is also combined with symbol-by-symbol adaptive orthogonal frequency division multiplex (AOFDM) modems and turbo convolutional channel codecs for enhancing the system’s performance. It was concluded that upon exploiting the diversity effect of the G2 space-time block code, the channel-induced fading effects are mitigated, and therefore, the benefits of adaptive modulation erode. In other words, once the time- and frequency-domain fades of the wideband channel have been counteracted by the diversity-aided G2 code, the benefits of adaptive modulation erode, and hence, it is sufficient to employ fixed-mode modems. Therefore, the low-complexity approach of mitigating the effects of fading can be viewed as employing a single-transmitter, single-receiver-based AOFDM modem. By contrast, it is sufficient to employ fixed-mode OFDM modems when the added complexity of a two-transmitter G2 scheme is affordable

    Near-Instantaneously Adaptive HSDPA-Style OFDM Versus MC-CDMA Transceivers for WIFI, WIMAX, and Next-Generation Cellular Systems

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    Burts-by-burst (BbB) adaptive high-speed downlink packet access (HSDPA) style multicarrier systems are reviewed, identifying their most critical design aspects. These systems exhibit numerous attractive features, rendering them eminently eligible for employment in next-generation wireless systems. It is argued that BbB-adaptive or symbol-by-symbol adaptive orthogonal frequency division multiplex (OFDM) modems counteract the near instantaneous channel quality variations and hence attain an increased throughput or robustness in comparison to their fixed-mode counterparts. Although they act quite differently, various diversity techniques, such as Rake receivers and space-time block coding (STBC) are also capable of mitigating the channel quality variations in their effort to reduce the bit error ratio (BER), provided that the individual antenna elements experience independent fading. By contrast, in the presence of correlated fading imposed by shadowing or time-variant multiuser interference, the benefits of space-time coding erode and it is unrealistic to expect that a fixed-mode space-time coded system remains capable of maintaining a near-constant BER

    Signal Acquisition and Tracking Loop Design for GNSS Receivers

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    Iterative Receiver for MIMO-OFDM System with ICI Cancellation and Channel Estimation

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    As a multi-carrier modulation scheme, Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) technique can achieve high data rate in frequency-selective fading channels by splitting a broadband signal into a number of narrowband signals over a number of subcarriers, where each subcarrier is more robust to multipath. The wireless communication system with multiple antennas at both the transmitter and receiver, known as multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system, achieves high capacity by transmitting independent information over different antennas simultaneously. The combination of OFDM with multiple antennas has been considered as one of most promising techniques for future wireless communication systems. The challenge in the detection of a space-time signal is to design a low-complexity detector, which can efficiently remove interference resulted from channel variations and approach the interference-free bound. The application of iterative parallel interference canceller (PIC) with joint detection and decoding has been a promising approach. However, the decision statistics of a linear PIC is biased toward the decision boundary after the first cancellation stage. In this thesis, we employ an iterative receiver with a decoder metric, which considerably reduces the bias effect in the second iteration, which is critical for the performance of the iterative algorithm. Channel state information is required in a MIMO-OFDM system signal detection at the receiver. Its accuracy directly affects the overall performance of MIMO-OFDM systems. In order to estimate the channel in high-delay-spread environments, pilot symbols should be inserted among subcarriers before transmission. To estimate the channel over all the subcarriers, various types of interpolators can be used. In this thesis, a linear interpolator and a trigonometric interpolator are compared. Then we propose a new interpolator called the multi-tap method, which has a much better system performance. In MIMO-OFDM systems, the time-varying fading channels can destroy the orthogonality of subcarriers. This causes serious intercarrier interference (ICI), thus leading to significant system performance degradation, which becomes more severe as the normalized Doppler frequency increases. In this thesis, we propose a low-complexity iterative receiver with joint frequency- domain ICI cancellation and pilot-assisted channel estimation to minimize the effect of time-varying fading channels. At the first stage of receiver, the interference between adjacent subcarriers is subtracted from received OFDM symbols. The parallel interference cancellation detection with decision statistics combining (DSC) is then performed to suppress the interference from other antennas. By restricting the interference to a limited number of neighboring subcarriers, the computational complexity of the proposed receiver can be significantly reduced. In order to construct the time variant channel matrix in the frequency domain, channel estimation is required. However, an accurate estimation requiring complete knowledge of channel time variations for each block, cannot be obtained. For time- varying frequency-selective fading channels, the placement of pilot tones also has a significant impact on the quality of the channel estimates. Under the assumption that channel variations can be approximated by a linear model, we can derive channel state information (CSI) in the frequency domain and estimate time-domain channel parameters. In this thesis, an iterative low-complexity channel estimation method is proposed to improve the system performance. Pilot symbols are inserted in the transmitted OFDM symbols to mitigate the effect of ICI and the channel estimates are used to update the results of both the frequency domain equalizer and the PICDSC detector in each iteration. The complexity of this algorithm can be reduced because the matrices are precalculated and stored in the receiver when the placement of pilots symbols is fixed in OFDM symbols before transmission. Finally, simulation results show that the proposed MIMO-OFDM iterative receiver can effectively mitigate the effect of ICI and approach the ICI-free performance over time-varying frequency-selective fading channels

    Investigation of Non-coherent Discrete Target Range Estimation Techniques for High-precision Location

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    Ranging is an essential and crucial task for radar systems. How to solve the range-detection problem effectively and precisely is massively important. Meanwhile, unambiguity and high resolution are the points of interest as well. Coherent and non-coherent techniques can be applied to achieve range estimation, and both of them have advantages and disadvantages. Coherent estimates offer higher precision but are more vulnerable to noise and clutter and phase wrap errors, particularly in a complex or harsh environment, while the non-coherent approaches are simpler but provide lower precision. With the purpose of mitigating inaccuracy and perturbation in range estimation, miscellaneous techniques are employed to achieve optimally precise detection. Numerous elegant processing solutions stemming from non-coherent estimate are now introduced into the coherent realm, and vice versa. This thesis describes two non-coherent ranging estimate techniques with novel algorithms to mitigate the instinct deficit of non-coherent ranging approaches. One technique is based on peak detection and realised by Kth-order Polynomial Interpolation, while another is based on Z-transform and realised by Most-likelihood Chirp Z-transform. A two-stage approach for the fine ranging estimate is applied to the Discrete Fourier transform domain of both algorithms. An N-point Discrete Fourier transform is implemented to attain a coarse estimation; an accurate process around the point of interest determined in the first stage is conducted. For KPI technique, it interpolates around the peak of Discrete Fourier transform profiles of the chirp signal to achieve accurate interpolation and optimum precision. For Most-likelihood Chirp Z-transform technique, the Chirp Z-transform accurately implements the periodogram where only a narrow band spectrum is processed. Furthermore, the concept of most-likelihood estimator is introduced to combine with Chirp Z-transform to acquire better ranging performance. Cramer-Rao lower bound is presented to evaluate the performance of these two techniques from the perspective of statistical signal processing. Mathematical derivation, simulation modelling, theoretical analysis and experimental validation are conducted to assess technique performance. Further research will be pushed forward to algorithm optimisation and system development of a location system using non-coherent techniques and make a comparison to a coherent approach

    Space-time adaptive processing techniques for multichannel mobile passive radar

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    Passive radar technology has reached a level of maturity for stationary sensor operations, widely proving the ability to detect, localize and track targets, by exploiting different kinds of illuminators of opportunity. In recent years, a renewed interest from both the scientific community and the industry has opened new perspectives and research areas. One of the most interesting and challenging ones is the use of passive radar sensors onboard moving platforms. This may offer a number of strategic advantages and extend the functionalities of passive radar to applications like synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging and ground moving target indication (GMTI). However, these benefits are paid in terms of motion-induced Doppler distortions of the received signals, which can adversely affect the system performance. In the case of surveillance applications, the detection of slowly moving targets is hindered by the Doppler-spread clutter returns, due to platform motion, and requires the use of space-time processing techniques, applied on signals collected by multiple receiving channels. Although in recent technical literature the feasibility of this concept has been preliminarily demonstrated, mobile passive radar is still far from being a mature technology and several issues still need to be addressed, mostly connected to the peculiar characteristics of the passive bistatic scenario. Specifically, significant limitations may come from the continuous and time-varying nature of the typical waveforms of opportunity, not suitable for conventional space-time processing techniques. Moreover, the low directivity of the practical receiving antennas, paired with a bistatic omni-directional illumination, further increases the clutter Doppler bandwidth and results in the simultaneous reception of non-negligible clutter contributions from a very wide angular sector. Such contributions are likely to undergo an angle-dependent imbalance across the receiving channels, exacerbated by the use of low-cost hardware. This thesis takes research on mobile passive radar for surveillance applications one step further, finding solutions to tackle the main limitations deriving from the passive bistatic framework, while preserving the paradigm of a simple system architecture. Attention is devoted to the development of signal processing algorithms and operational strategies for multichannel mobile passive radar, focusing on space-time processing techniques aimed at clutter cancellation and slowly moving target detection and localization. First, a processing scheme based on the displaced phase centre antenna (DPCA) approach is considered, for dual-channel systems. The scheme offers a simple and effective solution for passive radar GMTI, but its cancellation performance can be severely compromised by the presence of angle-dependent imbalances affecting the receiving channels. Therefore, it is paired with adaptive clutter-based calibration techniques, specifically devised for mobile passive radar. By exploiting the fine Doppler resolution offered by the typical long integration times and the one-to-one relationship between angle of arrival and Doppler frequency of the stationary scatterers, the devised techniques compensate for the angle-dependent imbalances and prove largely necessary to guarantee an effective clutter cancellation. Then, the attention is focused on space-time adaptive processing (STAP) techniques for multichannel mobile passive radar. In this case, the clutter cancellation capability relies on the adaptivity of the space-time filter, by resorting to an adjacent-bin post-Doppler (ABPD) approach. This allows to significantly reduce the size of the adaptive problem and intrinsically compensate for potential angle-dependent channel errors, by operating on a clutter subspace accounting for a limited angular sector. Therefore, ad hoc strategies are devised to counteract the effects of channel imbalance on the moving target detection and localization performance. By exploiting the clutter echoes to correct the spatial steering vector mismatch, the proposed STAP scheme is shown to enable an accurate estimation of target direction of arrival (DOA), which represents a critical task in system featuring few wide beam antennas. Finally, a dual cancelled channel STAP scheme is proposed, aimed at further reducing the system computational complexity and the number of required training data, compared to a conventional full-array solution. The proposed scheme simplifies the DOA estimation process and proves to be robust against the adaptivity losses commonly arising in a real bistatic clutter scenario, allowing effective operation even in the case of a limited sample support. The effectiveness of the techniques proposed in this work is validated by means of extensive simulated analyses and applications to real data, collected by an experimental multichannel passive radar installed on a moving platform and based on DVB-T transmission

    Symbol level decoding of Reed-Solomon codes with improved reliability information over fading channels

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    A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the School of Electrical and Information Engineering, 2016Reliable and e cient data transmission have been the subject of current research, most especially in realistic channels such as the Rayleigh fading channels. The focus of every new technique is to improve the transmission reliability and to increase the transmission capacity of the communication links for more information to be transmitted. Modulation schemes such as M-ary Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (M-QAM) and Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) were developed to increase the transmission capacity of communication links without additional bandwidth expansion, and to reduce the design complexity of communication systems. On the contrary, due to the varying nature of communication channels, the message transmission reliability is subjected to a couple of factors. These factors include the channel estimation techniques and Forward Error Correction schemes (FEC) used in improving the message reliability. Innumerable channel estimation techniques have been proposed independently, and in combination with di erent FEC schemes in order to improve the message reliability. The emphasis have been to improve the channel estimation performance, bandwidth and power consumption, and the implementation time complexity of the estimation techniques. Of particular interest, FEC schemes such as Reed-Solomon (RS) codes, Turbo codes, Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) codes, Hamming codes, and Permutation codes, are proposed to improve the message transmission reliability of communication links. Turbo and LDPC codes have been used extensively to combat the varying nature of communication channels, most especially in joint iterative channel estimation and decoding receiver structures. In this thesis, attention is focused on using RS codes to improve the message reliability of a communication link because RS codes have good capability of correcting random and burst errors, and are useful in di erent wireless applications. This study concentrates on symbol level soft decision decoding of RS codes. In this regards, a novel symbol level iterative soft decision decoder for RS codes based on parity-check equations is developed. This Parity-check matrix Transformation Algorithm (PTA) is based on the soft reliability information derived from the channel output in order to perform syndrome checks in an iterative process. Performance analysis verify that this developed PTA outperforms the conventional RS hard decision decoding algorithms and the symbol level Koetter and Vardy (KV ) RS soft decision decoding algorithm. In addition, this thesis develops an improved Distance Metric (DM) method of deriving reliability information over Rayleigh fading channels for combined demodulation with symbol level RS soft decision decoding algorithms. The newly proposed DM method incorporates the channel state information in deriving the soft reliability information over Rayleigh fading channels. Analysis verify that this developed metric enhances the performance of symbol level RS soft decision decoders in comparison with the conventional method. Although, in this thesis, the performance of the developed DM method of deriving soft reliability information over Rayleigh fading channels is only veri ed for symbol level RS soft decision decoders, it is applicable to any symbol level soft decision decoding FEC scheme. Besides, the performance of the all FEC decoding schemes plummet as a result of the Rayleigh fading channels. This engender the development of joint iterative channel estimation and decoding receiver structures in order to improve the message reliability, most especially with Turbo and LDPC codes as the FEC schemes. As such, this thesis develops the rst joint iterative channel estimation and Reed- Solomon decoding receiver structure. Essentially, the joint iterative channel estimation and RS decoding receiver is developed based on the existing symbol level soft decision KV algorithm. Consequently, the joint iterative channel estimation and RS decoding receiver is extended to the developed RS parity-check matrix transformation algorithm. The PTA provides design ease and exibility, and lesser computational time complexity in an iterative receiver structure in comparison with the KV algorithm. Generally, the ndings of this thesis are relevant in improving the message transmission reliability of a communication link with RS codes. For instance, it is pertinent to numerous data transmission technologies such as Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB), Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB), Digital Subscriber Line (DSL), WiMAX, and long distance satellite communications. Equally, the developed, less computationally intensive, and performance e cient symbol level decoding algorithm for RS codes can be use in consumer technologies like compact disc and digital versatile disc.GS201

    A combined channel-modified adaptive array MMSE canceller and viterbi equalizer

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    In this thesis, a very simple scheme is proposed which couples a maximum-likelihood sequence estimator (MLSE) with a X-element canceller. The method makes use of the MLSE\u27s channel estimator to modify the locally generated training sequence used to calculate the antenna array weights. This method will increase the array\u27s degree of freedom for interference cancellation by allowing the dispersive, desired signal to pass through the array undisturbed. Temporal equalization of the desired signal is then accomplished using maximum-likelihood sequence estimation. The T-spaced channel estimator coefficients and the array weights are obtained simultaneously using the minimum mean square error criteria. The result is a X-element receiver structure capable of canceling X- 1 in-band interferences without compromising temporal equalization

    Waveform Advancements and Synchronization Techniques for Generalized Frequency Division Multiplexing

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    To enable a new level of connectivity among machines as well as between people and machines, future wireless applications will demand higher requirements on data rates, response time, and reliability from the communication system. This will lead to a different system design, comprising a wide range of deployment scenarios. One important aspect is the evolution of physical layer (PHY), specifically the waveform modulation. The novel generalized frequency division multiplexing (GFDM) technique is a prominent proposal for a flexible block filtered multicarrier modulation. This thesis introduces an advanced GFDM concept that enables the emulation of other prominent waveform candidates in scenarios where they perform best. Hence, a unique modulation framework is presented that is capable of addressing a wide range of scenarios and to upgrade the PHY for 5G networks. In particular, for a subset of system parameters of the modulation framework, the problem of symbol time offset (STO) and carrier frequency offset (CFO) estimation is investigated and synchronization approaches, which can operate in burst and continuous transmissions, are designed. The first part of this work presents the modulation principles of prominent 5G candidate waveforms and then focuses on the GFDM basic and advanced attributes. The GFDM concept is extended towards the use of OQAM, introducing the novel frequency-shift OQAM-GFDM, and a new low complexity model based on signal processing carried out in the time domain. A new prototype filter proposal highlights the benefits obtained in terms of a reduced out-of-band (OOB) radiation and more attractive hardware implementation cost. With proper parameterization of the advanced GFDM, the achieved gains are applicable to other filtered OFDM waveforms. In the second part, a search approach for estimating STO and CFO in GFDM is evaluated. A self-interference metric is proposed to quantify the effective SNR penalty caused by the residual time and frequency misalignment or intrinsic inter-symbol interference (ISI) and inter-carrier interference (ICI) for arbitrary pulse shape design in GFDM. In particular, the ICI can be used as a non-data aided approach for frequency estimation. Then, GFDM training sequences, defined either as an isolated preamble or embedded as a midamble or pseudo-circular pre/post-amble, are designed. Simulations show better OOB emission and good estimation results, either comparable or superior, to state-of-the-art OFDM system in wireless channels