5 research outputs found

    Modality, Weights, and Inconsistent Premise Sets

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    Normative Requirements and Contrary-to-Duty Obligations

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    Donald Nute (ed.): Defeasible Deontic Logic

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    Conflicting reasons, unconflicting ‘ought’s

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    One of the popular albeit controversial ideas in the last century of moral philosophy is that what we ought to do is explained by our reasons. And one of the central features of reasons that accounts for their popularity among normative theorists is that they can conflict. But I argue that the fact that reasons conflict actually also poses two closely related problems for this popular idea in moral philosophy. The first problem is a generalization of a problem in deontic logic concerning the existence of conflicting obligations. The second problem arises from a tension between the fact that reasons can conflict and a model of how reasons explain ‘ought’s that has been widely accepted. Having presented each of these problems, I develop a unified solution to them that is informed by results in both ethics and deontic logic. An important implication of this solution is that we must distinguish between derivative and nonderivative reasons and revise our conception how it is that reasons explain ‘ought’s

    Ponderação e proporcionalidade: uma teoria analítica do raciocínio constitucional

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    A presente tese procede ao estudo teórico dos conceitos jurídicos da ponderação e da proporcionalidade. Para esse efeito, são individuados e qualificados normativamente cada um desses conceitos, são identificadas as respectivas condições de relevância normativa, e são apuradas as relações conceptuais que os conectam. Em concreto, após a enunciação das respectivas pressuposições teóricas — designadamente, o reconhecimento da derrotabilidade como propriedade definitória das normas jurídicas — e das respectivas condições de relevância jurídica — designadamente, a verificação de conflitos normativos irresolúveis intra-sistemicamente, como amiúde sucede com os conflitos com normas constitucionais atributivas de direitos e liberdades fundamentais —, formula-se uma teoria geral acerca da ponderação enquanto operação intelectual de estabelecimento autónomo de preferências normativas, no âmbito da qual se explora o discurso das razões para a acção como elemento decisivo para a justificação dos juízos ponderativos. Em função da relação que a une à operação ponderativa, é também exaurida a estrutura e comportamento da norma da proporcionalidade, sendo ainda autonomizada a operação de segunda ordem da pesagem, que responde particularisticamente às propriedades dos casos concretos e é indispensável para a justificação dos valores a atribuir às intensidades das restrições a direitos fundamentais. No contexto da análise da proporcionalidade, é ainda analisada e rejeitada a existência de um autónomo princípio da proibição da insuficiência aplicável aos direitos positivos, como é também estudada a possibilidade de deferência judicial no quadro regulativo que a proporcionalidade empresta aos juízos ponderativos. Por tomar o domínio constitucional como base de trabalho e por se inserir na tradição da filosofia analítica, a tese acaba por consubstanciar, mais genericamente, uma teoria analítica do raciocínio constitucional.This PhD thesis aims at the theoretical study of the legal concepts of balancing and proportionality. For that purpose, each of these concepts is identified and normatively qualified, the respective conditions of normative relevance are made explicit, and the conceptual relationships connecting them are ascertained. Specifically, after the enunciation of the respective theoretical presuppositions—namely, the recognition of defeasibility as a defining property of legal norms—and of the respective conditions of legal relevance—namely, the verification of irresolvable intra-systemic normative conflicts, as often happens with conflicts with constitutional norms attributing fundamental rights and freedoms—, it is articulated a general theory of balancing as an intellectual operation of autonomous establishment of normative preferences, in the context of which the discourse of reasons for action is explored as a decisive element for the justification of balancing judgements. Due to the relationship that links it to the balancing operation, the structure and behaviour of the proportionality norm is also fully examined; and it is autonomized a second-order operation of weighing, which responds particularistically to the properties of concrete cases and is indispensable for the justification of the values to be attributed to the intensities of the restrictions to fundamental rights. In the context of the analysis of proportionality, the existence of an autonomous principle of the prohibition of insufficiency of action applicable to positive rights is also studied and rejected, as is the possibility of judicial deference in the regulatory framework that proportionality lends to balancing judgements. By taking the constitutional domain as a working basis and by inserting itself in the tradition of analytical philosophy, the thesis ends up consubstantiating, more generally, an analytical theory of constitutional reasoning