1,412 research outputs found

    Efficient edge domination in regular graphs

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    An induced matching of a graph G is a matching having no two edges joined by an edge. An efficient edge dominating set of G is an induced matching M such that every other edge of G is adjacent to some edge in M. We relate maximum induced matchings and efficient edge dominating sets, showing that efficient edge dominating sets are maximum induced matchings, and that maximum induced matchings on regular graphs with efficient edge dominating sets are efficient edge dominating sets. A necessary condition for the existence of efficient edge dominating sets in terms of spectra of graphs is established. We also prove that, for arbitrary fixed p 3, deciding on the existence of efficient edge dominating sets on p-regular graphs is NP-complet

    The growth rate over trees of any family of set defined by a monadic second order formula is semi-computable

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    Monadic second order logic can be used to express many classical notions of sets of vertices of a graph as for instance: dominating sets, induced matchings, perfect codes, independent sets or irredundant sets. Bounds on the number of sets of any such family of sets are interesting from a combinatorial point of view and have algorithmic applications. Many such bounds on different families of sets over different classes of graphs are already provided in the literature. In particular, Rote recently showed that the number of minimal dominating sets in trees of order nn is at most 95n1395^{\frac{n}{13}} and that this bound is asymptotically sharp up to a multiplicative constant. We build on his work to show that what he did for minimal dominating sets can be done for any family of sets definable by a monadic second order formula. We first show that, for any monadic second order formula over graphs that characterizes a given kind of subset of its vertices, the maximal number of such sets in a tree can be expressed as the \textit{growth rate of a bilinear system}. This mostly relies on well known links between monadic second order logic over trees and tree automata and basic tree automata manipulations. Then we show that this "growth rate" of a bilinear system can be approximated from above.We then use our implementation of this result to provide bounds on the number of independent dominating sets, total perfect dominating sets, induced matchings, maximal induced matchings, minimal perfect dominating sets, perfect codes and maximal irredundant sets on trees. We also solve a question from D. Y. Kang et al. regarding rr-matchings and improve a bound from G\'orska and Skupie\'n on the number of maximal matchings on trees. Remark that this approach is easily generalizable to graphs of bounded tree width or clique width (or any similar class of graphs where tree automata are meaningful)

    On Minimum Maximal Distance-k Matchings

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    We study the computational complexity of several problems connected with finding a maximal distance-kk matching of minimum cardinality or minimum weight in a given graph. We introduce the class of kk-equimatchable graphs which is an edge analogue of kk-equipackable graphs. We prove that the recognition of kk-equimatchable graphs is co-NP-complete for any fixed k2k \ge 2. We provide a simple characterization for the class of strongly chordal graphs with equal kk-packing and kk-domination numbers. We also prove that for any fixed integer 1\ell \ge 1 the problem of finding a minimum weight maximal distance-22\ell matching and the problem of finding a minimum weight (21)(2 \ell - 1)-independent dominating set cannot be approximated in polynomial time in chordal graphs within a factor of δlnV(G)\delta \ln |V(G)| unless P=NP\mathrm{P} = \mathrm{NP}, where δ\delta is a fixed constant (thereby improving the NP-hardness result of Chang for the independent domination case). Finally, we show the NP-hardness of the minimum maximal induced matching and independent dominating set problems in large-girth planar graphs.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure