4 research outputs found

    Synthesizing Iterators from Abstraction Functions

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    A technique for synthesizing iterators from declarative abstraction functions written in a relational logic specification language is described. The logic includes a transitive closure operator that makes it convenient for expressing reachability queries on linked data structures. Some optimizations, including tuple elimination, iterator flattening, and traversal state reduction, are used to improve performance of the generated iterators. A case study demonstrates that most of the iterators in the widely used JDK Collections classes can be replaced with code synthesized from declarative abstraction functions. These synthesized iterators perform competitively with the hand-written originals. In a user study the synthesized iterators always passed more test cases than the hand-written ones, were almost always as efficient, usually took less programmer effort, and were the qualitative preference of all participants who provided free-form comments

    A meta-language and framework for aspect-oriented programming

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Informática e Computação. Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Engenharia. 201

    Domain-Specific Languages and Program Generation with Meta-AspectJ

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    Meta-AspectJ (MAJ) is a language for generating AspectJ programs using code templates. MAJ itself is an extension of Java, so users can interleave arbitrary Java code with AspectJ code templates. MAJ is a structured meta-programming tool: a well-typed generator implies a syntactically correct generated program. MAJ promotes a methodology that combines aspect-oriented and generative programming. A valuable application is in implementing small domain-specific language extensions as generators using unobtrusive annotations for syntax extension and AspectJ as a back-end. The advantages of this approach are twofold. First, the generator integrates into an existing software application much as a regular API or library, instead of as a language extension. Second, a mature language implementation is easy to achieve with little effort since AspectJ takes care of the low-level issues of interfacing with the base Java language. In addition to its practical value, MAJ offers valuable insights to meta-programming tool designers. It is a mature meta-programming tool for AspectJ (and, by extension, Java): a lot of emphasis has been placed on context-sensitive parsing and error-reporting. As a result, MAJ minimizes the number of meta-programming (quote/unquote) operators and uses type inference to reduce the need to remember type names for syntactic entities