6 research outputs found

    Revisão sistemática da evolução MVC na base ACM

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    O MVC (Model-View-Controller) é um padrão ou arquitetura de desenvolvimento que particionou o processo de criação e manutenção de sistemas buscando a escalabilidade e eficiência da aplicação. No entanto, um projeto pode ter peculiaridades e necessidades que a arquitetura MVC não satisfaz, o que induz a geração de estudos que analisam a aplicabilidade de evoluções propostas neste padrão. Por esta razão, foi realizada uma revisão sistemática com o objetivo de reunir os estudos relevantes sobre a evolução do MVC na base da ACM (Association for Computing Machinery). Esta iniciativa compõe parte dos requisitos da disciplina de Metodologia Científica do curso de Ciência da Computação da Universidade Federal do Tocantins, Brasil. A procura e seleção dos estudos foi baseada em técnicas de busca e critérios de escolha. Com relação aos estudos encontrados, percebemos que a evolução com base na arquitetura MVC atende às diversas carências no desenvolvimento e manutenção de um software, e se torna necessária nos casos em que as camadas Modelo, Visão e Controle atingem alguns resultados, porém, a criação de novas camadas ou funcionalidades completaria a satisfação das exigências do sistema. Concluímos que a revisão sistemática gerou resultados positivos no aprendizado, visto que superou as expectativas na síntese de dados relevantes extraídos de publicações distintas.The MVC (Model-View-Controller) is a standard architecture or development that partitioned the process of creating and maintaining systems seeking scalability and efficiency of the application. However, a project may have quirks and needs that do not satisfy the MVC architecture, which induces the generation of studies that examine the applicability of proposed changes in this pattern. For this reason, we performed a systematic review in order to gather the relevant studies on the evolution of the MVC at the base of the ACM (Association for Computing Machinery). This initiative consists of the requisitos the discipline of scientific methodology of the course of Computer Science, Federal University of Tocantins, Brazil. The search and selection of studies was based on search techniques and selection criteria. Regarding the studies, we realize that evolution based on MVC architecture meets the diverse needs in developing and maintaining software, and is necessary in cases where the layers Model, View and control reach some results, however, the creation new layers or features complement to meet the requirements of the system. We conclude that the systematic review has generated positive results in learning, since exceeded expectations in the synthesis of relevant data extracted from various publications.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Isolation and Dependency Resolution of Presentation, Processing and Persistence

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    For business application development it is important to isolate programming efforts of the concerns: Presentation, Processing and Persistence. Development of each of these concerns has an independent thinking process and requires somewhat different programming languages and development tools. In order to isolate the concerns, we provide passages between the concerns and control the flow of execution by following essentially three rules: 1. Presentation and Processing are coroutines, 2. Processing is finished before Presentation can begin to show output, and 3. Persistence is a subsystem of Processing. We explain how these rules come to existence, and what the implications are in the thesis. By following the rules, a Turing complete Presentation capable of pulling web resource from the server interactively cannot lead a programmer to write code tangling Presentation and Processing. We analyze our design and develop systems in Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 settings. For the latter setting, the system has multiple business component/service dependencies where some of the components run in the browser and some in the server. We show that such distributed component dependency can be resolved while keeping the isolation in place

    A novel model for improving the maintainability of web-based systems

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    Web applications incorporate important business assets and offer a convenient way for businesses to promote their services through the internet. Many of these web applica- tions have evolved from simple HTML pages to complex applications that have a high maintenance cost. This is due to the inherent characteristics of web applications, to the fast internet evolution and to the pressing market which imposes short development cycles and frequent modifications. In order to control the maintenance cost, quantita- tive metrics and models for predicting web applications’ maintainability must be used. Maintainability metrics and models can be useful for predicting maintenance cost, risky components and can help in assessing and choosing between different software artifacts. Since, web applications are different from traditional software systems, models and met- rics for traditional systems can not be applied with confidence to web applications. Web applications have special features such as hypertext structure, dynamic code generation and heterogenousity that can not be captured by traditional and object-oriented metrics. This research explores empirically the relationships between new UML design met- rics based on Conallen’s extension for web applications and maintainability. UML web design metrics are used to gauge whether the maintainability of a system can be im- proved by comparing and correlating the results with different measures of maintain- ability. We studied the relationship between our UML metrics and the following main- tainability measures: Understandability Time (the time spent on understanding the soft- ware artifact in order to complete the questionnaire), Modifiability Time(the time spent on identifying places for modification and making those modifications on the software artifact), LOC (absolute net value of the total number of lines added and deleted for com- ponents in a class diagram), and nRev (total number of revisions for components in a class diagram). Our results gave an indication that there is a possibility for a relationship to exist between our metrics and modifiability time. However, the results did not show statistical significance on the effect of the metrics on understandability time. Our results showed that there is a relationship between our metrics and LOC(Lines of Code). We found that the following metrics NAssoc, NClientScriptsComp, NServerScriptsComp, and CoupEntropy explained the effort measured by LOC(Lines of Code). We found that NC, and CoupEntropy metrics explained the effort measured by nRev(Number of Revi- sions). Our results give a first indication of the usefulness of the UML design metrics, they show that there is a reasonable chance that useful prediction models can be built from early UML design metrics

    A software-framework for the development of business application systems based on business process models

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    Die Geschäftsprozessmodellierung hat sich in der Praxis als Grundlage für die Ableitung fachlicher Anforderungen an betriebliche Anwendungssysteme weitgehend etabliert. Die anschließende Übertragung der fachlichen Modelle auf eine software-technische Implementierungsplattform bedeutet hingegen häufig einen methodischen Bruch und ist daher sehr aufwändig sowie komplex. Eine software-technische Implementierungsplattform, deren Konzepte sich an den Fachkonzepten der Geschäftsprozessmodellierung orientieren, kann diesen Übergang vereinfachen und die Systementwicklungsaufgabe hinsichtlich Aufwand und Komplexität deutlich verringern. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt die Konzeption und Realisierung eines Software-Frameworks als flexible Basismaschine für die Entwicklung betrieblicher Anwendungssysteme auf Basis der SOM-Methodik. Das Framework bietet ausgehend von den fachlichen Modellen des Anwendungssystems anwendungsneutrale Software-Komponenten zu dessen vollständiger software-technischer Abbildung.Business process modeling is in practice an established way to deduct business and functional requirements for business application systems. The subsequent mapping of such business models onto a software-technical implementation platform usually implies a methodic break and is in consequence both costly and complex. A software-technical implementation platform, in contrast, whose concepts are aligned with the functional concepts of business process modeling, can simplify this transition and significantly reduce the task of application development regarding effort and complexity. This thesis describes the conception and implementation of a software-framework as a flexible basis machine for the development of business application systems based on the SOM-methodology. Based on the methodology‘s functional models of an application system the framework offers application-neutral software-components for a comprehensive mapping of the model and implementation of the application

    Domain driven web development with WebJinn

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    Web application development cuts across the HTTP protocol, the client-side presentation language (HTML, XML), the server-side technology (Servlets, JSP, ASP, PHP), and the underlying resource (files, database, information system). Consequently, web develop-ment concerns including functionality, presentation, control, and structure cross-cut, leading to tangled and scattered code that is hard to develop, maintain, and reuse. In this paper we analyze the cause, consequence, and remedy for this crosscutting. We dis-tinguish between intra-crosscutting that results in code tangling and inter-crosscutting that results in code scattering. To resolve inter-crosscutting, we present a new web application development model named XP that introduces extension points as place-holders for structure-dependent code. We present another model named DDD that incorporates XP into the Model-View-Controller (MVC