7 research outputs found

    Domain Adaptation For Vehicle Detection In Traffic Surveillance Images From Daytime To Nighttime

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    Vehicle detection in traffic surveillance images is an important approach to obtain vehicle data and rich traffic flow parameters. Recently, deep learning based methods have been widely used in vehicle detection with high accuracy and efficiency. However, deep learning based methods require a large number of manually labeled ground truths (bounding box of each vehicle in each image) to train the Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). In the modern urban surveillance cameras, there are already many manually labeled ground truths in daytime images for training CNN, while there are little or much less manually labeled ground truths in nighttime images. In this paper, we focus on the research to make maximum usage of labeled daytime images (Source Domain) to help the vehicle detection in unlabeled nighttime images (Target Domain). For this purpose, we propose a new method based on Faster R-CNN with Domain Adaptation (DA) to improve the vehicle detection at nighttime. With the assistance of DA, the domain distribution discrepancy of Source and Target Domains is reduced. We collected a new dataset of 2,200 traffic images (1,200 for daytime and 1,000 for nighttime) of 57,059 vehicles for training and testing CNN. In the experiment, only using the manually labeled ground truths of daytime data, Faster R- CNN obtained 82.84% as F-measure on the nighttime vehicle detection, while the proposed method (Faster R-CNN+DA) achieved 86.39% as F-measure on the nighttime vehicle detection

    A hybrid CUDA, OpenMP, and MPI parallel TCA-based domain adaptation for classification of very high-resolution remote sensing images

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    Domain Adaptation (DA) is a technique that aims at extracting information from a labeled remote sensing image to allow classifying a different image obtained by the same sensor but at a different geographical location. This is a very complex problem from the computational point of view, specially due to the very high-resolution of multispectral images. TCANet is a deep learning neural network for DA classification problems that has been proven as very accurate for solving them. TCANet consists of several stages based on the application of convolutional filters obtained through Transfer Component Analysis (TCA) computed over the input images. It does not require backpropagation training, in contrast to the usual CNN-based networks, as the convolutional filters are directly computed based on the TCA transform applied over the training samples. In this paper, a hybrid parallel TCA-based domain adaptation technique for solving the classification of very high-resolution multispectral images is presented. It is designed for efficient execution on a multi-node computer by using Message Passing Interface (MPI), exploiting the available Graphical Processing Units (GPUs), and making efficient use of each multicore node by using Open Multi-Processing (OpenMP). As a result, an accurate DA technique from the point of view of classification and with high speedup values over the sequential version is obtained, increasing the applicability of the technique to real problemsOpen Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This work was supported in part by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Government of Spain (grant numbers PID2019-104834GB-I00 and TED2021-130367B-I00), the Consellería de Educación, Universidade e Formación Profesional (grant number 2019–2022 ED431G-2019/04 and 2021–2024 ED431C 2022/16), and by the Junta de Castilla y León (project VA226P20 (PROPHET II Project)). All are co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)S

    Computer Vision for Inventory Management

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    Deep learning is a subset of machine learning that extracts high-level features from raw data over multiple layers. Deep learning for computer vision has become more popular in the last few years, but the data and resource requirements make it difficult to implement on Internet of Things (IoT) devices. This work aims at providing a series of techniques that can alleviate some of the strain caused by these requirements in order to make a computer vision system for inventory management more feasible. These techniques include data collection, data preprocessing, transfer learning, and a method for intelligently growing a dataset throughout the lifetime of the system. The techniques laid out in this thesis are a combination of existing and proposed techniques to aid in the use of a computer vision system throughout its lifecycle

    Unsupervised domain adaptation semantic segmentation of high-resolution remote sensing imagery with invariant domain-level prototype memory

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    Semantic segmentation is a key technique involved in automatic interpretation of high-resolution remote sensing (HRS) imagery and has drawn much attention in the remote sensing community. Deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs) have been successfully applied to the HRS imagery semantic segmentation task due to their hierarchical representation ability. However, the heavy dependency on a large number of training data with dense annotation and the sensitiveness to the variation of data distribution severely restrict the potential application of DCNNs for the semantic segmentation of HRS imagery. This study proposes a novel unsupervised domain adaptation semantic segmentation network (MemoryAdaptNet) for the semantic segmentation of HRS imagery. MemoryAdaptNet constructs an output space adversarial learning scheme to bridge the domain distribution discrepancy between source domain and target domain and to narrow the influence of domain shift. Specifically, we embed an invariant feature memory module to store invariant domain-level context information because the features obtained from adversarial learning only tend to represent the variant feature of current limited inputs. This module is integrated by a category attention-driven invariant domain-level context aggregation module to current pseudo invariant feature for further augmenting the pixel representations. An entropy-based pseudo label filtering strategy is used to update the memory module with high-confident pseudo invariant feature of current target images. Extensive experiments under three cross-domain tasks indicate that our proposed MemoryAdaptNet is remarkably superior to the state-of-the-art methods.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures and 8 table

    Domain Adaptation for Convolutional Neural Networks-Based Remote Sensing Scene Classification

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