149,989 research outputs found

    Results of the 2010/2011 Hospice Patient Survey General Report

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    The 2010/11 survey is the fourth in a series of surveys on patient satisfaction with inpatient and daycare services. Carried out by Help the Hospices and the Centre for Health Services Studies at the University of Kent, with previous surveys being completed in 2004/05, 2006/07 and 2008/09. All hospices across the UK were invited to take part in the 2010/11 Patient Survey and 39 hospices participated between September 2010 and May 2011

    Complicated Choices: Struggling to Meet NCLB Requirements AND Remain Faithful to a School's Educational Vision and Practice

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    In an era of high-stakes accountability, school leaders often face contradictory pressures as they strive to improve student performance. They must meet the federal mandate of NCLB for student achievement; at the same time, many believe that NCLB constrains their professional judgment about how to best teach and assess students in the context of their own schools. The case of Baker, a K-8 school in Philadelphia, is illustrative. The case study discusses the complicated choices school leaders made as they attempted to meet the needs of all students. As Baker implemented the school district's highly prescriptive approach to curriculum and instruction, using a Managed Instruction System, it struggled to maintain its progressive educational philosophy and 'best' practices. The school's pedagogical goals included: student-centered and project-based learning, teaching for life-long learning, performance-based assessments, and an emphasis on higher order thinking. Baker was a successful learning community for students and adults, whose significant accomplishments were obscured by the fact that it never had made AYP. If the U.S. Department of Education had permitted the state to use its valued-added growth model, the Pennsylvania Value-Added Assessment, as an alternative to the status achievement metric that focused on the percentage of proficient students, Baker would have made AYP in 2006-07, the last year of this research

    Shaping the future for primary care education and training project. Best practise in education and training strategies for integrated health and social care: development of a benchmarking tool

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    Collaboration and partnership working between Higher Education and the NHS is an essential requirement for effective delivery of care (Universities UK 2003). The North West Universities Association (NWUA) and the North West Development Agency (NWDA) are two organisations at the forefront of creating such alliances. The research project, Shaping the Future for Primary Care Education and Training Project is a collaborative partnership between both these organisations and seven North West Higher Education Institutions. In addition, the project brings together for the first time all the key partners in the health, social care and education sectors who are involved in supporting the delivery of integrated health and social care in the North West Region

    Results of the 2004/2005 Hospice Patient Survey: General Report

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    The National Minimum Standards for Independent Healthcare, published in 2002 by the Care Standards Commission (now the Healthcare Commission) states that hospices are required to conduct an annual patient survey. In response to this, a Patient Survey group (with representation from independent hospices, Marie Curie Cancer Care and with input from the Care Standards Commission) was set up by Help the Hospices. Its goal was to develop a questionnaire suitable for use in all adult hospices

    Measuring the Quality of Mentor-Youth Relationships: A Tool for Mentoring Programs

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    Does my program work? This evaluation guide helps program coordinators answer that question by gauging the effectiveness of both individual relationships and the program as a whole through a simple 20-question survey given to youth. The data can be used to make a specific match stronger, as well as to determine future training needs, implement new policies, and measure program progress. The packet comes with reproducible surveys and scoring sheets

    Nonprofit Performance Management: Using Data to Measure and Improve Programs

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    Tracking and measuring data can give nonprofits a better understanding of the populations they serve and how they serve them. It can also help them identify areas they can improve to boost the reach and effectiveness of their programs. But many organizations struggle with the idea of using data.How do successful nonprofits go about the process of implementing their data practices? What software do they use? What are the obstacles they face, and how do they overcome them? To find out, we reached out to our network of experts and consultants for examples of organizations that were successfully using data to improve and direct their work, and narrowed their list of recommendations down to 10 nonprofits of different sizes, missions, and locations.We talked to staffers at each who were involved with data and analyzed the information we gathered for common themes, best practices, and any patterns that might be useful. We also asked them for advice for other organizations looking to replicate their successes and learn from their mistakes.From those 10 organizations, we chose seven for case studies about the different ways they were using data. This report is built around those case studies and the additional conversations we had

    Making the Most of Interim Assessment Data: Lessons from Philadelphia

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    Under No Child Left Behind, urban school districts have increasingly turned to interim assessments, administered at regular intervals, to help gauge student progress in advance of annual state exams. These assessments have spawned growing debate among educators, assessment experts, and the testing industry: are they worth the significant investment of money and time? In Making the Most of Interim Assessment Data: Lessons from Philadelphia, Research for Action (RFA) weighs in on this issue. The School District of Philadelphia (SDP) was an early adopter of interim assessments, implementing the exams in 2003. Unlike teachers in some other regions, Philadelphia elementary and middle grades teachers rated these 'Benchmark' assessments highly. However, the study found that enthusiasm did not necessarily correlate with higher rates of student achievement. What did predict student success were three factors -- instructional leadership, collective responsibility, and use of the SDP's Core Curriculum. The report underscores the value of investment in ongoing data interpretation that emphasizes teachers' learning within formal instructional communities, such as grade groups of teachers. This research was funded by the Spencer Foundation and the William Penn Foundation

    Aspirations to Achievement: Men of Color and Community Colleges

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    This report focuses on understanding the experiences of Latino and Black males at community colleges. Directed to community college educators, the report offers strategies colleges should consider as they work to strengthen those experiences so they lead to better outcomes. The report provides actionable, practical information based on analyses of data that have been gathered during two years, on opinions from experts in the field, as well as on results from students, faculty, and staff focus groups

    [Community Oriented Policing (COP) Evaluation]

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    An in-depth review of the use of force policies and practices used by the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD) was conducted after the alarming rate of officer involved shootings was publicized by the Las Vegas Review Journal (RJ) in 2011. The 75 recommendations handed down to LVMPD after the review not only helped guide the agency towards procedural and reporting changes, but also paved a way for the agency to begin rebuilding trust in police within the community. This program evaluation focuses on the community engagement efforts put forth by the Bolden Area Command (BAC) community oriented policing (COP) program, from events they sponsor to youth leagues they coach, in the realm of community engagement. The evaluation will serve as a tool to determine what works with community engagement and what opportunities may come. The ultimate goal of COP programs across the United States is to improve relations between the police and the communities they serve, building trust and mutual respect. This relationship building process is imperative to effectively address underlying issues and change negative behavioral patterns not only in Las Vegas, but across the country (U.S. Department of Justice, 2017)

    Benchmarking Philanthropy

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    The CEO's question of "How are we doing?" can strike fear into the hearts of executives responsible for corporate philanthropy. Unlike almost every other area of corporate activity, there are no tried and true methods for benchmarking philanthropic performance. Beyond counting the volunteer hours and dollars given away, companies are left to determine the value and impact of their philanthropy in a vacuum.Yet FSG has found that benchmarking philanthropic performance against industry peers is possible -- and extremely helpful in finding ways to increase both the business and social benefit of every dollar the company contributes. Many of the same principles that make benchmarking so important to other corporate activities, such as marketing, product development and sales, can be extended to a company's philanthropy -- and knowing how you are doing relative to your competitors turns out to be just as important in making good social investments as it does in making other kinds of investment decisions
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