3 research outputs found

    Proceedings of the ECIR2010 workshop on information access for personal media archives (IAPMA2010), Milton Keynes, UK, 28 March 2010

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    Towards e-Memories: challenges of capturing, summarising, presenting, understanding, using, and retrieving relevant information from heterogeneous data contained in personal media archives. This is the proceedings of the inaugural workshop on “Information Access for Personal Media Archives”. It is now possible to archive much of our life experiences in digital form using a variety of sources, e.g. blogs written, tweets made, social network status updates, photographs taken, videos seen, music heard, physiological monitoring, locations visited and environmentally sensed data of those places, details of people met, etc. Information can be captured from a myriad of personal information devices including desktop computers, PDAs, digital cameras, video and audio recorders, and various sensors, including GPS, Bluetooth, and biometric devices. In this workshop research from diverse disciplines was presented on how we can advance towards the goal of effective capture, retrieval and exploration of e-memories

    Affective Signals as Implicit Indicators of Information Relevancy and Information Processing Strategies

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    Search engines have become better in providing information to users, however, they still face major challenges such as determining how searchers process information, how they make relevance judgments, and how their cognitive or emotional state affect their search progress. We address these challenges by exploring searchers' affective dimension. In particular, we investigate how feelings, facial expressions, and electrodermal activity (EDA) could help to understand information relevancy, search progress, and information processing strategies (IPSs). To meet this goal, we designed an experiment with 45 participants exposed to affective stimuli prior solving a precision-oriented search task. Results indicate that initial affective states are linked to IPSs. In addition, we found that smiles act as implicit indicators of information relevancy and IPSs. Moreover, results convey that both smiles and EDA may serve as implicit indicators of progress and completion of search tasks. Findings from this work have practical implications in areas such as personalization and relevance feedback.ye

    Kognitive und Affektive Messewirkungsforschung. Eine empirische Analyse der Messewirkung anhand intendierter Unternehmensziele

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    Der Messewirkungsforschung wurde in der Vergangenheit und Gegenwart keine hinreichende Rolle zuerkannt. Die Frage nach dem Nachweis von Messen als kommunikativer Erfolgsfaktor sowie die gleichzeitige Forderung nach der Legitimation der hohen Messebudgets bilden den Ausgangspunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit. Ziel ist die Beantwortung der Frage, ob die Messewirkung anhand intendierter Unternehmensziele empirisch nachgewiesen werden kann. Dazu wurden drei Studien in einem innovativen und empirisch abgesicherten Methoden-Mix durchgeführt. Es konnte sowohl eine Verbesserung der Stimmung als auch des kognitiven Images von Volkswagen nach dem Standbesuch im Vergleich zu vorher berichtet und somit ein erster Beleg dafür erbracht werden, dass die Messewirkung anhand intendierter Unternehmensziele empirisch nachweisbar ist. Der Untersuchungsrahmen ermöglichte ferner eine Überprüfung des in der Literatur postulierten Zusammenhangs zwischen Stimmung und Informationsverarbeitung. Die gewonnenen Ergebnisse weisen jedoch für den Messekontext auf einen der Literatur entgegengesetzten Effekt hin. Die sich daraus ergebenden Fragestellungen für das Messemanagement und die wissenschaftliche Theoriebildung werden im Hinblick auf zukünftige Forschungen diskutiert.The research for trade fair effects has been neglected and unattended, both in the past and presence. The question of evidence for trade fairs as a communicative factor of success as well as the requirement for legitimating big trade fair budgets serve as initial point for the present work. The main objective is to answer the question whether trade fair effects concerning intended corporate goals can be empirically proven. For this purpose three studies were conducted in an innovative and empirically secured mix of methods. In comparing trade fair attendants` mood as well as brands` image before and after visiting the booth, a positive impact on both variables was detected. Thus, first evidence is provided that trade fair effects are empirically provable by means of intended corporate goals. Furthermore, the investigation frame enabled the examination of the coherence between mood and information processing, which is postulated in literature. However, the obtained results for the trade fair context indicate an effect, which is contradictory to current research. The emerging questions for trade fair management as well as for fundamental research are discussed with regard to possible future scientific work