8 research outputs found

    Does the XP environment meet the motivational needs of the software developer An empirical study

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    This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.---- Copyright IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE. --Original article can be found at: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/This paper examines how XP practice meets the motivational needs of software developers. Interactions with peers have been identified by others as one potential area of (de)motivation but little detail is known. The nature of this motivator, as expressed by software developers themselves, was explored through semi-structured interviews with a high maturity high performing team working on safety critical software applications in a traditional environment. From these interviews, we have identified seven themes which are characteristic indicators of peer motivation. We interrogate observational data from five mature XP teams to consider whether and how these characteristic indicators are present in an XP environment. We find that XP teams in our study had processes in place that supported many of the motivational needs voiced by developers coming from a traditional, heavyweight software development environment. However, the XP environment is at odds with other motivational needs

    Towards Understanding Motivation in Software Engineering

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    ABSTRACT Understanding motivation of software engineers has important implications for industrial practice. Motivation is a complex construct that seems to be affected by diverse environmental conditions and is likely to be moderated by personality and individual values, beliefs, and needs. Although research on motivation in software engineering has made important scientific progress, the majority of the methods adopted quantitative approaches, towards generalizable statements. Given the complexity of the human behavior, contextualized and explanatory theories are needed to account for this diversity. This article describes a research agenda of a PhD project that aims to build explanatory theories of motivation in software organizations. As research approach, it brings together qualitative evidence-based empirical methods such as systematic literature review, case studies and meta-ethnography. Research phases, current status, threats to validity and future plans are described in details but, since it is an ongoing work, it claims for feedback from the community in order to improve the general research consistency and credibility

    Motivation and Satisfaction of Software Engineers

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    Context: The proper management of people can help software organisations to achieve higher levels of success. However, the limited attention paid to the appropriate use of theories to underpin the research in this area leaves it unclear how to deal with human aspects of software engineers, such as motivation and satisfaction. Objectives: This article aims to expose what drives the motivation and satisfaction of software engineers at work. Methods: A multiple case study was conducted at four software organisations in Brazil. For 11 months, data was collected using semi-structured interviews, diary studies, and document analyses. Results: The Theory of Motivation and Satisfaction of Software Engineers (TMS-SE), presented in this article, combines elements from well established theories with new findings, and translates them into the software engineering context. Conclusion: The TMS-SE advances the understanding of people management in the software engineering field and presents a strong conceptual framework for future investigations in this area

    Using Organizational, Coordination, and Contingency Theories to Examine Project Manager Insights on Agile and Traditional Success Factors for Information Technology Projects

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    Two dominant research views addressing disappointing success rates for information technology (IT) projects suggest project success may depend on the presence of a large number of critical success factors or advocate for agile project management as an alternative to traditional practice. However, after two decades of research, success rates remain low, and the role of critical success factors or project management approach remains unclear. The purpose of this study was to use views of experienced project managers to explore the contribution of success factors and management approach to project success. Applying organizational, coordination, and contingency theories, the research questions examined IT project manager perceptions about success factors, how those success factors interrelate, and the role of management approach in project success. A Q methodology mixed method design was used to analyze subjective insights of project managers about the important critical success factors for IT projects. Two critical success factors emerged as important: a sustained commitment from upper management to the project and clear, measurable project goals and objectives. Three composite factors also surfaced representing the importance of people-project interactions, user/client involvement, and traditional project management tasks. The analyses found no broad support for agile project management and could not confirm principles of organizational or coordination theories as critical for project success. However, a contingent relationship might exist between some critical success factors and merits further investigation. Helping the project management community understand IT project success factors could improve project execution and reduce failure rates leading to sizeable savings for project clients

    Multi-factor motivation model in software engineering environments

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    In software engineering environments, motivation has become an imperative tool for increasing the productivity and creativity levels of projects. The aim of this research is to develop a validated conceptual multifactor and motivating model that represents the interaction between the organisational, occupational and interpersonal factors in software engineering environments. However, the application of well-known motivation tools cannot guarantee high motivational levels among the members of software engineering teams. Therefore, several phenomena have been monitored and empirically tested related to the daily practices in the software engineering industry. Reviewing the literature on motivation in software engineering uncovered a list of influential factors that could motivate individuals in the workplace. These factors have been suggested as being grouped into three categories (interpersonal, occupational and organisational). The literature review stage was followed by a preliminary study to discuss and validate these factors in greater detail by interviewing eight experts drawn from the software engineering industry. The preliminary study provided this research with an initial conceptual model that could broaden the understanding of the recent state of motivation in software engineering environments. The initial model was validated and expanded by conducting two types of research (quantitative and qualitative) based on the type of information gleaned. Accordingly, 208 experienced software engineers and members of teams in the software development industry were involved in this research. The results from this research revealed a statistically significant interaction between factors from different categories (interpersonal, occupational and organisational). This interaction has helped in developing an updated new model of motivation in software engineering. In addition, the application of motivation theories in software engineering could be affected by some work-related factors. These factors were found in this research to be member role, contract types, age, organisational structure and citizenship status. Thus, all these factors have been given a high consideration when designing rewards systems in software engineering

    Agilizando lo ágil: un framework para la desarrollo de software bajo el modelo CMMI en compañías que usan metodologías ágiles de desarrollo de software usando el modelo acelerado de implementación (AIM)

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    Con este trabajo se pretende presentar una guía para que las organizaciones cuyo ciclo de vida de desarrollo de software se enmarcan dentro de las metodologías ágiles de desarrollo puedan mapear las prácticas de dicho ciclo de vida contra los objetivos genéricos, practicas genéricas, objetivos específicos y prácticas especificas del modelo CMMI niveles 2 y 3 y de esta forma puedan tener una guía para realizar la implementación del mismo usando el Método Acelerado de Implementación – AIM. Se presenta un modelo de herramienta que puede ser utilizado para medir el avance del proceso. / Abstract. This work aims to present a guide for organizations whose life cycle of software development are part of Agile development practices can map the lifecycle against generic goals, generic practices, specific objectives and practices CMMI model specific levels 2 and 3 and thus may have a guide for its implementation using the Accelerated implementation Method - AIM. We present a model tool that can be used to measure the progress of the process.Maestrí